This is very well put. Gn 9:6 lays out the general rule to which there may be valid exceptions, but the exceptions do not invalidate the rule. The point generally lost in this discussion has precisely to do with your last statement: the greatest crime deserves and demands the greatest punishment. It is indeed a question of merited consequences.By “there” you presumably mean in the Old Testament, not Genesis 9:6 in particular, which simply says that murderers are to be put to death. We can read this a little more broadly (as the Church, historically, always has) as laying down a general principle: that human life is sacred precisely because of its conformity to the rational nature of God, and that the illicit taking of human life is a crime of the highest magnitude which merits the highest punishment.
Indeed. Morality does not change with time or place. Particular conditions may change what is advisable, but not what is moral.If the death penalty was morally permissible yesterday, it is morally permissible today.
This is exactly how I understand it as well.I read the Church as saying that the death penalty should be avoided for prudential reasons, i.e., because modern society no longer has a clear conception of the state as a dispenser of divine justice (or even a clear conception of “justice”), so that execution of criminals tends to conduce, not to an appreciation of divine justice, but to a valorization of the wrath of the mob and the supreme power of the totalitarian state.
I could possibly agree with that assessment if it had actually been made, but that wasn’t the rationale given for the current opposition to capital punishment. The objections presented in 2267 are weak and have had unfortunate consequences.And I happen to agree with that assessment and with the conclusion that comes from it.