I feel the best response is to teach your daughter about the Church on Mission. We, as a People of God are part of that mission in the pilgrim church.
Once upon a time…the activity of mission was within the framework of European Colonialism. Yes this did result in misdirected and at times, abusive evangelism. It’s mission framework was conversion to eternal salvation. The Church as part of the colonial framework, saw itself as absolute truth, the world hostile to it, and very much in error. Every indigenous community will have experience and memory of this. White European communities also do through history.
There is a new model whose framework is inculturation. It sees the Catholic Church as collaborative and shaping the world together with those it seeks to bring to salvation. There is a mission of dialogue with other Christians, religions, and peoples.
The Church promotes unity, fellowship, companionship and begins at an encounter of common ground.
A recent Pope, now a saint , embodied this and worked hard to promote this in his travels. He became known as the Pilgrim Pope John Paul 11.
Pope Francis says:
“At the beginning of dialogue there is encounter. This generates the first knowledge of the other. If, indeed, we start from the presumption of our common human nature, it is possible to overcome prejudice and falsehood, and to begin to understand the other from a new perspective”