Catholic Democrats

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Albert,how can you say economics are more important than this little guys life?God Bless
Hey, everyone. You might as well just quit responding to Kopsho. Search around a little. Apparently, not only does he support abortion pushing politicians, he also does not believe in the Communion of Saints, anything to do with the Blessed Mother, Transubstantiation, or just about any other teaching of the Catholic church. Yet he maintains he is a “good, practicing Catholic”. Smells like my daughter’s ripe diaper!! :cool:
The first post in this thread is a such a blatant example of a troll it smells of chum bait.

I think that abortion should only be available in the cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, which is exactly the way that Bush thinks. If abortion was only available in those rare instances than abortion would be almost non existant.

Albert Kopsho:
There are Catholics who are Democrats. I am a Pro Life Catholic Democrat who voted for Kerry in the election last November because I am a Democrat and will always be a Democrat and I sure was not going to vote for Bush because Bush is not familiar with telling the truth.

Well all I can say is that there has never been a politician I have ever known that has not told at least one lie to get them into office. So if that was why you did not vote for Bush then you shouldnt have voted for anyone at all.

Personally even if I was democrat which I am not, I could not have voted for Kerry because just the fact that he is for such an abominable thing as abortion really turns me off.

I know alot of people in my family who say I am a democrat and so I will only vote for democrats. here is the way I see it if a democrat ran in the next election and said when I get into office I will do like Hitler and get rid of all races that are not like me would you vote for him still because you are democrat so you will never vote the other way. I know that is a little extreme, but I am just curious.

God Bless, Kerri
Albert Kopsho:

In other words no Catholic should be a Democrat is that right? Do you actually believe that Bush has not lied since becoming president?

Everyone lies in some form or fashion, and no, Catholis should not be democrats, since the church is not a democracy. Clinton’s a liar and a whore, so the lying thing is small pototoes…there is a better chance of eliminating abortion with bush…that and kerry’s a wuss controlled by a feminazi…
Cool, thanks for the link. Its hard to believe that someone would put the most ridiculous movie ever moade to music on Broadway, and attract the talent of Tim Curry no less.
I’m sorry, i have never seen “Tim Curry” and the word “talent” in the same sentance before…😛 :rotfl:

[actually i did like him in Clue 👍]
Mr kopsho keeps harping on the rape incest, and whatever exception, to George Bush being antiabortion. lest we forget Bush signed the partial birth abortion ban, kerry wouldnt, bush has issued executive orders taking funding for abortion from various programs, and lest we forget he did get the natioal right to life endorsement. thats good enough for me! stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
TheGarg said:
Everyone lies in some form or fashion, and no, Catholis should not be democrats, since the church is not a democracy. Clinton’s a liar and a whore, so the lying thing is small pototoes…there is a better chance of eliminating abortion with bush…that and kerry’s a wuss controlled by a feminazi…

even if all you say is true, ( :yup: ) you could be suspended for your comments.

oops… no, that does not apply to democrats… it is wayward clerics you can’t be blunt about.:tsktsk: :whacky:

by the way, anyone know why bulldogcatholic got suspended??? which post did him in??
hey tlaloc, try seeing if you can get any more serious than you already are.
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