Hi. One who does not believe here. My unbelieving wife and I are very happy but were we not and I was to consider a Catholic for a life partner issues I would see would be: 1) contraception (although we did use NFP to get pregnant!) 2) Likely disagreement over some policy issues; 3) My interest in religious belief which could lead to fairly constant questioning. In my experience many Catholics are not much interested in their faith and practice it more than they think about it). 4) I’d be upset if she could not get on with my gay friends & relatives and their families. 5) We might fight over who gets to read the English translation of the 1917 Code of Canon Law (yes I have one!) 6) My existing wife can be quite fierce as can my children. On the plus side there would be no problem about getting married in the Church since my wife and I do not have a valid Catholic marriage. I would have no problem with a partner practising a religion - Church-going, praying (quietly, not when I’m watching TV etc) or having religious discussions in my presence. However as noted before, I might take part! I don’t mind religious symbolism around the house except crucifixes because to me they show the tortured death of a man. I like Maddona and child images.