Cardinal confirms gay teachers will not face ban

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Simple really, they answer to God, not me, not you, not anyone on earth, God is their judge. The day you judge you are likening yourself to God, do you consider yourselves to be God? can you read his mind? I live my life according to his law, but, he gave me as well as others freedom of thought and action, it is up to them how they interpret such freedom and up to them to explain their actions to God at the time of judgement, not to me.

It is sickening to listen to the facile judgements passed by the “Holier than thou” brigade, you use quotes from the bible like bullets aimed at peoples hearts, you forget the basic teaching of Christ “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR” in your desire to look good in the eyes of those around you. Remember the story of the stoning of the prostitute and look into your own hearts and minds before casting stones at others, the day you can claim to be whiter than white then, and only then can you claim to judge others.

You have quoted 1Cor. Look carefully, it also mentions slanderers, what are you when you call down some of Gods people?

p.s. Timothy doesn’t use the expression **“Practicing Homosexual” **saying it does is a lie, Timothy does use the word LIAR though, so bang goes your whiter than white image.
Simple really, they answer to God, not me, not you, not anyone on earth, God is their judge. The day you judge you are likening yourself to God, do you consider yourselves to be God? can you read his mind? I live my life according to his law, but, he gave me as well as others freedom of thought and action, it is up to them how they interpret such freedom and up to them to explain their actions to God at the time of judgement, not to me.

It is sickening to listen to the facile judgements passed by the “Holier than thou” brigade, you use quotes from the bible like bullets aimed at peoples hearts, you forget the basic teaching of Christ “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR” in your desire to look good in the eyes of those around you. Remember the story of the stoning of the prostitute and look into your own hearts and minds before casting stones at others, the day you can claim to be whiter than white then, and only then can you claim to judge others.

You have quoted 1Cor. Look carefully, it also mentions slanderers, what are you when you call down some of Gods people?

p.s. Timothy doesn’t use the expression **“Practicing Homosexual” **saying it does is a lie, Timothy does use the word LIAR though, so bang goes your whiter than white image.
Actually, Jesus gave us two explicit commandments: 1) Love God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength; and 2) Love thy neighbor as yourself. Loving God means following his commands…all of them 1-10 which includes no sexual activity outside of marriage.

The translation of 1 Timothy depends on the version of the Bible one reads. Mine lists sodomites so it would include practicing as well as non-practicing homosexuals. I would think that limiting it to “practicing homosexuals” would be more pleasing to your world view.
Simple really, they answer to God, not me, not you, not anyone on earth, God is their judge. The day you judge you are likening yourself to God, do you consider yourselves to be God? can you read his mind? I live my life according to his law, but, he gave me as well as others freedom of thought and action, it is up to them how they interpret such freedom and up to them to explain their actions to God at the time of judgement, not to me.

It is sickening to listen to the facile judgements passed by the “Holier than thou” brigade, you use quotes from the bible like bullets aimed at peoples hearts, you forget the basic teaching of Christ “LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR” in your desire to look good in the eyes of those around you. Remember the story of the stoning of the prostitute and look into your own hearts and minds before casting stones at others, the day you can claim to be whiter than white then, and only then can you claim to judge others.

You have quoted 1Cor. Look carefully, it also mentions slanderers, what are you when you call down some of Gods people?

p.s. Timothy doesn’t use the expression **“Practicing Homosexual” **saying it does is a lie, Timothy does use the word LIAR though, so bang goes your whiter than white image.
Please quote and show me where I have “slandered” and been judgmental when I have only quoted back your own words, the words of St. Paul, and simply asked for clarification.

According to your version/interpretation of “love your neighbor” faithful Christians are prohibited from presenting God’s truth and admonishing one another out of sincere concern for the eternal welfare of their soul. St. Paul had no problem doing this, and in fact directed fellow Christians to do likewise out of “heartfelt compassion, kindness, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another” (Colossians 4:12-13) as fellow sinners in need of Christ’s redemption.

Here are a few scriptures from St. Paul to make this crystal clear for you:

2 Timothy, 3:16All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work”.

2 Timothy,4:1-3I charge you in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingly power: proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage, through all patience and teaching. For a time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, …”

Colossians 3:16Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing songs with gratitude in you hearts to God.”
p.s. Timothy doesn’t use the expression **“Practicing Homosexual” **saying it does is a lie, Timothy does use the word LIAR though, so bang goes your whiter than white image.
p.s. I obtain my scripture from the US Catholic Bishops’ website. I suggest that you take your complaints up against them (lest you be the one to “cast the first stone”).

US Catholic Bishops - NewAmericanBible- The New American Bible is a modern version of Scripture translated from the original languages. It was first published in 1970.
It is the age old “gay agenda” agit prop. Yell discrimination, or intolerance, and accuse those who want the moral law upheld of being uncharitable.

Apparently, anyone who wants to influence children today is perfectly fine with some, as long as that influence is secular and relativistic.
Hey, who has “yelled discrimination or intolerance”?
It was you and the likes who yelled “discriminate, do not tolerate” when the bishop, wo isn’t even your bishop said he won’t.

You better care about your own sins before you care about other people’s.

You are one of those who THE LORD was talking about when he said “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”

Hey, who has “yelled discrimination or intolerance”?
It was you and the likes who yelled “discriminate, do not tolerate” when the bishop, wo isn’t even your bishop said he won’t.

You better care about your own sins before you care about other people’s.

You are one of those who THE LORD was talking about when he said “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?”

Actually, he was speaking about you. See how relativism works?
Simple really, they answer to God, not me, not you, not anyone on earth, God is their judge. The day you judge you are likening yourself to God, do you consider yourselves to be God? can you read his mind? I live my life according to his law, but, he gave me as well as others freedom of thought and action, it is up to them how they interpret such freedom and up to them to explain their actions to God at the time of judgement, not to me.
This is moral relativism. If an adult cannot judge another’s actions and discern immoral from moral, they have no business teaching children. It is not about judging another’s soul, but it is about judging their behavior and words. As we can see from the hard left “gay” agenda supporters right here they have no problem judging our words, but heaven forbid we should judge theirs. They may may judge us for judging them. Apparently it all depends on who is “judging”. A bit circular.
This is moral relativism. If an adult cannot judge another’s actions and discern immoral from moral, they have no business teaching children. It is not about judging another’s soul, but it is about judging their behavior and words. As we can see from the hard left “gay” agenda supporters right here they have no problem judging our words, but heaven forbid we should judge theirs. They may may judge us for judging them. Apparently it all depends on who is “judging”. A bit circular.
So what you are saying is that because a person is gay they automatically teach gay practices. So does this mean that a teacher who is, for example a manic depressive should not teach children in case they become depressives? or maybe no bald teacher should teach in case they convince the children to shave their heads, maybe we should ensure only men teachers for boys or women for girls. Come to that lets make sure that the women teachers are nor femenists in case they alienate the girls they influence or that the men are not male chauvenists so as not to influence the boys. Should teachers from the deep south teach children from the north? or vice versa? Better not use hispanic teachers with northern european stock in case they are contaminated. Perhaps black teachers should not teach white pupils!!! So much for relativism.

Try looking at people as people and not in little boxes, try looking at how good a teacher he may be and not what his private life is all about, judge him for his abilities not your perverted interpretation of motive.

Yes, I agree homosexuality is an anathema to God, but does God call for exclusion or inclusion? Your ideas of an “excluding” Church are a nonsense, remember Jesus went to Mathews house, not Mathew to his!!
Try looking at people as people and not in little boxes, try looking at how good a teacher he may be and not what his private life is all about, judge him for his abilities not your perverted interpretation of motive.

Yes, I agree homosexuality is an anathema to God, but does God call for exclusion or inclusion? Your ideas of an “excluding” Church are a nonsense, remember Jesus went to Mathews house, not Mathew to his!!
I do not recall Jesus commissioning those living a sinful lifestyle to teach and preach the Gospel. Nor, did he say “bring the children to those living private lives of sin”; it was the other way around.

Jesus had strong words for those Church people who lived in sin but paraded for others their virtuous abilities and influencial positions–'whitewashed", “hypocrites”. Jesus wants and demands integrity and holiness of life and persons. Why should we expect and accept less for our impressionable children. It appears that you and other similiar minded posters have succumbed to “political correctness” in failing to present and expect the full Gospel message, especially for those of the household of God.
I do not recall Jesus commissioning those living a sinful lifestyle to teach and preach the Gospel. Nor, did he say “bring the children to those living private lives of sin”; it was the other way around.

Jesus had strong words for those Church people who lived in sin but paraded for others their virtuous abilities and influencial positions–'whitewashed", “hypocrites”. Jesus wants and demands integrity and holiness of life and persons. Why should we expect and accept less for our impressionable children. It appears that you and other similiar minded posters have succumbed to “political correctness” in failing to present and expect the full Gospel message, especially for those of the household of God.
Wow, that is exactly what I wanted to say. You said it much more clearly and cogently. The sin of the Parisees was hypocrisy. They had the seat of Moses and the authority to teach and Christ said to do eaxctly as they tell you, but do not do as they do. That is the problem today. Many think it is “sinful” to point out sin. It is not wrong to show error and prevent manifest sinners, of any sort, from leading children into scandal. It is not enough to do “good works” if we are teaching relativism or living a scandalous life.

We cannot bargain with Christ. We cannot say I loved my neighbor by only doing good works, yet ignore error and scandal because we are slaves to political coreectness and inauthentic compassion.
So what you are saying is that because a person is gay they automatically teach gay practices. So does this mean that a teacher who is, for example a manic depressive should not teach children in case they become depressives? or maybe no bald teacher should teach in case they convince the children to shave their heads, maybe we should ensure only men teachers for boys or women for girls. Come to that lets make sure that the women teachers are nor femenists in case they alienate the girls they influence or that the men are not male chauvenists so as not to influence the boys. Should teachers from the deep south teach children from the north? or vice versa? Better not use hispanic teachers with northern european stock in case they are contaminated. Perhaps black teachers should not teach white pupils!!! So much for relativism.
You compare sodomy to baldness or ethnicity? How insulting. The idea that any public sinner, or anyone leading a gravely sinful life, should be knowingly employed in a Cathiolic setting beyond contempt. Why would anyone want to expose their children to such things?
“SCOTLAND’S leading Catholic has confirmed that gay teachers will not be banned from working in faith-based schools.
Cardinal Keith O’Brien said in an interview with a Sunday newspaper that teachers’ sexual orientation would not prevent them working in a Catholic school.”

Who made this man a Cardinal? This Cardinal said gay teachers will be accepted in Catholic Schools. This Cardinal says a practicing homosexual is welcome to teach in a Catholic School. How can he walk down the street and face other Catholics? I suppose he would say it is just fine for whores and prostitutes to teach the kids too.

The kids pick up on this. They will learn that the Church says that homosexual life is just fine. They will learn !
i think people outside of scotland should be aware that the politicians have been looking for a reason to do away with catholic education, perhaps the cardinal is just choosing his battlefield carefully, and protecting our faith schools from politicians and social commentators, who are always claiming that catholic schools are the cause of sectarianism and a form of apartheid
i think people outside of scotland should be aware that the politicians have been looking for a reason to do away with catholic education, perhaps the cardinal is just choosing his battlefield carefully, and protecting our faith schools from politicians and social commentators, who are always claiming that catholic schools are the cause of sectarianism and a form of apartheid
The cardinal should preach the truth in season and out of season.
i think people outside of scotland should be aware that the politicians have been looking for a reason to do away with catholic education, perhaps the cardinal is just choosing his battlefield carefully, and protecting our faith schools from politicians and social commentators, who are always claiming that catholic schools are the cause of sectarianism and a form of apartheid
Hmmmmm…okaaaaay…but who is protecting the children? His first job and responsibility is to protect and shepherd the flock entrusted to his care, come what may.

2 Timothy,4:1-3 “I charge you in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingly power proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage, through all patience and teaching. For a time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, …”
Dear Norwich, In your opinion, why did God destroy the Old Testament cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Please Reply, BigPaulie
p.s. I obtain my scripture from the US Catholic Bishops’ website. I suggest that you take your complaints up against them (lest you be the one to “cast the first stone”).

US Catholic Bishops - New American Bible- The New American Bible is a modern version of Scripture translated from the original languages. It was first published in 1970.
Originally Posted by Norwich
*p.s. Timothy doesn’t use the expression **“Practicing Homosexual” *saying it does is a lie, Timothy does use the word LIAR though, so bang goes your whiter than white image.

I just have to point out the poor witness of this poster:

This poster all but called me a **LIAR **on a public Catholic forum. I responded respectfully to correct the error for the basis on her/his faulty insinuation. This poster has since posted other comments, choosing to not at all acknowledge her/his error and in some way publicly/privately (PM) recant of their personally affrontive comment. This does not make for a very compelling or convincing witness for your strongly held and passionately expressed opinions. :hmmm:
Originally Posted by Norwich
*p.s. Timothy doesn’t use the expression **“Practicing Homosexual” ***saying it does is a lie, Timothy does use the word LIAR though, so bang goes your whiter than white image.

I just have to point out the poor witness of this poster:

This poster all but called me a **LIAR **on a public Catholic forum. I responded respectfully to correct the error for the basis on her/his faulty insinuation. This poster has since posted other comments, choosing to not at all acknowledge her/his error and in some way publicly/privately (PM) recant of their personally affrontive comment. This does not make for a very compelling or convincing witness for your strongly held and passionately expressed opinions. :hmmm:
I call that type of thing a hit and run post. Seen it before and will see it again.
I do not recall Jesus commissioning those living a sinful lifestyle to teach and preach the Gospel. Nor, did he say “bring the children to those living private lives of sin”; it was the other way around.

Jesus had strong words for those Church people who lived in sin but paraded for others their virtuous abilities and influencial positions–'whitewashed", “hypocrites”. Jesus wants and demands integrity and holiness of life and persons. Why should we expect and accept less for our impressionable children. It appears that you and other similiar minded posters have succumbed to “political correctness” in failing to present and expect the full Gospel message, especially for those of the household of God.
And here was me under the mistaken immpression Mathew was a tax collector. Silly me!
And here was me under the mistaken immpression Mathew was a tax collector. Silly me!
Repented, not continuing and claiming it is godly.
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