Don’t suggest that I am merely presenting my own opinion when in fact I am citing what others have said. Why should I accept an opinion that cannot withstand scrutiny, especially when it doesn’t coincide with what sources of equal or greater gravity have said?*The conviction of right reason and the certainty of faith that human life, from its conception to natural death belongs to God and not to the human being, gives the human being that sacred character and personal dignity which the one legal and correct moral attitude inspires: profound respect. For the Lord of life said: “For your life-blood I will surely require a reckoning… for God made man in his own image” (Gen 9: 5-6). (BXVI)
The Creator himself has written the law of respect for life on the human heart: “If anyone sheds the blood of a man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has he made man”, is said in Genesis (9,6)*. (JPII, Evangelium vitae)
*The murderer is the worst enemy of his species, and consequently of nature. To the utmost of his power he destroys the universal work of God by the destruction of man, since God declares that He created all things for man’s sake. Nay, as it is forbidden in Genesis to take human life, because God created man to his own image and likeness, he who makes away with God’s image offers great injury to God, and almost seems to lay violent hands on God Himself! *(Catechism of Trent)
If the Pope were to deny that the death penalty could be an exercise of retributive justice, he would be overthrowing the tradition of two millennia of Catholic thought, denying the teaching of several previous popes, and contradicting the teaching of Scripture (notably in Genesis 9:5-6 and Romans 13:1-4). (Dulles)
*For your lifeblood I will surely require a reckoning… Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his own image. *
*The Old Testament always considered blood a sacred sign of life. This teaching remains necessary for all time. *(CCC 2260)
Where is anything suggesting that Gn 9:6 was not taken literally by the church? And this question remains entirely unanswered:*How convincing is our reverence for life if its mockers are suffered to live? *(J. Budziszewski)