Catholic Charismatic Friendly Discussions

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This is still on the tonuge topic, but it’s really cool!

I have a friend who is not a Charismatic Catholic, but rather more Augustinian or contemplative. He was praying alone (in the adoration chapel, I think) and asked God to teach him how to pray.

Some words came to him and of course they were just unintelligable syllables, but he wrote them down as they came. He took the writings to his Spiritual Director who obtained some assistance. The SD was able to confirm that one of the prayers was in Latin, one which is not in common usage and my friend did not know Latin at the time. The other he later learned was the Our Father in Aramaic.

He has never studied Aramaic.

How cool is that! 👍

My own story, after my “infilling of the Holy Spirit” I had no desire to eat for days (I did so only because I had to). This is very odd for me. I was also out walkign the dogs a couple mornings later and having a conversation with God. Not like any of my other conversations with him, but I really understood that he was speaking to me.

Not in words, it was just an inner “knowledge”. There is no way to explain this. He wanted me to go to mass every morning, and especially that morning. I told him I couldn’t, I had to be at work early. He impressed upon me that it was very important that I attend that morning’s 8 am mass. As I walked by the adoration chapel, I was overcome with a desire to recieve communion and I wanted to rush into the chapel. I was in tears because of course I could not do so. I continued to argue with God and said I could not attend mass. He had an answer for every objection, and finally I told him that as much as I regretted it (and I did), I could not go.

Finally, God told me that if I did not go to mass that morning I was going to be involved in a car accident. He explained this could be avoided by being where I was supposed to be.

Now, I had been wondering if I was actually talking to myself, and when I “heard” about the car accident warning, I became convinced that I was conversing with my own imagination as it was exactly the thing I would say to talk myself into going to mass.

But I refused, thinking I would be late anyway. God didn’t seem to care about being late that day, just to attend. As I backed out of my garage I saw that it was 8:10 and told God “See? I would have been very late!” He asked me to at least pray the rosary. I don’t usually in the mornings at that time, but I agreed.

Only a few blocks from my house I sat at a red light waiting for the green arrow, praying the rosary in Spanish. (Some reason that appealed to me at that moment). I saw a car pull up behind me. I continued praying.


I got rearended. I first looked down at the rosary in my hand, thought, “I should have gone to mass” and was humbled by the fact that God had told me exactly what was going to occurr and I ignored him.

I go to mass every morning now. When God has to hit you with a car to get you to listen to him you learn quickly!
Wow! What an amazing story! One day, you may understand what God was doing with you.

He certainly was drawing you to Himself in the Holy Eucharist. He may have also been saving your life for some work He still has for you. I am speculating, of course, I have no idea what the Lord was thinking.

Your story of tongues reminds me of an event that happened way back, many years ago, before Vat II and before the CCR.

We were asked to be God parents for a young retarded child. Her mother was very ill, lost one kidney and having failure in the other. Neither parent was Catholic but mom was concerned about her children and was planning to be Baptized herself. Dad left the family a short time later. None of the three children had ever been inside a Catholic Church.

We decided to take the little 5 yr old retarded girl with us to Mass.
We guided her to a pew. She looked toward the tabernacle and genuflected (she had no instruction of any kind at all). When the Mass began, she immediately started speaking all of the responses aloud in Latin. My husband had been trained in Latin for many many years, and said she was responding correctly in perfect Latin to all of the Priests prayers. She also stood, sat, knelt, and genuflected at all the right places. As we watched, we could see that much of the time here eyes were closed and we even tried sitting a little longer, she was between my husband and me so thought she was following our movements. Not the case. Back then, the altar boys sang responses, the Congregation was silent so she was not mimicing.

We spoke to the Msgr. (the Pastor) about her, she was with us at that time. He could see she was a retarded child. He said it was, in his opinion, tongues as spoken about in Scripture. Many months later, she woke up in the middle of the night calling her mom. She had seen a lady sitting on her bed next to her, telling her that she would see Jesus soon. We did sponsor her for Baptism. She died a few years later, before her mom did, in fact.

Your story of the little retarded girl reminds me somewhat of my experience with a Charismatic man I knew back in my youth.

He was a schizophrenic who, without fail, would stand up after Communion and speak in tongues. Due to his mental illness, everyone gave him wide berth.

As that was my only experience with Charismatics, the impression I’ve always had is that they are usually “mentally” off. I’m not saying that to be insulting, only to share my view thus far.

However, after reading this thread, I’m feeling a little confused. It sounds as if my impression was wrong and I’m very sorry.

I’m still a little confused about Charismatics. Could someone please give me a little history or something that could help me to understand a little better? I’m asking this in charity. Really and truly. I’m here on CA Forums to understand ALL aspects of my Faith better.

Thank you.
What a lovely post. Thank you for asking.

I have noticed the folks, over the years, who have had some mental handicaps. There was a group of Downs Syndrome people who use to be brought to a Charismatic Prayer Meeting in a bus. These were adults with all levels of this syndrome and in fact other syndromes besides Downs. There were some without the ability to talk, who while in the Holy Spirit, prayed in perfect english and even spoke Prophesy.
Why? The answer, I think is simple. Just not too obvious because of the way most of us think.
Humans are not just physical and psychological beings but also Spiritual beings. We can have a physical handicap without having a psychological or Spiritual one. We can have a psychological disturbance and be perfectly healthy, physically. I think we have seen evidence that people can have a deep Spiritual problem that does not stem from his physical health and may even be psychologically sound.
I believe when we see people with powerful and obvious handicaps, respond like we have seen them, in a dynamic and almost miraculous Spiritual way, it is simply because their handicap has not damaged their spiritual side.
This is only my opinion, although it has been discussed and generally agreed on in various classes I have attended.

The best sources of information I can send you right now would be the following: and

The others here, and I would also be happy to try to answer specific questions asked in good faith. I can tell by your very nice post that you are, indeed asking in good faith. Thank you.
I know JPII had good words to say about the charismatic movement. Being somewhat introverted and/or self-conscious it sounds like something I would be uncomfortable with though. Raising my hands in public and swaying back and forth with a blissful expression on my face would seem contrived and insincere. Projecting myself onto others I would think that at least some of the others worshipping with me would also be insincere. Of course, the same could be said with other styles of worship as well.

I haven’t been to a charismatic service before. Perhaps someone can describe what goes on at a charismatic service and address my fears of being a rock in an ocean of swaying worshipers and being nudged to sway also or tempted to babble something and wonder if I’m speaking in tongues.
Hi milimac
If you were going to our Prayer Group, you wouldn’t stand out. We have people of every personality group. Our Pastor is not very demonstrative. Neither is my husband. My husband does not pray in tongues. He also says he cannot pray as long as some do. He likes much about the Renewal but other parts he quietly prays while other things move around him.
The fact that you see one person speaking out or praying in tongues, another speaking a prophesy, maybe another speaking a word of knowledge or praying for healing only confirms scripture. “there are many Gifts but the same Spirit”… those gifts are fairly obvious, others are not so obvious.
Then there are folks like me, who are not sure what their gifts are.
Does that sound funny after I have been a Charismatic for over 35 years? It sure does to me. I have had several Gifts manifested over the years. Some lasted quite a long time. Others not so long. None of these are being manifested and I am now praying that God reveals my current gifts to me. I am not concerned about it, don’t feel slighted or unholy or anything. I know I have nothing at all to do with the Gifts God gives me. I don’t do a thing to deserve them, they are just Gods gifts for the building up of the Body of Christ.
Sooo… if you feel odd not experiencing a lot, here is a long time old Charismatic broad experiencing what you are. I am able to pray in tongues but can surely relate with what St Paul said about it being a minor gift.
I do hope you get a chance to attend a Prayer Group meeting.
I would have just one bit of advise for you. Please attend at least 6 times before you make a decision whether it is for you or not. The most committed Charismatics I know (including myself) wanted to run, run, run away from this expression the first few times. After this, it starts to be aparrent what the Scriptures were talking about and why the Holy Fathers have encouraged the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
hehehe… I became a Catholic convert back in 1955. When I first started attending the Latin Mass, knowing so little, with the inscense, bells, Latin, folks standing, kneeling, sitting and genuflecting, striking their breast, making the sign of the Cross and all the other things that use to go on, made me wonder,…“what sort of folks are these???”
Robertaf and Milimac,

Thank you for your posts, they have helped me somewhat, and lead into my next question.

I have been attending the charismatic meetings at my parish for a few months now and it wasn’t long before they decided I was part of the “core” group.

I actually feel very dishonest here as I really am more of a “tourist”. I don’t think I am a “charismatic” beyond the very basic description which includes ALL Catholics. I think I’m really just a tourist.

I lean so far towards the traditional and contemplative in what I really want and practice, going so far to wear a headcovering during mass and during adoration…and this has been attacked by a member of this group. Yet I find myself drawn and I do personally like the people there.

A couple weeks ago I was dealing with a moral decision and ran into a couple women from the group and told them about it and they prayed for/with me on the spot. It is a bit uncomfortable for me yet I left having a sense of peace and strength to do what I had to do.

I see the benefits of the spirituality, yet I do not pray in tongues and feel realy out of place when this occurrs during the meeting. I attended the Charismatic mass held at our parish and helped to set it up…and even though it really was beautiful it was not to my taste and I found much of the music to be more distracting than adding to my ability to relate to the Lord. (That is not to say I won’t attend another, just that it is not my spirituality).

I have a friend who is an Evangelical pastor and he warned me that if I don’t eventually speak in tongues that people will wonder what’s “wrong” with me. He does not speak in tongues and feels as I do that it is not his gift, he is not sure about it unless it can be clearly interpreted/ is another actual language, yet those in the gruop are for the purpose of praising the Lord–so no harm. But what he has seen in his experience in charismatic circles of all denominations is that those who do not mainfest this particular gift are “blocking” somehow and so there is something wrong.

I do have concerns about this, no matter how much the group does to make me feel welcome. Even our priest (my SD) speaks in tongues, and it sounds cool and I don’t doubt the gift, but I can’t get over my discomfort. This is likely my own pride and feeling like I need to conform.

God has done so much in my life and I know I have gifts, but I think mine are far more hidden (and I prefer it that way). I don’t want to stand out and I don’t want to do something because it is expected.

Do those of you who have been involved in the CCR have any experience with any tourists such as myself and what happened to them? Did they finally realize why they were called to be there? Did any of you start out the same way and how did it help you grow spiritually?
surf(name removed by moderator)ure:
I’d like to get better acquainted with Catholic Charismatics. The problem is that before my conversion I spent several years in the Protestant charismatic circle. Both my husband and I are still “burned” by some of the events we experienced in that milieu. I do still believe in the gifts, but more on a careful, theoretical level than a practical and interactive one. I hope one day to come into true charismatic worship and be confident that the “fluff” is a thing of the past.
My wife and I have a similar experience. We converted to the catholic faith in 2002. Before that we were part of the Protestant charismatic circle, and we too were burned by some of our experiences. We would like to experience some Catholic charismatics but we are afraid to get burned again at least I am. Glenn
Hi Serendipity!

I remembered looking over the website of one, so I found it again for you…

Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ

Here’s another that appears to be charismatic…

Hope you know Spanish 😉
Thanks Lily!
Wow! What an amazing story! One day, you may understand what God was doing with you.

He certainly was drawing you to Himself in the Holy Eucharist. He may have also been saving your life for some work He still has for you. I am speculating, of course, I have no idea what the Lord was thinking.

Your story of tongues reminds me of an event that happened way back, many years ago, before Vat II and before the CCR.

We were asked to be God parents for a young retarded child. Her mother was very ill, lost one kidney and having failure in the other. Neither parent was Catholic but mom was concerned about her children and was planning to be Baptized herself. Dad left the family a short time later. None of the three children had ever been inside a Catholic Church.

We decided to take the little 5 yr old retarded girl with us to Mass.
We guided her to a pew. She looked toward the tabernacle and genuflected (she had no instruction of any kind at all). When the Mass began, she immediately started speaking all of the responses aloud in Latin. My husband had been trained in Latin for many many years, and said she was responding correctly in perfect Latin to all of the Priests prayers. She also stood, sat, knelt, and genuflected at all the right places. As we watched, we could see that much of the time here eyes were closed and we even tried sitting a little longer, she was between my husband and me so thought she was following our movements. Not the case. Back then, the altar boys sang responses, the Congregation was silent so she was not mimicing.

We spoke to the Msgr. (the Pastor) about her, she was with us at that time. He could see she was a retarded child. He said it was, in his opinion, tongues as spoken about in Scripture. Many months later, she woke up in the middle of the night calling her mom. She had seen a lady sitting on her bed next to her, telling her that she would see Jesus soon. We did sponsor her for Baptism. She died a few years later, before her mom did, in fact.
This blew me away. Beautiful.
I actually feel very dishonest here as I really am more of a “tourist”. I don’t think I am a “charismatic” beyond the very basic description which includes ALL Catholics. I think I’m really just a tourist.
JC—we are all tourists. You are certainly drawn to this group, and supported by your SD. Just relax and let the Lord lead.
I lean so far towards the traditional and contemplative in what I really want and practice,
I also worship in both styles. There is nothing wrong with that. Charismatics are also called to spread the fire in the traditional Church, not to keep separate. Perhaps this is where you are called to help?
I have a friend who is an Evangelical pastor and he warned me that if I don’t eventually speak in tongues that people will wonder what’s “wrong” with me.
Would you accept protestent counsel on other aspects of the Catholic Faith?
But what he has seen in his experience in charismatic circles of all denominations is that those who do not mainfest this particular gift are “blocking” somehow and so there is something wrong.
Some people do place too much importance in tongues, but there is very little apeaking in tongues as was manifested on the first Pentecost. The majority is a simple Prayer tongue, which is not translated, and is bestowed very freely. We have many in our group who do not pray in tongues, and this is fine. They praise and pray in English. Some eventually pray in tongue, but some never do.

My only observation would be in praying on a prayer team. I prefer to use a prayer tongue, since I do not know exactly what the person needs. We do know what they ask, but only God knows what they actually need. I have heard those who do not use tongues, giving more advice than prayer, which may be OK, but I prefer prayer.
I do have concerns about this, no matter how much the group does to make me feel welcome. Even our priest (my SD) speaks in tongues, and it sounds cool and I don’t doubt the gift, but I can’t get over my discomfort. This is likely my own pride and feeling like I need to conform
Try to ignore those feelings. Again relax. We suggest the word “Alleluia” for anyone who does not wish to pray in tongue. Just keep repeating it. Sometimes it does change to a prayer tongue, and sometimes not—it really doesn’t matter-- the desire to pray is the important thing.
God has done so much in my life and I know I have gifts, but I think mine are far more hidden (and I prefer it that way). I don’t want to stand out and I don’t want to do something because it is expected.
Try not to resist (you don’t want to get rear-ended again;) ) If you are open, God will lead.
Do those of you who have been involved in the CCR have any experience with any tourists such as myself and what happened to them? Did they finally realize why they were called to be there? Did any of you start out the same way and how did it help you grow spiritually
I have been involved for 10 years, and still attend both types of Mass, pray the hours, etc, as well as Charismatic services. I love processions, Gregorian chant, as well as the enthusiastic high praise of the charismatics. Both have enhansed my prayer life, and I would not give up either.
Originally Posted by surf(name removed by moderator)ure
I’d like to get better acquainted with Catholic Charismatics. The problem is that before my conversion I spent several years in the Protestant charismatic circle. Both my husband and I are still “burned” by some of the events we experienced in that milieu. I do still believe in the gifts, but more on a careful, theoretical level than a practical and interactive one. I hope one day to come into true charismatic worship and be confident that the “fluff” is a thing of the past.
Glenn Lego:
My wife and I have a similar experience. We converted to the catholic faith in 2002. Before that we were part of the Protestant charismatic circle, and we too were burned by some of our experiences. We would like to experience some Catholic charismatics but we are afraid to get burned again at least I am. Glenn
Sometimes when you have a bad experience it may not be the best idea to try this type of worship.

However an authentic Catholic group is as different from an inauthentic group, as a Catholic Mass is from a protestent service.

If you wish to try, check out the group before you go. Do they have clergy or religious involved? Are they connected to the Parish? Do they have Masses and exposition? In other words–are they Catholic Charismatic, or just Charismatic?
I wish we had some type of Charismatic Renewel Ministries here in Canton, Ohio. I would love to be a part of something like that or help to start it here.
I wish we had some type of Charismatic Renewel Ministries here in Canton, Ohio. I would love to be a part of something like that or help to start it here.
Are you sure there isn’t any? It seems that Canton is barely 2 hours from Stuebenville, the Charismatic seat of the Catholic world. I’d get in contact with them, I’m sure they can direct you to the nearest renewal group in your area. If nothing else, you can attend their Festivals of Praise to participate on occasion.

OOH! Here’s a good link.

Charimatic prayer groups for the diocese of Cleveland (That’s your diocese, right?)

Are you sure there isn’t any? It seems that Canton is barely 2 hours from Stuebenville, the Charismatic seat of the Catholic world. I’d get in contact with them, I’m sure they can direct you to the nearest renewal group in your area. If nothing else, you can attend their Festivals of Praise to participate on occasion.

OOH! Here’s a good link.

Charimatic prayer groups for the diocese of Cleveland (That’s your diocese, right?)

Thank you Josh, i will try your suggestions. Actually, we are in the Diocese of Youngstown. I have been to the Festival of Praise in Steubenville. I love them. I wish they would have that at Walsh Universtity, where i attend, which is a sister school to Franciscan I believe. Thanks!
Thank you Josh, i will try your suggestions. Actually, we are in the Diocese of Youngstown. I have been to the Festival of Praise in Steubenville. I love them. I wish they would have that at Walsh Universtity, where i attend, which is a sister school to Franciscan I believe. Thanks!
Youngstown, eh? Well, this contact might be a bit more helpful then. From your diocesan webpage:

Edwards, Rev. Robert
Director, Charismatic Renewal

Just got back from a training session on leadership in the Alpha For Catholics program. It is a wonderful group, and at least i feel they joy of the lord that i miss interacting with people about. I hope to be a leader, and some day run one on a regular bases.

Hoping to see Nicky Gumble this summer at a conference! Cool, he is definately an enlightened being!
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