The reason it seems childish is that it’s predicated on the notion that human nature can and will change.
Not cause of the star trek thing? thanks for the pass.
However, they do change or we would not have gone from “follow Deuteronomy to the letter of go to hell but before that be rained on by frogs” To “The third council of the Vatican tribunals of …”
We don’t need to be told we reached a logical point we can guide ourselves based on the teaching left to us. Bound on earth, bound in heaven ect.
Otherwise, you eat any pork lately?
. Conquest has not ended, you just don’t see it in the safe little corner of the world you live in.
You don’t know my corner.
Greed, corruption, and war are immutable factors in a fallen world.
Not with that attitude.
UBI is indicative of an immature intellect that longs for a human paradise.
And your past two comments are indicative of a Catholic who thinks any improvement on earth is a waste of time. Unless you live in Amish farmland perhaps you shouldn’t speak.
Also, why are you on a computer?
It is inherent laziness, and by that I mean it is an attempt to outsource charity to the state and absolve the individual from responsibility.
The world is changing, this is a social adaptation to the new age we live in. No one is advocating we do away with personal responsibility. Only that help is there for those who need it.
You do give money to people who need it right?
Eliminating class is not an imperative for anyone.
It is for me.
Unless oriented to Christ, humankind will always be unequal.
no offense but you don’t seem so ‘oriented in Christ.’ Someone who sees this world as a passing dream, a mere bus stop on their way to a better place doesn’t strike me as Christ-like.
He healed the sick and cared about the troubles of his time. He didn’t laugh at Lazarus and shrug saying “why worry? he’s with my dad.” He wept.
Have some compassion man.