Card. Burke: "Biden is not a Catholic in good standing..."

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I did not say they were less sinful.

I don’t believe many pro-choice/abortion Catholics are still attending Mass and telling people they are Irish Catholics either …or using their faith in such a self serving manner …

I can’t imagine it would be beneficial to my career to proclaim my faith tradition even if I was a near perfect adherent …let alone proclaim I was Catholic out of oneside of my mouth while shouting how I support the very actions my Church says is intrinsically evil and sinful …

I guess some people can’t see there is a distinction …

Pandering for the Catholic vote …

And we wonder why our Church is struggling to keep Catholics engaged and faithful…Biden, Pelosi et al …mostly liberal left - who are held up as Catholic icons but who deny Church teaching are a huge reason IMHO
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It would be nice if there was a whole subforum called “US 2020 Election” and we could put every one of these 1000 threads about “Trump racism Biden abortion Altman Martin Burke said blablabla” into it so those of us who are tired of it could skip the whole thing.
Sadly, this is the cross we bear. (And it’s fairly small and will be over soon.)
I learned early on to value the Sanctity of Life, to vote for pro-life politicians.

The unborn deserve a voice, one may say “I’m worse than Biden” until they are blue in the face but remember please, the lives of others are at stake here. Now, does anything much happen because of what is written in forums? On twitter? Maybe not.
This is the greatest idea ever written on this forum.
Congratulations! You win the forum.
By popular demand, I will make the request in the Patrons section for such a subforum.

If any other Patrons would like to chime in with support on the request thread, please feel free.
I would like to see a subforum called “The Bull Session - Off-Topic Meanderings Welcome” 😁

Might you suggest that, while you’re at it?
OK guys, I put the request in…if you have the needed access, feel free to Like or Comment on my request thread in Patrons…
Request: Could we have a "US 2020 Elections" subforum? Patrons
I understand that during the 2016 elections, there were various forum rules on number of election topics started, as well as more real-time moderator interaction by known and named moderators. I am also aware that due to the shift to Discourse, cost concerns and possibly other concerns, we cannot have that type of setup this year for 2020. Nevertheless, a number of people have expressed dismay at the US election discussion taking over World News and many other threads. There are a number of …
There are often mitigating circumstances but I think those you see at Church are Catholics in good standing. You attend Mass regularly. Fairly simple
That doesn’t mean they are in good standing.
I learned early on to value the Sanctity of Life, to vote for pro-life politicians.
And how many lives have been spared by those politicians? Or is it a bait-and-switch, so that what we really end up with is lower taxes for the rich, deregulation of industries affecting the environment and worker safety, elimination of consumer protection, more student debt, fewer people with health insurance, etc.? I know you can cite as “progress” the appointment of conservative judges (who also just happen to support the bait-and-switch list above) and removal of funding for Planned Parenthood, but isn’t that just the means to the ultimate goal, which is to save lives? We know a good many of the bait-and-switch goals have been reached. What about the ultimate pro-life goal? Any evidence it has been affected?
That doesn’t mean they are in good standing.
Okay, change my words to “practicing Catholics”, I thought of that before.

We are dealing with a Democratic party that has even dabbled with infanticide, this is now beyond the abortion debate. We should know about this.
Catholics, do you really want to support “Catholics” who self-appropriate the Name of the Church of our Lord, but have no interest in living it? Isn’t “cafeteria Catholicism” a travesty, a desecration, indeed a lie and a charade - a masquerade - a hypocrisy?

Biden during the debate last night referred to himself as an “ Irish Catholic ”. I wish he had added, “NOT one, however, who is faithful to the Faith.” He owes an apology to the Church AND to the Irish people, for abusing their good name.
I appreciate this, standing up for life that Jesus created is nobel.
Cardinal Burke is not Joe Biden’s bishop, and as far as I know is not currently in charge of any diocese.
I know! At least this thread starts off with a nice dose of humor, if you enjoy irony, that is. Still, like every other American, he has his opinions, just like the OP has to get in his threads.

I guess we have 3 months to 4 years more of these threads. If we can put up with the re-occurring Trump bashing threads, I guess this will have to be taken with a grain of salt.
Looking at polls from the past five, ten, twenty years, I think that a small minority of Catholics would be considered “Catholics in good standing” when one looks at issues of birth control, marriage, and believing in the Real Presence.
this is both true, and very sad
I learned early on to value the Sanctity of Life, to vote for pro-life politicians.

The unborn deserve a voice, one may say “I’m worse than Biden” until they are blue in the face but remember please, the lives of others are at stake here. Now, does anything much happen because of what is written in forums? On twitter? Maybe not.
I think you’re missing the point of Tis’ post.

Most of people here are Catholics and presumably already convinced of the sanctity of life. Not all, however, are interested in Republican/Democrat debate threads.

This is, by the way, is a uniquely US-centered debate –on a US-born but now worldwide forum.

I value the sanctity of life, and I’m very much aware that lives are at stake; but I can’t vote for pro-life politicians, because where I live none has a remote chance of making it to national stature, unless their stance is “I’m personally opposed but I won’t change the law”. I’m French, living in Switzerland. There are others here from Great Britain, New Zealand, Brazil, Australia, Germany, Lebanon, Italy, Denmark, and probably a bunch of other countries which escape me right now. We live out our faith in entirely different political dynamics, and it would be nice to be able to skip over debates pertaining to a particular context which is nothing like ours, and to which we likely have nothing useful to contribute.
FYI, I note that Biden has not been in the Senate since 2009, or held public office in 4 years. I do not know why he would qualify more than anyone else who opposes abortion but does not think it should be illegal. The automatic excommunication is supposed to be for those who perform, obtain or materially assist in an abortion, so canon 1398 would not apply. Yes, he is dissenting from Church teaching on the question of whether abortion should be illegal, just like people dissent from Church teaching on the death penalty no being allowed. Dissent from doctrine is somewhat allowable, in a narrow range, based on conscience, if one tries to inform that conscience constantly. It is not the same as action to procure an abortion, or even dissenting from the fact that abortion is evil.
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I don’t care what you think of Biden, that’s a separate issue.

However, only Biden’s Bishop can excommunicate him and not all Bishops agree with Cardinal Burke. In fact, very few do.
I think you’re missing the point of Tis’ post.

Most of people here are Catholics and presumably already convinced of the sanctity of life. Not all, however, are interested in Republican/Democrat debate threads.

This is, by the way, is a uniquely US-centered debate –on a US-born but now worldwide forum.

I value the sanctity of life, and I’m very much aware that lives are at stake; but I can’t vote for pro-life politicians, because where I live none has a remote chance of making it to national stature, unless their stance is “I’m personally opposed but I won’t change the law”. I’m French, living in Switzerland. There are others here from Great Britain, New Zealand, Brazil, Australia, Germany, Lebanon, Italy, Denmark, and probably a bunch of other countries which escape me right now. We live out our faith in entirely different political dynamics, and it would be nice to be able to skip over debates pertaining to a particular context which is nothing like ours, and to which we likely have nothing useful to contribute.
Yes, well, the worse has been said of Trump in the world news forum and for a long time , we haven’t seen a new forum for that, which I would be all for… so, now, this is not exactly new. That was requested a long time ago. So, no, I don’t think I am missing the point!
And no, I’m not going to defend Biden saying his Bishop is not saying this. Nor am I going to compare myself to him and say I’ve probably done worse.

But hey! We are all objective and unbiased.

Thanks for the discourse.

France from my understanding, has no abortions after 12, 14 weeks. So, really what Democrats are supposing is unacceptable. We should not bow down.
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