Catholic Democrats

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Albert Kopsho:

I think that abortion should only be available in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, which is exactly the way that Bush thinks. If abortion was only available in those rare instances than abortion would be almost non existant.

Are we really surprised to read this opinion from a “man” flirting with statutory rape while he dates his 17 year old sweetie?!?!
did someone say bulldogcatholic got suspended? thats horrible. i think that since the parties are blending together anyways catholics should just vote on candidates according to their values. abortion is definitely the most important. and no abortion is ok, doesnt matter if its rape or incest or what. almost all politicians are rich jerks who basically choose a party and then say what they think will get them votes.
Island Oak,

Bush is also against abortion EXCEPT in the rare cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother and Bush is considered Pro Life. So if I am also against abortion EXCEPT in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother then I should be considered Pro Life also. You Republican’s on this forum are typical Republican’s sticking up for Republican presidents even when they are crooks and liars like Reagan was and like Bush is. Don’t you Republican’s on this forum care that senior citizens have to pay high prices for medications? Bush could order the pharmaceutical companies in the United States to lower the price of medications. But Bush does not care about the senior citizens in the United States.
Albert Kopsho:
Island Oak,

Bush is also against abortion EXCEPT in the rare cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother and Bush is considered Pro Life. So if I am also against abortion EXCEPT in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother then I should be considered Pro Life also. You Republican’s on this forum are typical Republican’s sticking up for Republican presidents even when they are crooks and liars like Reagan was and like Bush is. Don’t you Republican’s on this forum care that senior citizens have to pay high prices for medications? Bush could order the pharmaceutical companies in the United States to lower the price of medications. But Bush does not care about the senior citizens in the United States.
(emphasis added)

In formulating the above rant, where did you see me allign myself with any political party or express support for any given president’s policies re: prescription meds or related senior issues? What I did do is question the motivation behind the opinions you promote on this thread–something I notice you conveniently ignored.
Albert Kopsho:
Island Oak,

Bush is also against abortion EXCEPT in the rare cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother and Bush is considered Pro Life. So if I am also against abortion EXCEPT in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother then I should be considered Pro Life also.
If you and Bush are so alike, why didn’t you vote for him? Kerry was for abortions on dmand, even partial birth abortions.
Don’t you Republican’s on this forum care that senior citizens have to pay high prices for medications? Bush could order the pharmaceutical companies in the United States to lower the price of medications. But Bush does not care about the senior citizens in the United States.
Don’t you care about unborn babies? Kerry just wanted to let them be slaughtered. Kerry did not care about the unborn in the United States. What is worse, 4000 innocents being slaughtered everyday or the elderly having to pay more for their medications?

I did not vote for Bush because Bush is a crook and a liar like most Republican politicians are. You Republican’s on this forum keep stating that I can not possibly be Pro Life if I am against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother but yet you Republican’s on this forum say that Bush is Pro Life and Bush is against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Typical Republican’s sticking up for Republican’s who are crooks and liars like Reagan was and like Bush is. You Republican’s on this forum obviously do not care about senior citizens in the United States having to pay high prices for their medications. And Bush does not care about the senior citizens in the United States or else he would order the pharmaceutical companies to lower the price of medications in the United States. Senior citizens having to pay high prices for medications is worse than abortion. Abortion would almost be non existant if a law was passed making abortion available only in the rare instances of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

Albert Kopsho:

I did not vote for Bush because Bush is a crook and a liar like most Republican politicians are. You Republican’s on this forum keep stating that I can not possibly be Pro Life if I am against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother but yet you Republican’s on this forum say that Bush is Pro Life and Bush is against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
Bush has an excuse. He’s not Catholic.

You claim to be Catholic, yet reject some of the Church’s most basic teaching on the sanctity of human life.

Shame on you.
You Republican’s
Hmmm. You ever think there might be some independents or some real Pro Life Democrats who vote against pro-abortion politicians?
Typical Republican’s sticking up for Republican’s who are crooks and liars like Reagan was and like Bush is.
Typical Democrat sticking up for Democrats who support killing the unborn.
Senior citizens having to pay high prices for medications is worse than abortion.
I think that says it all folks.
Abortion would almost be non existant if a law was passed making abortion available only in the rare instances of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
And who would pass this law? The pro-choice Democrats?

Hmmm. And to think this actually was the law before Roe v. Wade. Who supports Roe v. Wade? Oh yeah, John Kerry. Would abortions be almost non-existant if Kerry who supports on-demand abortions at any stage of development were elected and he were to appoint new justices after some leave? Hmmm. Sounds to me abortions would be even more available and widespread.

Do you care so little about senior citizens that you do not care that they have to pay high prices for their medications? The reason that I care so much about senior citizens is because my father who is in his upper 80’s is paying exorbatant high prices even for generic drugs.

Albert Kopsho:

I did not vote for Bush because Bush is a crook and a liar like most Republican politicians are. You Republican’s on this forum keep stating that I can not possibly be Pro Life if I am against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother but yet you Republican’s on this forum say that Bush is Pro Life and Bush is against abortion except in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. Typical Republican’s sticking up for Republican’s who are crooks and liars like Reagan was and like Bush is. You Republican’s on this forum obviously do not care about senior citizens in the United States having to pay high prices for their medications. And Bush does not care about the senior citizens in the United States or else he would order the pharmaceutical companies to lower the price of medications in the United States. Senior citizens having to pay high prices for medications is worse than abortion. Abortion would almost be non existant if a law was passed making abortion available only in the rare instances of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

Now that you have given your exhaustive litany (albeit unconvincing) reasons WHY NOT to vote for a Republican/Bush, as the reason to vote for a Democrat/Kerry. How about giving your convincing exhaustive litany of positive reasons WHY to vote for a Democrat/Kerry (and leave out the Republican Party/Bush).
Albert Kopsho:

Do you care so little about senior citizens that you do not care that they have to pay high prices for their medications? The reason that I care so much about senior citizens is because my father who is in his upper 80’s is paying exorbatant high prices even for generic drugs.

So how come the Democrats, in all the years THEY were in the majority in Congress, never passed a prescription drug bill?

The President, by the way, has no Constitutional authority to order drug companies, or anyone else to lower prices.

The price of drugs is high in America because the American consumer is forced to bear the whole burden of drug Research and Development, while other nations get a free ride. John E. Calfee in an article entitled “The High Price of Cheap Drugs” pointed out;
" American manufacturers now account for 7 of the top 10 worldwide best-selling medicines, and 15 of the top 20. This reflects a large and growing disparity in research and development expenditures. In 1990, European pharmaceutical firms outspent American firms on R&D by approximately 8 billion euros to 5 billion euros ($7 billion to $4.3 billion). In 2000, U.S. firms outspent European firms by 24 billion euros to 17 billion euros ($20.9 billion to $14.8 billion)."

In other words, in just a decade, the European nations (and Canada) succeeded in throwing away their lead in drug R&D.

We do *NOT ***want to choke off R&D in the US. Every one of us will need drugs at some time, and we want the latest developments in drugs.

Let me point out that in the process, Canada killed competition in their drug industry. As a result, generic drugs are more expensive in Canada than in the US.
A study by D’Angelo Consulting of Ottawa (cited in Forbes Magazine, February 2003), found that 21 of the top 27 best selling generic drugs cost more in Canada than in the US. And the combined price for all 27 was 37% higher in Canada than in the US!

The reason for this is that price controls make drug companies less likely to gear up to produce a new drug when the original patents expire. That means less competition in Canada, and higher prices for generics. In the US when the patent expires on a new drug, the price drops an average of 74% – but in Canada, the drop is only 38%.

The reasons to vote for Democrat politicians are the Democrat politicians care about the middle class more and the Democrat politicians would give the middle class tax breaks instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy. Democrat politicians would not give tax breaks to wealthy corporations. Democrat politicians would force the pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of medications.

Albert Kopsho:

The reasons to vote for Democrat politicians are the Democrat politicians care about the middle class more and the Democrat politicians would give the middle class tax breaks instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy. Democrat politicians would not give tax breaks to wealthy corporations. Democrat politicians would force the pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of medications.

With that exhaustive list of myths…or rather “reasons” to vote for the Democratic politicians, I guess I am converted to the Democratic party…NOT. You might sway a few voters in the local pub perhaps (that is if you are of age). I fail to see how your “Catholicity” is reflected in your “comprehensive” reasons given above.
Albert Kopsho:

The reasons to vote for Democrat politicians are the Democrat politicians care about the middle class more and the Democrat politicians would give the middle class tax breaks instead of giving tax breaks to the wealthy. Democrat politicians would not give tax breaks to wealthy corporations. Democrat politicians would force the pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of medications.

What is the middle class?? Can you tell me??

The middle class got their taxes cut!! Any middle class family with children recieved a huge increase in the child tax credit.

The middle class are employed by either other middle class people (define please!) (who got their taxes cut) OR most likely by those that we call “richer” than you and me.

Employers are “the rich”. They were not being able to hire new people or invest in their busiensses in a stagnated business climate after 9/11 (actually beginning in 2000). Tax cuts meant that money that WOULD HAVE gone the bowels of some government bureacracy INSTEAD went to wages for newhires (the middle class got employed again?? Good thing, eh?!) and investors put money into new start-ups, generating new employment, new production, new sales, new profit, and therefore NEW TAX REVENUE.

Price controls don’t work. I explained this to you in an earlier thread (maybe the other Catholic Democrats). Read Vern Humphrey’s post on drug costs and prices above for a much better analysis.

According to Catholic teaching the middle class is more important than the wealthy. Therefore the middle class deserve tax breaks and the wealthy do not. The wealthy corporations do not deserve tax breaks either. Pharmaceutical companies should be forced to lower prices for medications so that senior citizens do not have to pay exhorbatant prices for medications even generic drugs. I care about senior citizens because my father who is in his upper 80’s has to pay exhorbatant prices even for his generic drugs.

Albert Kopsho:

According to Catholic teaching the middle class is more important than the wealthy. Therefore the middle class deserve tax breaks and the wealthy do not. The wealthy corporations do not deserve tax breaks either. Pharmaceutical companies should be forced to lower prices for medications so that senior citizens do not have to pay exhorbatant prices for medications even generic drugs. I care about senior citizens because my father who is in his upper 80’s has to pay exhorbatant prices even for his generic drugs.

“According to Catholic teaching…”

Please source your claim. The CCC doesn’t say the words “middle class”.

I might generally agree with you that corporations don’t necessarily “deserve” tax breaks (you have alot of energy on “deserving” things, I see), but if you must heap new taxes and regulation on business, they will leave your neighborhood, they will leave your state, and eventually, they will leave the country.

DEMOCRATS outsource employers!!! DEMOCRATS pass policies the lead to unemployment!!
Albert Kopsho:
According to **Catholic teaching **the middle class is more important than the wealthy.
I must have missed this one…please cite your Catholic teaching source (I hope that Myra “…their all rich jerks anyways.” is not your source).

After thought: I am getting that same feeling when I am arguing with my 8thy grade nephew.
mr kopsho, ive got a sugestion instead voting for democrats who are going to tax people like me to pay your father’s drug bills, you pay for your father’s drugs! instead of whine about it do something about it. Our USA constitution doesnt say government is suposed to pay for anybody’s anything, but it does say everyone is suposed to have equil protection under the law, which if we followed the constitution would include the unborn, which people who vote like you are keeping from happening.
it doesnt really matter, their all rich jerks anyways.
Could you do us all a favor and define “they”? I am a bit unclear as to whom you refer. It will allow us all to have a common frame of reference so when we are talking about the “rich jerks”, we all know who is being discussed.
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