Cardinal Pell's Conviction Announced; Verdict on Appeal

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Can you provide texts with links please?
I also attended University as a mature student at St Mary Campus of the Australian Catholic University as Gabika50 referenced.

Some links :

It is hardly ‘a few’. There have been over 500 victims of sexual abuse by priests in the state of Victoria alone, and Cardinal Pell did everything he could to help cover up the abuses with his ‘Melbourne Response’ that limited not only the compensation paid but also effectively silenced the victims from talking about it.
Australian John Macaulay discuss the Cardinal Pell case with Raymond Arroyo:
I suppose the majority of priests have to carry the burden of a few of their number who would harm the young.
According to the reports that I have seen it is a lot more than a few? If it is only a few, why are so many dioceses either paying massive amounts of compensation to the victims or declaring bankruptcy? What is going on?
I think he means ‘few’ in the sense that there are fewer pedophile priests than there are good and holy priests, and I agree with that.But the number of victims is not ‘few’ because of the cover-up and moving pedophiles from one parish to another instead of reporting them to the police and defrocking them. The cover-up has added to the damage exponentially as pedophiles simply continued to abuse over and over again as they were moved from parish to parish. Admitting the crimes is the first step towards mitigating the evil. It is all the denial that compounds the problem as people lose more and more trust in the Church simply because of the excuses and denials. Denial is a defense mechanism and easily understood, but it only makes things worse.
Admitting the crimes is the first step towards mitigating the evil.
No. Establishing the truth of the matter prevents compounding the evil, and that comes first. And that HAS to be done on a one by one basis sans mob mentality.
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If you read the posts nunsense just does not like Pell and thinks he should be removed from office and/or in prison regardless of if he is really guilty or not because abuse happened in Australia while he was a bishop and he settled some cases.
You are mistaken but I won’t get into a debate with you about my motivations.
You are mistaken but I won’t get into a debate with you about my motivations.
Your motivations mean diddly. The judge blocked evidence and testimony that may be exculpatory for Pell. Until that evidence and testimony is heard, the trial is a sham, period.
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Just paraphrasing your own post:
I know Pell personally and many of the people involved. This was not the only abuse he was accused of committing. Just because the other claims did not make it to trial, does not mean they did not occur. I believe justice has been done but I know there will always be people on both sides disagreeing with the verdict (or the appeal outcome). Over 500 victims of sexual abuse by priests in the state of Victoria alone signed away their rights to sue the Catholic Church through Pell’s ‘Melbourne Response’ which basically told them they could have no more than $37,000 compensation but would have to be silent about the crimes. **He was very intimidating at the time. And many people felt they had no other choice but to sign away their rights.**The Victorian government is considering releasing them from their signed promises of not taking further action against the Church.

Whatever the outcome of Pell’s appeal, he is still responsible for a cover-up of massive proportions here and deserves not to be a Cardinal or a priest anymore.
Seems like you have a personal issue with him to me. :man_shrugging:t2:
Seems like you have a personal issue with him to me.
Well, if you mean, do I know him personally and do I believe that what he is guilty of what he has been accused of based on his actions within both the Ballarat and the Melbourne communities, and his disgusting ‘Melbourne Response’ to the crimes of others, yes, I suppose that could be a personal issue in that I certainly am not in favour of child molesters. Are you?
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