Catholic Democrats

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Bush and the Republican politicians do not care about the middle class or senior citizens because Bush only gives tax breaks to the wealthy and Bush does not want to import medicines from Canada that are lower price then they are in the United States so that senior citizens do not have to pay that much for medicines.

Albert Kopsho:
There are Catholics who are Democrats.** I am a Pro Life Catholic Democrat who voted for Kerry in the election** last November because I am a Democrat and will always be a Democrat and I sure was not going to vote for Bush because Bush is not familiar with telling the truth.

You are living a lie if you believe supporting murdering babies by supporting a presidential candidate that condones murder is “Pro-Life”.

I weep in the dark for you.
Albert Kopsho:

If I am a Pro Life Democrat what was I supposed to do vote Republican? Democrats vote Democrat. Bush lied about what the reason was for starting the war in Iraq by stating that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and there was none. Bush can find money for the war in Iraq but Bush can not find money to give to the veterans who need it a lot more than the military does.

continues to weep
Dj Roy Albert,

I do not believe in abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother and I gave the reason in a previous post why I am remaining Democrat.

Albert Kopsho:
Dj Roy Albert,

I do not believe in abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother and I gave the reason in a previous post why I am remaining Democrat.

I am a Christian & hold no political party in any esteem. Politics & crime usually walk hand & hand.

Abortion in the case of rape = murder
Abortion in the case of incest = murder
Abortion to save the life of the mother = selfishness & immaturity on the part of the “mother” & yes, MURDER.

You should change your title from Democrat to DEATHocrat.
Dj Roy Albert,

Then you think that if a woman develops complications during pregnancy that it would be ok that the woman died?

Mr kopsho’s posts dont hold water. he answered everyone but me!!!
Im just itching to see your answer to my posts! Im going to keep posting here till Im answered!!😉
Dj Roy Albert said:
continues to weep


He’s not worth your tears.

Kopsho, Mazar, or whatever he calls himself has shown himself to be a lying, heretical dweeb who’s after a girl 25 years his junior, receives Communion in an obstinate state of public heresy, and is in favor of murder of the unborn (selective, yes, but murder nevertheless), favoring his party over his Lord, and refuses to learn the teachings of the Church.
Albert Kopsho:
Dj Roy Albert,

Then you think that if a woman develops complications during pregnancy that it would be ok that the woman died?

Ask any, ANY woman that has LOVINGLY raised children if she would be willing to give up her life for her child… You may be surprised at the answer when a mature & loving, self respecting & compassionate woman, a REAL WOMAN tells you that they would gladly give up their lives a thousand times over to insure the safety of their precious child or children.

Murder is murder, giving up ones life that another may live in only done by the grace of God & is a virtue.

He’s not worth your tears.

Kopsho, Mazar, or whatever he calls himself has shown himself to be a lying, heretical dweeb who’s after a girl 25 years his junior, receives Communion in an obstinate state of public heresy, and is in favor of murder of the unborn (selective, yes, but murder nevertheless), favoring his party over his Lord, and refuses to learn the teachings of the Church.
May the Lord have mercy on his soul.
Mr kopsho’s posts dont hold water. he answered everyone but me!!!
Im just itching to see your answer to my posts! Im going to keep posting here till Im answered!!😉

He ignores you once you back him into a corner. He has hardened his heart so much no one gets through. You only need to look through the EWTN archives to see this. Forget him.

I’d rather see sincerely non-Catholics like Ozzie and Coachmcguirk here any time over stones like Mazar/Kopsho/Whatever.
it is interesting how things change

a generation or so ago the stereotype was that all catholics were democrats
my grandparents had a picture of FDR up on the wall next to the Pope
My parents had a photo of JFK on the wall

of course back then white southern republicans were rarer than hens teeth 😉

who knew that Nixon would leave such a legacy?
Albert Kopsho:
Dj Roy Albert,

Then you think that if a woman develops complications during pregnancy that it would be ok that the woman died?

Abortion is not the only option for women with complications in their pregnancies. I’m sure that you’re aware of this, too. Get off the bandwagon and take a look at some things.

If children are illegitimate, let’s kill them!
Albert Kopsho:
Dj Roy Albert,

Then you think that if a woman develops complications during pregnancy that it would be ok that the woman died?

You have little understanding of moral theology or logic.

When a women develops complications during pregnancy and the doctor is trying to save the women’s life then a form of abortion which is called spontaneous abortion or miscarriage occurs.

Yeah. This is morally permissible as long as the intent of the procedure is not to kill the baby and as long as everything that is possible is done to save the baby.
Albert Kopsho:

Republicans allegience is to their political party. No Republican would vote Democrat.

Albert Kopsho,

If you are a Republican, then pull the Republican handle. If you are a Democrat, then pull the Democrat handle. However, if you are a [Catholic] Christian, then your identity in Christ will determine your vote. As originally posted by **Trevor “****You are not a Democrat. You are a child of God, period”.

As Catholic Christians our very identity is in Christ, not defined by this world’s passing standards. If you think otherwise, then St. Paul will say that you need conversion of the mind:

Romans, Chapter 12:2* "*Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”

**Galatians, Chapter 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Colossians, Chapter 3:11 “Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all and in all.
Coming to this from the other side of the pond as it were (please excuse my ignorance) It would seem that mr Bush does not appear to have done much to reduce abortions but because he says he is against abortion he got a lot of Christians to support him.
Do you think it is right to vote for someone who claims to be pro-life if you disagree with them on other important issues such as war in Iraq, fair trade, human rights or the environment?
Albert Kopsho:

When a women develops complications during pregnancy and the doctor is trying to save the women’s life then a form of abortion which is called spontaneous abortion or miscarriage occurs.

You are completely incorrect. Spontaneous abortion (also called miscarriage for they are the same thing) occurs just like it says…spontaneously. There’s no one doing anything to save anyone’s life…the fetus is aborted because it cannot be carried to term, no doctor is doing anything at that point. Get your definitions correct.
Yeah. This is morally permissible as long as the intent of the procedure is not to kill the baby and as long as everything that is possible is done to save the baby.
But then that’s not abortion, is it? It’s simply the principle of double-effect. Abortion is the direct killing of the baby, which is never justified. If the treatment of the mother results in the unfortunate death of the baby, then it’s not an abortion, but an unwanted effect of the efforts to save the mother.

Our star of the day though doesn’t have any excuse for his position of abortion for rape, incest, or even the mother in danger. It is intrinsically evil, and anyone who subscribes to abortion in any form is an evil person as well.
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