Catholics, do you really want to support “Catholics” who self-appropriate the Name of the Church of our Lord, but have no interest in living it? Isn’t “cafeteria Catholicism” a travesty, a desecration, indeed a lie and a charade - a masquerade - a hypocrisy?
Biden during the debate last night referred to himself as an “Irish Catholic”. I wish he had added, “NOT one, however, who is faithful to the Faith.” He owes an apology to the Church AND to the Irish people, for abusing their good name.
Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion (CNA - Sept 29, 2020)
Biden during the debate last night referred to himself as an “Irish Catholic”. I wish he had added, “NOT one, however, who is faithful to the Faith.” He owes an apology to the Church AND to the Irish people, for abusing their good name.
Cardinal Burke: Biden should not receive Holy Communion (CNA - Sept 29, 2020)
…Biden “is not a Catholic in good standing and he should not approach to receive Holy Communion,” Burke said in an Aug. 31 interview with Thomas McKenna, who as head of an organization called Catholic Action for Faith and Family periodically conducts interviews with the cardinal.
“This is not a political statement, I don’t intend to get involved in recommending any candidate for office, but simply to state that a Catholic may not support abortion in any shape or form because it is one of the most grievous sins against human life, and has always been considered to be intrinsically evil and therefore to in any way support the act is a mortal sin.”
Asked specifically about Biden, Burke said he “has not only been actively supporting procured abortion in our country but has announced publicly in his campaign that he intends to make the practice of procured abortion available to everyone in the widest possible form and to repeal the restrictions on this practice which have been put in place.”
In the interview released this week, Burke responded to those who say that Catholics ought not judge the interior dispositions of pro-choice poltiicians…
“We judge people on the basis of objective facts. On their actions, their public record, their public statements, and certainly, Vice President Biden hasn’t left any doubt in anyone’s mind what his position is. He clearly knows what the Church’s teaching is,” [sic “Biden said” - probably intending “Burke said”].
“God put an order into the world, killing, directly killing an unborn human life is evil no matter how you look at it…,” Burke added.
“Our heart isn’t something that’s hidden, our heart manifests itself in our actions. As our Lord said, we know the tree by its fruit,” the cardinal said.
“Catholics going around announcing themselves, and then on the other hand being 100% in favor of abortion, or in favor of abortion in any way, give a great scandal,” Burke said.
“The Church’s teaching on aboriton will never change because it’s part of the natural moral law. It’s part of the law which God has written on every human heart, namely that human life is to be safeguarded, and protected and promoted.”