So why are you not a “bigot” for turning away the non “well-vetted” ones?I may even invite the “well-vetted” ones inside.
Again, stop getting angry at people petitioning for asylum. It’s not illegal, and rest assured that with this country’s bigoted administration, they’ll turn these people away, and you’ll get your way about a country in which you don’t even live.
I mean besides the fact that you have a difference of opinion with the “bigoted administration” about who and how many should count as “well-vetted?”
My guess is that you and Trump would pretty much align regarding those whom you would allow into your house. It’s just that you appear to need some justification for maligning the “bigoted administration.”
Would you allow drug smugglers, rapists, or MS-13 members, into your house?
Would you allow a caravan of 30, 40 or 100 into your house where a few in that caravan could be or are drug smugglers, rapists, or MS-13 members?
Extrapolate from your house to the country, and explain to me, a foreign observer trying to understand the perplexing issue of why you claim to disagree with the “bigoted administration,” when you wouldn’t, ceteris parabus, act any differently if a smaller scale situation came to pass on your own street?
My understanding is that upwards of 94% of any claiming asylum are permitted to enter the country and remain for years before their status is judicially determined.
That would mean, if a hundred non-vetted asylum seekers showed up at your door, you would need to permit at least 94 of those to enter and have free access to your home for years before you would actually “vet” them. Would you accept those terms, or will you as an “UNbigoted administrator” relative to your home, simply let in the 94+ asylum seekers knowing only that they seek asylum, and nothing more?
So, apples to apples, why is the “bigoted administration” acting in a bigoted manner when refusing to be flooded by thousands of so-called “asylum seekers,” but you would not be if you exercised prudential judgement in not permitting a flood of 94 asylum seekers into your own home?
As for “stop getting angry,” why are you assuming anger on my part? Perhaps you are projecting your own emotional turmoil? I am a largely unaffected observer, remember, seeking to understand why your country seems so divided over what appears to be an easily decided issue.