
No. I wanted to edit/delete that part because it wasn’t thought out at all. I’m not saying the doctrine wasn’t maintained by Rome.You’ve retracted your suggestion that the doctrine was maintained by the Roman church. If it wasn’t maintained by Rome, then where was it maintained?

I wonder how far you’d get playing your game with the Church Fathers on this one. Was the Trinity always held by the church? What could a JW produce with regard to the Fathers?I’m confident about the deity of Christ

Then you really cannot say for certain. You admit you could be wrong about the Trinity. And that’s all you and Protestantism as a whole have to offer. What I call religious atheism.Yes, my conclusions are a result of my own fallible judgment,

Naw. I’m holding with the Church. I cannot trust my own, fallible judgment.but your conclusions are likewise a result of your fallible judgment.

Despite your efforts, you haven’t proven that the Immaculate Conception Doctrine is false.Your choice to trust the RCC is just that: your choice. And it’s an erroneous choice that’s contrary to the evidence.
But that isn’t really you goal. Rather, your goal is to attack the Catholic Church itself at it’s core, to replace the magisterium with you and James White.
The WCF, XXVI, ( freechurch.org/muir/wcf.htm )
states that, “V. The purest churches under heaven are subject both to mixture and error”. There’s no need to leave the Catholic Church even if you could "prove’ an error.