QUOTE=cornerstone]so let me understand all of you once and for all. Jesus came and died for me so thru Him i have access to the Throne of Grace but i still need Mary or saint to intercede for me.
do we really need a middle-man in our relationship with God?
can your faith sustain itself with God alone and the blood of Jesus?
Christ is sufficient.
But to go back to your original question and why it lead you to leave the Church.
- Was it because when you were a Catholic you equated Saints with God? That is the First Commandment right? “I am the Lord your God. You shall not have any god before Me.”
I am curious. Did you worship the Saints as God also when you were a Catholic? And that was why you were filled with contempt when you turned away?
I do not think you equated the saints as God. And even if you ask the simple people going to the Church for the Feast of San Cayetano, you would also get the same answer. They would know the difference between God and the saints.
- I think you should look deeper in to the Catholic Faith without the bias you have now. The Catholic Church in your mind right now has been twisted by whoever turned you away from the Church. It is so far from the Truth.
I too went on a search for Truth. I started when I was in college. I almost turned away from the Church twice.
I was attracted to them by their camraderie and the way they expressed their faith.
But I pulled back because I said these were not enough reason to leave the Church.
You must ask yourself this.
Is the Catholic Church the True Chruch?
To help you answer this are simple questions answerable to yes or no.
Did it go back to Christ? Can your church’s history be traced back to Christ?
Was Christ the founder of your church?
Do all of the teachings traceable to Christ and the Apostles?
Only the Catholic Church answers all these questions with a Yes.
Even if you have said goodbye, I still pray that you read these threads and that it would somehow shed light on your questions.
Again welcome to the forums.