Catholic Charismatic Friendly Discussions

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We had a good Prayer Group meeting last night.

In past years, it was always pretty hard to get a first time Charismatic Prayer Group in a Parish off the ground. Our Parish has never had one and up till now, none of the former Pastors encouraged Charismatics.

Ours is active and growing.

Anyone have anything to say about new Prayer Groups and your expeiences?

We are considering whether we should find a name for ours or not.
Call Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Youngstown, they regularly have “Healed in the Spirit” “Life in the Spirit” and other charismatic retreats and seminars. They can tell you where Life In the Spirit is being presented in your area, and if there are any charismatic parish.
I wish we had some type of Charismatic Renewel Ministries here in Canton, Ohio. I would love to be a part of something like that or help to start it here.
OK, this is a little OT, so please forgive me. Either way it seems the appropriate place to post this, somehow.

In our prayer group we write down our names and they go into a basket. At the end we draw and the name we get, we pray for for the week.

Anyway, last week as I was leaving one of the women in the group came up to me insisting she had to ask me something. She explained that she had my name a couple weeks ago and while she was praying for me the word “Vocation” continued to come to her (I never got clarification as to how ,in context or just the word alone), so finally she thought, “Ok< Lord, if you insist!” So she asked me if I have a Vocation.

The truth is that I am going back and forth on this and it seems that almost every time I think it’s a good idea it becomes deeper and more insistent. She is about the 5th or 6th person to ask me this independently. I’m starting to think I really need to take this seriously because for once in my life an idea is not originating in my puny mind, but in the minds of others.

So if you could all just pray for me as I sort this out and discern God’s true will for my life…whether the religious life or otherwise.

I told her at the time that I had thought about it but didn’t think I have a Vocation, but at the same time (the pendulum has swung since I spoke with her on Tuesday) I’m afraid if I admit this may be true that much will be made of it and I really don’t want to be the center of anyone’s attention and they will of course insist on praying over me. I’m just not ready for that right now…I am talking to people I know, but it’s kind of hush hush as I figure out where to go and what to do next.

Ok, back to regular programming. Sorry to hijack but I am really in ned of prayer. I know this group had another woman who was involved suddenly enter a convent, so I know that God is working through them. Any other charismatic groups out there have any vocations arise from them?
I have to tell you that I think this is the perfect place for you to post this.

I promise I will pray for you. I hope you have spoken to your Pastor and/or Spritual Director about this too. This is the time for discernment.

We have been praying over a lady at our prayer group and I received the same message while praying for her. I still have not mentioned it to her but am praying about it. The fact is she is a brand new convert. If it is for real, someone else will confirm at some point.
I have to agree, this is a wonderful and perfect place for this to be shared…you will be in my prayers…i prommise! Listen and trust in the lords voice…not with your ears, but with your heart!
I have actually not told my SD yet. I’ve wondered when it was going to come up but it seems (as it should be) that the Holy Spirit has an adjenda with our meetings and sometimes there’s something I hope to ask about but never get the chance…the context never happens, or it comes up later on and that later time is the most appropriate, etc. I’m supposed to see him this coming Friday so we’ll see if the Holy Spirit causes the topic to come up or not.

I would not be at all surprised if he just nods and says, “Yes, I know” and then moves on to something else. He’s probably like everyone else seems to be…they’re all in the “know” about this and I’m completely clueless.

How is is that others are seeing something so clearly that I cannot? (I don’t actually expect an answer to this from anyone).

Thank you for your prayers.

So…any other groups have vocations emerge as fruits of the Spirit?
So…any other groups have vocations emerge as fruits of the Spirit?
Raises hand Hehe… yeah, that would be me. I’ve just started looking into the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal as a result of the incessant nagging of the Holy Spirit over the last 3 weeks or so. I’m going to be calling them up tomorrow for more information.
Anyone have anything to say about new Prayer Groups and your expeiences?
Heheh… I’ve learned that they don’t start unless the Holy Spirit wants them to, and that it takes dedicated leaders with experience for them to be any success. May the spirit be with you.
We are considering whether we should find a name for ours or not.
I’ve found that naming prayer groups is a very powerful practice. In naming your prayer group, you identify a patron saint, patron charism, or some aspect of your group that you recognize, and God responds by exemplifying that name. My suggestion is not to “name” your prayer group. Wait for the Holy Spirit to GIVE you a name for your prayer group. In my experience, the names He gives are always very exciting and appropriate.

Ours is the Living Water charismatic prayer group.


Oh! And while I"m still thinking about it, I write a weekly newsletter/reflection for our prayer group, called “Happy Wednesdays.” They originally were emailed to just the prayer group, but its range of readership has expanded so much, I’ve just began posting them online. If anyone would like to read any of them, check out
I’ve currently only got up like 2 of 30, but the rest should find their way up soon enough. Let me know what you think!

Oh, and while I’m also thinking about it 😛

I came up with these a couple months ago, thought you all could enjoy it 🙂

The result of driving too much on the freeway with nothing better to do:
Top 10 pickup lines for Charismatics!:
  1. The holy spirit told me to take you out to lunch.
  2. You have the most beautiful prayer language I’ve ever heard.
  3. Do you attend this prayer group often?
  4. Will you pray over me?
  5. Want to come to prayer group/mass/confession/adoration/whatever with me sometime?
  6. Don’t you just love prayer group? You know, if we were together we could do this every night.
  7. I just received an image of you and me standing before the altar, will you discern it with me?.
  8. When I tell people which gifts God has given me, can I include you as one of them?
  9. You look EXACTLY like a guy/girl I had a dream about when I was on my vocations retreat!
  10. When I’m with you, I feel like I’m slain in the spirit.
Honorable mention: I think we might be from the same tribe of Israel!


I have been away for a while. You are in my prayers.

Wonderful news from you----any more to report?
How is is that others are seeing something so clearly that I cannot? (I don’t actually expect an answer to this from anyone).
It is such a huge step----How could it be clear when it is just being born???
We had a good Prayer Group meeting last night.
How is it going?
We are considering whether we should find a name for ours or not.
Have you made any decision yet? Most of our prayergroups just use the name of the parish with which they are affiliated. I think it is a good idea to choose a name which identifies you as Catholic.

Even our conference is Staten Island Conference of Catholic Charismatic Prayer Groups—take a peek (our Conference Leader was just expressing concern that there were not many hits on our site )😉

Maybe take a peek at our photos, too?
In the box labeled
‘Member Name’ (upper right cormer)
type in siconference to access the picture albums

I have been away for a while. You are in my prayers.

Wonderful news from you----any more to report?

It is such a huge step----How could it be clear when it is just being born???
I do have news.

Last Saturday (a week ago) our group had a retreat with the priest, the same one who is my SD. He had to leave as he had Confesions and then the Sat. Vigil Mass, but told us to pray in the meantime until we were done. So as it was, we prayed in the following manner, as it developed:

One person sat in a chair in the center, we all prayed for that person in the Spirit, as the Spirit directed, whether in describing images or words that came to mind, or just simple prayers for that person. I myself didn’t have much to say but the Lord helped me understand that just to be there loving that person was enough.

As it was my turn some very powerful images came into my mind and I have to say they kind of freaked me out:

As the group began to pray (about 8 peopl or so), I closed my eyes and said my own personal prayer, including one for JP2’s intercession.

A very vivid image came into my mind: a monstrance I have never seen before, and the face of Jesus appeared in the center. From that a very bright light began to glow and emanate so strongly it almost had a sound. I actually opened my eyes because it was so REAL. But I knew I had to trust Jesus so I prayed to him and closed my eyes again. I saw the same image, exactly, and it repeated…as though the Lord wanted me to be comforted and didn’t want me to be too overwhelmed. Hard to explain.

Then in this image, I was kneeling (I felt that, although in reality I was seated),and I saw Jesus actually step out of the Monstrance and appear in front of it, robed in dark red, trimmed in gold. He held his hand out to me.

The words spoken to me by others during this time period are very personal and actually spoke of words I used in prayer (in English), and other things which affirmed my recent discernment. I was actually floored.

I said nothing to anyone, however, until our prayer meeting Tuesday. Then, almost shaking, I told the group that after the 6th person had asked me about a Vocation and after the experience I had at the retreat, I realized I needed to honestly look into a possible Vocaiton.

Father wasn’t there at the time, and it took me until Thursday evening to call him and tell him what I was thinking. Wen met on Friday and talked about it, so now I have 2 steps pending:

I need to call the Vocations Director for my archdiocese, and I need to try to go to a discernment retreat in mid-July. I need prayers for this because I can’t afford to put my dogs up and I need someone to watch them for me, otherwise I can’t go. This belongs to God.

I’m really not sure what to say to our Vocations director, so I’m hoping God will guide me here. I’ve never met him althoug he used to be the pastor of my current parish and people just love him. That helps, that his reputation preceeds him.

I was terrifed to tell Father, though…he is my SD but even so I was almost more afraid to reveal this to him than I was to go to Confession after 2-3 years. Of course he was very supportive and encouraging, and I can’t tell you how much better I feel that I have a courese of action to follow, no matter where it leads!

Thank you for your prayers. I don’t know why this is so scary. I actually had people outright laugh and ridicule me for past career asiprations…but the thought that someone might have this reaction to this possible path terrifies me, no matter how ridiculous that sounds.
God bless you.—What wonderful images.

You are human, and this is a HUGE step—It is natural to be anxious.

Also, it is so common for people to minimize the importance of a Religious vocation. This is just a very sad fact, but you seem to have a very supportive group around you. Perhaps some of them could help with the dogs?

We have a wonderful seminarian in our parish, I will mention your intentions to him, and I know he will remember you.

In my experience, such images do not always mean what we first think they do. I’m not saying that u got the wrong interpretation AT ALL, but just by the way.

Sometimes God gives us a revelation like this, and we may or may not be given the interpretation of it. Occasionally, it’s only in hindsight that we realise what the picture meant

take care

In my experience, such images do not always mean what we first think they do. I’m not saying that u got the wrong interpretation AT ALL, but just by the way.

Sometimes God gives us a revelation like this, and we may or may not be given the interpretation of it. Occasionally, it’s only in hindsight that we realise what the picture meant

take care
I’m actually not basing anything at all on this image as it really only served to offer me comfort and affirmation to trust in the Lord.

Incidentally, though, I had begun my day at the retreat asking God for guidance in whether to take this idea of Vocational (religious) discernment seriously. He provided this confirmation not only in the picture I saw, but in the words spoken to my by others. I will not go into that, suffice to say that some of what was said to me could not have been said as I had never spoken those words out loud to anyone. Long personal story, not going there.

As for the possible Vocation, well, it has been on my mind for months and there have been several small things, including all the people around me who have randomly suggested this to me. This has been building and finally because of Saturday I had the courage to come forward and confess what I was thinking.

So far all these things have served to bring me closer to God, not further away…so I recognize the fruits of the Spirit and ask that he continue to guide me.

Mysty, thank you for involving the seminarian at your parish…I need all the prayers I can get! 🙂
One person sat in a chair in the center, we all prayed for that person in the Spirit, as the Spirit directed, whether in describing images or words that came to mind, or just simple prayers for that person. I myself didn’t have much to say but the Lord helped me understand that just to be there loving that person was enough.

I need to call the Vocations Director for my archdiocese, and I need to try to go to a discernment retreat in mid-July. I need prayers for this because I can’t afford to put my dogs up and I need someone to watch them for me, otherwise I can’t go. This belongs to God.
I am so joyed to hear how God is working in your life! I just wanted to make 2 comments.
  1. You are absolutely right when you say that when we pray over people, being there and loving the person is enough. We are the prayer, God is the actor. We can not achieve words of knowledge, powerful intercession, etc, through our own effort and skill. It is God who performs these works. And he performs them through our love and charity almost exclusively. Therefore the best way to pray for a person is simply to be in their presence and love them. Recognize that God loves them and wants the best for them. And know that God will act powerfully in that love he has for them. Then be open if God wants to do any of those actions through you.
  2. The money will work itself out. You may face some finanical adversity at first, with the enemy attempting to keep you from where God wants you, but I can assure you, that trial to will pass. And I assure you, right now, that God is going to work that issue out to. And you’re going to be simply do a double take when he does. I’m excited to see how it works. PM me when it happens to let me know.
One more plug for my prayer group blog :-P,
Any readers?
I am bringing this discussion back for folks who would like to share the Catholic Charismatic experience without debate.

I do call everyones attention that is a friendly discussion group and we have asked that debate on this topic go to a different or new thread.

Thanks and Gods Blessings on you all.
As I posted in the other CCR thread…

Well…is it possible to start and devote a thread entirely to discussing the pros and cons, i.e. debating, the CCR? It seems to me that everyone wants to talk about how great it is and how everyone should get in on it…but no one ever seems to want to listen to constructive criticism of it…they sure love to criticize the TLM, but as soon as one person voices any opposition to the CCR, a veil of smoke is deployed and all the CCR people, along with others go to Defcon 5 and they are never willing to discuss the cons of the movement…the only thing they are able to say is that the Pope has approved of the movement…
I am bringing this discussion back for folks who would like to share the Catholic Charismatic experience without debate.

I do call everyones attention that is a friendly discussion group and we have asked that debate on this topic go to a different or new thread.

Thanks and Gods Blessings on you all.
As I posted in the other CCR thread…

Well…is it possible to start and devote a thread entirely to discussing the pros and cons, i.e. debating, the CCR? It seems to me that everyone wants to talk about how great it is and how everyone should get in on it…but no one ever seems to want to listen to constructive criticism of it…they sure love to criticize the TLM, but as soon as one person voices any opposition to the CCR, a veil of smoke is deployed and all the CCR people, along with others go to Defcon 5 and they are never willing to discuss the cons of the movement…the only thing they are able to say is that the Pope has approved of the movement…
I’d be interested in debating the CCR. However, there are a few immediate problems I have noticed when this occurs:
  1. For some reason, people don’t seem to be able to debate this topic civally. Rather then debate it fairly, these arguments quickly get heated and attacking.
  2. People on this subject tend to be very set in their opinions, whether justly or not. The opinions are often emotionally based.
  3. Although there hasn’t been a direct debate, there have been questions and answers throughout the thread already with respect to much of that which is questioned. I know personally I’ve explained the biblical bases for praying in tongues in at least 5 different threads. I don’t mind talking about it, but it gets a little redundant after a while.
If you think we can have a thread debating the subject without posters making comments of
“Fr. Benedict Groeshel is Charismatic, so its good enough for me.”


“Slaying in the spirit is faked by everyone who does it, and is protestantization of Catholocism.”

Then count me in.

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