And if there was a good chance that my vote directly determined whether babies would keep being aborted or not,
I agree that one person’s vote may not directly result in whether abortions would stop or not but I do think voting in one particular direction encourages abortions to continue and to be seen as no big deal, just “women’s healthcare”.
Problem I see is, there’s no direct relationship with voting for Republicans and the end of abortion.
I agree with this also. Unfortunately Republicans do not do enough to end abortion, though President Trump has certainly been an advocate for the cause to stop abortions, so was George W. Bush.
So I think a Catholic could legitimately consider that improbability and prioritize other issues that might have a better shot at getting solved depending on who is in power or to prevent something bad from happening or because there’s some other urgency in the moment.
IMHO if we do not care about the least among us, the baby who is the ultimate stranger to us, because we do not know who they are while in the womb, we will not care about anyone else. Jesus said in Matthew 25, when separating the sheep from the goats, that it is how we treat the least important among us, that is important.
Abortion is a very difficult thing to tackle because it takes place inside another human being. In a sense, we need to convince women to be charitable to the life they hold God-like power over.
Part of the reason for this is it has been renamed under “women’s healthcare” and it is treated like a disease rather than a life. Women have been fooled into beleiving that the child inside of them is not a living human being, until it is born and even then they question it’s value, according to recent laws.
It’s a challenge to us to get reconverted and then convert the culture again like the early church did, back when there were rampant abortions and even infanticides.
It might be a challenge but as Mother Teresa said, we are not called to be successful, just faithful.
According to the American Life League, in the United States there are 98+ abortions per hour, that is pretty rampant.