Catholic Clergy and Their Puzzling Support for Liberal Parties and Candidates

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Catholic Clergy and Their Puzzling Support for Liberal Parties and Candidates

August 8, 2005 ( Recent U.S. and Canadian elections have brought the issue of the involvement of the Catholic Church in politics to the forefront, most notably the question of whether and under what circumstances stubbornly pro-abortion Catholic politicians should be denied Communion.

While a few heroic bishops such as Canada’s Bishop Fred Henry and US Bishop Raymond Burke have taken clear stands in saying they would refuse communion to certain politicians, the majority have remained non-committal or even stated outright that they would not refuse communion to anyone. Not surprisingly this has sent a mixed message to the faithful. Despite clearly worded directives coming from the Vatican this conflict is far from over, especially given the canonical complexity of the issue and the newness of the ground being tread.

Unfortunately this complexity (which is often overstated), combined with the rhetorical ferocity of the debate, has resulted in the obscuring of a more basic underlying issue – the systemic reluctance of seemingly most, although not all, U.S. and Canadian priests and bishops to make the life and family issues a high priority, to take consistently strong stands on them in the public sphere, and to exhort the faithful to inform themselves and vote for life before party affiliation.

A common refrain heard from faithful Catholics is that life issues such as abortion and embryonic stem cell research are under-emphasized in many dioceses and parishes; many pro-lifers complain that they have encountered uncooperative indifference and even overt hostility from pastors when they have sought to distribute material simply identifying the stances of candidates on pro-life issues.

Not puzzling to me at all…actually its good they are finally getting on message. The Church herself has said as long as one isnt supporting Democrats SOLEY for their stance on being pro choice it is fine to support them.

And in light of that…its quite clear that Democrats stand for MUCH more Christ centered politics and issues than Republicans do on their one lip service cause to Christ regarding abortion while every other policy is choking this nations economy and pushing their own version of a culture of death in the Iraq war.

Go Catholic Clergy! 👍
Euthanasia, fetal stem cell research, abortion, homosexual marriage, etc., are Christ centered??? Please explain yourself.
geezerbob said:
Euthanasia, fetal stem cell research, abortion, homosexual marriage, etc., are Christ centered??? Please explain yourself.

He was saying it’s OK to ignore these as long as they have other good reasons.
He was saying it’s OK to ignore these as long as they have other good reasons.
But the Pope does not support this view. he has said that abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage,cloning and fetal stem cell research are non-negotiable. That a Catholic can not support these in good faith.

The premise, BTW, that other than these MAJOR issues the Democrat party’s policies are most Christ Like is complete and utter nonsense.
Right. Instead of hearing more Bush bashing, I would like to hear some of those “reasons”.
Not puzzling to me at all…actually its good they are finally getting on message. The Church herself has said as long as one isnt supporting Democrats SOLELY for their stance on being pro choice it is fine to support them.
Same vis-a-vis the Republicans. I understood one document from the bishops as saying that one can vote for a pro-abortion candidate of either party as long as one is not voting for that candidate for his pro-abortion stance.
The premise, BTW, that other than these MAJOR issues the Democrat party’s policies are most Christ Like is complete and utter nonsense.
Spoken like a true Republican. 🙂
geezerbob said:
Right. Instead of hearing more Bush bashing, I would like to hear some of those “reasons”.

As someone who is not hardcore into politics, I too would like to hear these reasons. From what I have read the Republican party is good on the non-negotiables (already listed) and the Democrats are good on the negotiables (war and death penalty). Yeah, politics always feels to me like I’m choosing the lesser of two evils, but it seems to me that the Republican Party is the lesser of these evils.
Democrats promote a dirigiste model of governance. That is in direct opposition to the Catholic principle of subsidiarity.

Apparently few care.

Democrats oppose school vouchers and any alternative to public schools. Democrats have constant lawsuits attempting to censor the free exercise of religion. Democrats working for Barry Lynn reported a Catholic bishop to the IRS for speaking out on moral issues. It was a Democrat, LBJ, who used the tax code to silence clergy (he introduced the amendment when he was Senate leader to shut up some ministers in Texas who opposed him). The largest donor to the Democratic, or any other, party in American history, George Soros, funds “Catholics for a Free Choice”. He also funds “Project Death in America”.

The two most activist of the Democrat party activist groups are PFAW and the ACLU.

Both are funded in large part by Hollywood sleaze merchants and outright pornographers.

Democrats are the ones trying to block traditional Catholic from being Federal judges.

uh…huh…take away abortion is there is no reason for a serious Christian, Catholic or Protestant, not to vote Democrat.

Yeah right.
Social welfare for the poor…very Catholic…

Long-standing proponents of preserving the environment and natural resources…

Political watchdogs carrying on the ideals of the Civil Rights Movement…Catholic…

The party of Affordable Health Care and Retirement Security.

And so, its better to be a Democrat for all the right reasons than a Republican for all the wrong ones. 😃
Democrats have constant lawsuits attempting to censor the free exercise of religion.

The largest donor to the Democratic, or any other, party in American history, George Soros, funds “Catholics for a Free Choice”. He also funds “Project Death in America”.

The two most activist of the Democrat party activist groups are PFAW and the ACLU.

Democrats are the ones trying to block traditional Catholic from being Federal judges.
These are very good arguments. I have yet to see equally powerful arguments for the Democratic Party.
Yeah, politics always feels to me like I’m choosing the lesser of two evils, but it seems to me that the Republican Party is the lesser of these evils.
Choosing the lesser of two evils is as American as apple pie. Goes back to our founding.

Alexander Hamilton was Thomas Jefferson’s mortal enemy. When the election of 1800 was throw into Congress to be decided, Hamilton lobbied on behalf of the man he despised and Jefferson became president .

Why did Hamilton do it? Aaron Burr was worse.
Social welfare for the poor…very Catholic…

Long-standing proponents of preserving the environment and natural resources…

Political watchdogs carrying on the ideals of the Civil Rights Movement…Catholic…

The party of Affordable Health Care and Retirement Security.

And so, its better to be a Democrat for all the right reasons than a Republican for all the wrong ones. 😃
Indeed. One may certainly vote Republican because theirs is the better position on abortion, but the Democrats are not lacking in values that are quite Catholic.

I was appalled by the Republican passage of the Bankruptcy law that now makes it very difficult if not impossible for poorer families to get out from under enormous medical debts. Not a Catholic position, no matter how beneficial to the banks and creditors.
Social welfare for the poor…very Catholic…
Yes, Social Welfare is good, but I’m not sure if the Democrats have the answer either.
Long-standing proponents of preserving the environment and natural resources…
This is good to a point. Sometimes I think they go too far, putting certain plants and animals over the needs of humans.
Political watchdogs carrying on the ideals of the Civil Rights Movement…Catholic…
I have to disagree here. In the past this would be true. But now the groups being supported are homosexuals and the goal now seems to be suppressing the voice of anyone of Faith.
The party of Affordable Health Care and Retirement Security.
Again, I agree to a point here. I have yet to see a Democratic plan to fix Social Security besides deriding the Bush plan. Unfortunately, it was the Deomcrats and their “family planning” initiatives that have caused the retirement crisis in the first place.

Still, it seems to me that the Democratic Party is too Anti-Catholic to be a good choice.

Like an above poster said, they are the ones worried about the beliefs of a practicing Catholic being elected to the Supreme Court.
Social welfare for the poor…very Catholic… and very Republican - through charity.

Long-standing proponents of preserving the environment and natural resources…to a fault.

Political watchdogs carrying on the ideals of the Civil Rights Movement…Catholic…also very Republican, both in the passing of the Amendment and carrying on the ideals.

The party of Affordable Health Care Depends on your definition of affordable - a national healthcare system would be a financial strain on all of us… and Retirement Security.…which Republicans are trying to preserve and improve by privatizing accounts to create real savings for everyone.

And so, its better to be a Democrat for all the right reasons than a Republican for all the wrong ones. 😃
On the items listed, we all want the same things, but we go about them different ways. That said, I fully support the right for Catholics to support either party (or third parties if they really want to be ineffective!) to meet these goals.

I’m sure that Democrat Catholics will see the errors of their ways and switch sides later 😃

God Bless,

Democrats oppose school vouchers and any alternative to public schools.
Which Democrats have suggested that parochial schools be closed?
Democrats have constant lawsuits attempting to censor the free exercise of religion.
Which Democrats have proposed that churches and synagogues be shut down?
Democrats working for Barry Lynn reported a Catholic bishop to the IRS for speaking out on moral issues.
That’s him and his henchmen.
It was a Democrat, LBJ, who used the tax code to silence clergy (he introduced the amendment when he was Senate leader to shut up some ministers in Texas who opposed him).
This is, like, 45 years ago or so? Had to look that far back, did you?
The largest donor to the Democratic, or any other, party in American history, George Soros, funds “Catholics for a Free Choice”. He also funds “Project Death in America”.
An unsavory contributor. I’ll just bet that all Republican donors are all pure.
The two most activist of the Democrat party activist groups are PFAW and the ACLU.
Could be.
Both are funded in large part by Hollywood sleaze merchants and outright pornographers.
Your documentation?
Democrats are the ones trying to block traditional Catholic from being Federal judges.
And, if Roberts is approved, can we say that Mr. Bush is blocking traditional Catholics from being Federal judges if the next person he nominates isn’t a Catholic?
Indeed. One may certainly vote Republican because theirs is the better position on abortion, but the Democrats are not lacking in values that are quite Catholic.

I was appalled by the Republican passage of the Bankruptcy law that now makes it very difficult if not impossible for poorer families to get out from under enormous medical debts. Not a Catholic position, no matter how beneficial to the banks and creditors.
And there are useful things (for example the Family and Medical Leave Act) that the Republicans opposed and the Democrats passed under Bill Clinton. It’s amazing - you give even pretty weak support to women to help raise their family in a reasonable way, and - by coincidence? - the abortion rate falls.

Voting is a difficult calculus. Who knows how many lives were saved or lost because Clinton won the presidency? It is far from a trivial question. And short of a party that promises to do away with abortion[1] on day 1, voting remains a complicated question.


[1] Do away with abortion, yes. Which isn’t the same thing as do away with legal abortion, by any means.
MikeWM said:
Do away with abortion, yes. Which isn’t the same thing as do away with legal abortion, by any means.

It may happen, though I doubt it, that legal abortion might disappear. But, with the number of abortion-trained physicians and the perceived “need” for safe abortions that will be with us in the future, abortion itself will always be with us and available, even if clandestinely.
…i am always amazed at the number of non-negotiables that the conservative party in control of all 3 houses of government have failed to address…

i can remember someone saying one time… it’s not what they say that matters, it’s what they do… and when it comes to the poor and down trodden and anyone Christ would have associated with, they are pretty quiet…

…yep, interesting…
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