- You have stated that you agree with the cardinal, but the cardinal himself doesn’t cite specifics to prove his accusations of “heresy” and “apostasy.” The burden of proof is on you. Which means, yes, you are the research assistant if you’d like to continue defending the cardinal.
- It’s been pointed out time and again that the cardinal’s letter does not speak for itself because he himself doesn’t cite specifics and doesn’t even quote the text, but rather makes broad sweeping generalizations.
As far as this thread goes, I’ve mentioned before that we could all read the IL and come to different conclusions of what “heresy” the cardinal is talking about (if, in fact, there is heresy in the document). So for the sake of discussion can you please provide the explicit quotes or references from the text itself that you think the cardinal might be referring to (since he himself doesn’t point to them, we can only speculate). If you can’t, then it seems to me that this discussion has run its course.