With all due respect… wouldn’t it also be fair to say that of you? That’s a human trait, I suspect, and not just something we’d accuse certain individuals of doing. You yourself wrote that your orientation toward this particular Scriptural interpretation flows from your past experience with shamanism!the problem with some of you is that you only point your imagination in the direction your opinion already points.
“Animism”? As in panentheism…? No, that’s not what Francis stood for. He stood for simplicity, humility, and love of God and of God’s creation.i would need to hear how the Church interprets the apparent animism in St Francis specifically.
How do you understand the Church’s notion of “infallibility”? Perhaps that’s an issue here…yes i disagree with the Church. they are not infallible and have been wrong a lot throughout history. i trust them to lead me perfectly towards salvation. beyond that i am certain that they get things wrong quite often.
Case in point. What things does “the Church get wrong”, in your opinion? Doctrine? Or mere discipline?in light of the fact that the church gets things wrong i have to question very intensely its teaching
Umm… I don’t think he gets attacked for being contemplative. Just sayin’…I think Fr Richard Rohr has some good work on nondualistic spirituality which is the fruit of a contemplative life. He’ll be attacked in this form, but so are most contemplatives.

Wait, though… the Church isn’t telling “disconnect from nature!”. If that’s where your heart is, then go for it! Nevertheless, don’t confuse that tug on your heart with the notion that animals and plants have immortal souls. Rather, rejoice in the beauty and splendor of the universe that God has created! That doesn’t require everything in the universe to have an immortal, rational soul!but now if feels like i have been repressing a true good in repressing the connection i had with nature and if seems like the Holy Spirit itself is/was drawing me to regain the connection that was lost. it seems like only dogma is keeping me from it while love is calling me to it
It’s stated indirectly, by virtue of saying that humans are the only creatures created for their own sake, and that they’re created in the image and likeness of God. No, not every belief in the Church has an explicit citation, but they’re there, nevertheless.the Catholic Church makes very few infallible statements and the existence of souls in animals is not one of them.