Catholic Democrats

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I am a Democrat because I was raised in a Democratic household and my father has stated on numerous occasions since I started voting that I have to remain Democrat for the memory of his parents who without my father’s support during the Depression would have starved. So I am not going to go against what my father wants.

mr kopsho. I was raised in a house that was niether democrat or republican, because, quite frankly we dont trust politicians in general.we were taught to thinks for our selves rather than give alegance to any ppolitical party, which is what parents in general should be teaching thier children. but one thing we were all taught very strongly was we are Catholic first and foremost, before all else.I sugest read the priest for life website, Catholic answers voting guide, and learn to think for yourself. are you going to stay democrat if they want to outlaw christianity? they are not far from it.

Are you stating that no Catholic should be a Democrat? I am going to remain Democrat because that is what my father wants. And I am not going to go against my father because my father and I think alike when it comes to politics and that it is better to be a Democrat in memory of my father’s parents who without my father’s support during the Depression would have starved.

Catholics can be anything Mr kopsho, but they cant be proaborts. My views best fit in the republican party, if you talk major partys, but because of views, the John birch society asked me to join them. but I put that all aside to make sure all my votes I ever make go to some one who is anti abortion, because Im Catholic first, everything else I am is secendary to that. most of my opinions are like retired senator Jesse helms, or talkshow host Michael Savage, I agree with Rock star Ted Nugent quite a bit also. But Im Catholic first, which requires me to never vote proabortion. in rare cases where the democrat is prolife and the republican isnt I vote democrat then. when the final judgemnt day comes no one nowhere can in front of God accuse me of being an acomplace to abortion, the worst crime of all.

My father and I are not Pro Abortion we are Pro Life and against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Which is exactly the way that Bush is.

Albert Kopsho:

My father and I are not Pro Abortion we are Pro Life and against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Which is exactly the way that Bush is.

Bush is in error. One could have voted from Bush over Kerry because Bush was the lesser of two evils. Kerry was much more pro death.
Albert Kopsho:
I am going to remain Democrat because that is what my father wants. And I am not going to go against my father because my father and I think alike when it comes to politics and that it is better to be a Democrat in memory of my father’s parents who without my father’s support during the Depression would have starved.

Since you have two threads going on the same topic, I will post this observation here also.

You sound enmeshed with your father/family legacy. You present as being unfinished in the adolescent developmental task of “individuation-separation” from your parent, i.e., becoming your own person, having your own opinions and putting on the mind of Christ first and foremost.

In terms of spirituality and Christian discipleship, Jesus says that you place your family ties and loyalties above his demand/requirements for being worthy of following Him:

Matthew**, *Chapter 10:35-37 “***For I have come to set a man ‘against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s enemies will be those of his household.’ "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.”

I am my own person and I have different opinions than my father on other subjects. But in terms of politics I and my father think alike.

Albert Kopsho:

I am my own person and I have different opinions than my father on other subjects. But in terms of politics I and my father think alike.

Tell yourself whatever you want, but your posts say otherwise…you are operating out of sense of obligation, wanting to please, blind loyalties, duty to conform…i.e., you are not thinking for yourself.

I have been a registered Democrat for 24 years ever since I started voting at age 19. It is not out of a sense of loyalty to my father that I vote Democrat, I really do have the same political beliefs that my father has.

Tell yourself whatever you want, but your posts say otherwise…you are operating out of sense of obligation, wanting to please, blind loyalties, duty to conform…i.e., you are not thinking for yourself.
It is called Familial Homogeneity.
Albert Kopsho:

I am a Democrat because I was raised in a Democratic household and my father has stated on numerous occasions since I started voting that I have to remain Democrat for the memory of his parents who without my father’s support during the Depression would have starved. So I am not going to go against what my father wants.

Albert Kopsho:
Are you stating that no Catholic should be a Democrat? I am going to remain Democrat because that is what my father wants. And I am not going to go against my father because my father and I think alike when it comes to politics and that it is better to be a Democrat in memory of my father’s parents who without my father’s support during the Depression would have starved.

Albert Kopsho:
I have been a registered Democrat for 24 years ever since I started voting at age 19. It is not out of a sense of loyalty to my father that I vote Democrat, I really do have the same political beliefs that my father has.

Excuse me, but uh . . . oh, nevermind. I give up.
Albert Kopsho:

I have been a registered Democrat for 24 years ever since I started voting at age 19. It is not out of a sense of loyalty to my father that I vote Democrat, I really do have the same political beliefs that my father has.

Really?..many of us forum members strongly suspect that you are underrreporting your actual age…hmmm?..and really, by your trying to convince others that you are your “own person” and have “different opinions” indicates very much the opposite of this assertion. Maybe a little more self-honesty? :hmmm:
Hey, Albert. This “I’m a democrat, I’m a democrat, I’m a democrat, I’m a democrat” stuff has gotten a little boring. Want to talk about . . . . oh, I don’t know, the feeding habits of South American long-haired yaks now?
Albert Kopsho:
There are Catholics who are Democrats. I am a Pro Life Catholic Democrat who voted for Kerry in the election last November because I am a Democrat and will always be a Democrat and I sure was not going to vote for Bush because Bush is not familiar with telling the truth.

I think it is wonderful that you are a Pro-life/Catholic Democrat. The Democrats need more pro-lifers in their camp. I have considered becoming Democrat so I can vote for pro-life Democrats in primaries and better support them. I hope that you will consider this when you vote for Dems in primaries.

But, even if I were a Democrat I would not have voted for Kerry.

A little story from my local newspaper. A very prominent and rich Catholic Democrat who lives in my area recently hosted a fund raising bash at his home and the attendees included Senator Kennedy. His Catholic, pro-life, Republican wife refused to attend and host the likes of Kennedy. She chose to stay away with friends then be at her own home. She was quoted as saying “Well, I did turn the hot tub on for him.”

You comment that Bush is not familiar with telling the truth. I am wondering then if you voted for Clinton. Clinton was a master at lying. I think he wrote the book.

I am an Independent, btw.
Hey, Albert. This “I’m a democrat, I’m a democrat, I’m a democrat, I’m a democrat” stuff has gotten a little boring. Want to talk about . . . . oh, I don’t know, the feeding habits of South American long-haired yaks now?
Hey, what is the traveling airspeed of an african swallow??
Albert Kopsho:

I have been a registered Democrat for 24 years ever since I started voting at age 19. It is not out of a sense of loyalty to my father that I vote Democrat, I really do have the same political beliefs that my father has.

“Al, son, go jump off a bridge, will ya?? For your pops?”

“Ok dad!! Only 'cause I love ya!”

Albert!! Come here!! Listen, I need to you to hop around like a bunny and bark like a dog. Can you do it for me?? I know you’re 40, but it would mean so much."

“No prob. Blood is thicker than water, right?”

Yes I voted for Clinton both times in 1992 and 1996. But in 2000 I did not vote for Gore I voted for Nader because I did not like Gore. Thinking back I now realize that it was a mistake to have voted for Nader. I should have voted for Gore in 2000.

Originally Posted by Albert Kopsho
If I am a Pro Life Democrat what was I supposed to do vote Republican? Democrats vote Democrat. Bush lied about what the reason was for starting the war in Iraq by stating that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and there was none. Bush can find money for the war in Iraq but Bush can not find money to give to the veterans who need it a lot more than the military does.
Democrats vote Democrat. . .except when they don’t.
I voted for Clinton both times in 1992 and 1996. But in 2000 I did not vote for Gore I voted for Nader because I did not like Gore. Thinking back I now realize that it was a mistake to have voted for Nader. I should have voted for Gore in 2000.
If nothing else, I do find this entire thread funny. Maybe Albert likes to spread some laughter?
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