America’s CHURCHES, along with other concerned secular organizations, and possibly even individuals/families of means, need to STEP UP and offer to SPONSOR these people.
Whatever happened to sponsorship of immigrants?
We were members of a (Protestant) church that sponsored 22 people from the Degar nation of Viet Nam (formerly the Montagnard peoples, who were allies of the U.S. during the Viet Nam war).
It was a fantastic experience that involved almost everyone in the church and brought the church together in a way that “Unity Rallies” and “church fellowship” never did.
The Degar that we sponsored were mainly single men, although we also sponsored a family of five (who actually lived with me and Mr. Peeps and our little Peeps for several months).
The refugees came to the U.S. with nothing, and they did not speak English other than “Hello.” They were Christians, so we had that in common.
All of us worked together to teach them how to be self-supporting American citizens. One of our members, a very dull businessman (at least we thought he was dull until then!), turned out to be their hero, as he visited them almost every day and helped them with many “business” type needs, e.g., he was able to persuade the city to bend the rule about multiple people living in the same apartment so that six of the men were able to share one apartment (it still was huge to them compared to what they were used to!).
Here’s my main point, everyone. Within a year, just one year, all of the Degar people were self-sufficient, living with no public aid and no charitable aid, working in jobs that provided them with an adequate living, and comfortable in American ways, including driving. They were inviting our church people over to their houses and apartments for meals, and contributing financially to our church and other charities.
So…my point is, rather than criticizing Pres. Trump and accusing conservatives and Republicans of being cruel, non-Christian, capitalistic, or pure evil–STEP UP and offer to sponsor an individual or family! HELP THEM! Stop expecting “big government” to do all the work and provide the monies.
This, IMO, would demonstrate TRUE CHRISTIAN LOVE and be a witness to the entire world. Not to mention, it would be the lifeline that the refugees need. I agree with the President that some of these people are “bad people” (criminals). But I think that the majority of these people truly are in need of a safe place where they can get a fresh start and have a happy, productive life, and I think that they are being used by people who don’t want Pres. Trump and conservatives to be in authority. The BEST WAY for Christians to respond to this is to cut through the politics and open up our purses, our churches, our homes and our hearts and provide the refugees with the refuge that they are looking for. SPONSORSHIP! It’s goodness and love.