Albert,how can you say economics are more important than this little guys life?God BlessHow much is this 8 week baby worth?
Albert,how can you say economics are more important than this little guys life?God BlessHow much is this 8 week baby worth?
laden or unladen?Hey, what is the traveling airspeed of an african swallow??
HA! Thanks, Scott. I am not alone in my love for The Holy Grail!laden or unladen?
then you should see this:HA! Thanks, Scott. I am not alone in my love for The Holy Grail!
I was beginning t A A A A AHHHH…
Cool, thanks for the link. Its hard to believe that someone would put the most ridiculous movie ever moade to music on Broadway, and attract the talent of Tim Curry no less.
Well all I can say is that there has never been a politician I have ever known that has not told at least one lie to get them into office. So if that was why you did not vote for Bush then you shouldnt have voted for anyone at all.There are Catholics who are Democrats. I am a Pro Life Catholic Democrat who voted for Kerry in the election last November because I am a Democrat and will always be a Democrat and I sure was not going to vote for Bush because Bush is not familiar with telling the truth.
In other words no Catholic should be a Democrat is that right? Do you actually believe that Bush has not lied since becoming president?
I’m sorry, i have never seen “Tim Curry” and the word “talent” in the same sentance before…Cool, thanks for the link. Its hard to believe that someone would put the most ridiculous movie ever moade to music on Broadway, and attract the talent of Tim Curry no less.
Oh no!! It’s Tlaloc!! Run away!! Run awaaaay!!
http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/smily084.gifOh no!! It’s Tlaloc!! Run away!! Run awaaaay!!
TheGarg said:
Everyone lies in some form or fashion, and no, Catholis should not be democrats, since the church is not a democracy. Clinton’s a liar and a whore, so the lying thing is small pototoes…there is a better chance of eliminating abortion with bush…that and kerry’s a wuss controlled by a feminazi…
Wow, that seems extreme considering I was posting a link to a broadway musical.Oh no!! It’s Tlaloc!! Run away!! Run awaaaay!!
About The Holy Grail, who I was quoting above.Wow, that seems extreme considering I was posting a link to a broadway musical.