What is the MSM? Confused.
Trusting clergy is an important issue.
I became a convert in an (unnamed) diocese that had a very long-time, very liberal, modernist bishop who oversaw many sad changes throughout the diocese over along time. Extensive wreckovations and church and Catholic School closings, for starters. This bishop’s bff was a (also longtime) bishop from a neighboring diocese, who was unsurprisingly convicted of long-term homo abuse recently, just before his hasty retirement. (I think the consequences were just the good people of the diocese who had to make the payouts). There were rainbow masses and his highpoint was a woman in sort-of vestments “consecrating” and holding up in the host that made national news.
Also, no priest in the whole diocese for the years I was there after converting EVER ONCE spoke ANYTHING about chastity, contraception or abortion - not once, and I never missed a Sunday Mass. Raising my son as a single Mom, this lack felt like an AFFRONT, actually. The clergy failed in a big way in that.
Coming from an evangelical Protestant Bible-based background (my own church at the time was run by local ex-Catholics), how I could see the local Catholic Church was run raised a LOT of red flags for me. MUCH lack in accountability& transparency for bishop and priests was glaring to me - that can’t be good, considering human nature. On top of that, they were trying so hard to be Protestant-like, and how ridiculous is that? Only Protestants do Protestant right! Truly, Catholics can only be a ridiculously poor imitation of Protestant.
My view of the local Catholics was that they were folk who were immensely rich, but acted like and believed they were but paupers.
However, the Masses on EWTN were a beacon to me, and also their programing and also websites including Catholic Answers helped me see what the Church truly is: the
Truth, the
whole deposit of Faith, and that made me Catholic.
But I not only saw problems in my local diocese, I saw it was happening in the Church in the country and the world. Particularly shocking to me was the USCCB conferences that began being aired when I first was converted and I was wondering how the church was run. That first televised conference was disconcerting for me. So deflating. I had a vision/general idea of what a bishops conference could and should be for shepherding God’s people, and this was so, so far, far short of that.
Which gets back to what you said here, Jim, about trusting or distrusting clergy. I think there is another choice:
withholding trust - until you see
reason to increase trust. As soon as the priest or bishop demonstrates actual teaching of the faith (in matters that really matter to the poor starving people of today), I don’t extend the red carpet of trust. I don’t
mistrust (which is like projecting things such as bad motives on a person where none have been truly shown), but I don’t truly
trust. I wait. Meanwhile, I trust in
the Lord God, and in His promise that the Holy Spirit will be with the Catholic Church until the end of time.