"In light of this teaching, this department, in agreement with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, holds it necessary clearly to affirm that the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, may not admit to the seminary and Holy Orders those who practice homosexuality, show profoundly deep-rooted homosexual tendencies, or support the so-called gay culture."
It seems that this document begs the quesiton of what means to be homosexual. I assume “practicing homosexuality” is meant to mean engagement in physical activity. I am less clear about the applicability, in certain circumstances, of the second and third proscriptions: “showing deep-rooted homosexual tendencies” or “supporting the so-called gay culture.”
In the first place, I don’t think this document should be parsed like a criminal statute, i.e., with a bias toward limiting its applicability to the greatest extent possible rather than furthering its spirit and general purpose. It is not for the purpose of punishment, This issue, it seems to me, should not be addressed the way our courts battle with definitions of such things as obscenity.
In this regard, it seems that no man who defines himself as homosexual, even if he is chaste, meets the tests prescribed in the document. The document speaks of affective sexual immaturity in one’s past as not being disqualifying, but a current disposition that would cause one to define oneself by one’s sexual orientation or tendency would seem to evince “deep-rootedness” for purposes of this teaching.
I’m not sure I fully understand the parameters of what is meant by “supporting the so-called gay culture” but I think we need to have faith in our ecclesial authorities to “know it when they see it.”
It seems to me that the document should be read, and applied, liberally rather than conservatively or grudgingly if it is to serve its purpose.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten those entrusted with the power of ordination to properly discern God’s will in this regard.