I already addressed those inserts. And it’s always been known that studies aren’t comprehensive in nature.
Drugs aren’t the only thing processed by the CYP450 pathway in the liver like statins are.
Know what else goes through there? Herbal supplements. And a host of other organic molecules. (Hello, organophosphates…)
Guess what else has increased in the last 40 years? Herbal supplement use.
Guess what interacts with most herbals, that most laypeople don’t bother to check? Statins.
No that doesn’t lessen the impact of the statin on the situation. That’s not what I’m saying in the least. Not every person with a statin complication is popping supplements that they’re not telling their doc about. But my point is there’s always more going on than just one thing.
Again, you’re placing emphasis on one thing.
Vioxx was touted as safe. Once it hit wide use, we realized it’s not. We banned it.
DES, thalidomide, and a host of other drugs were touted as safe. We found out they weren’t. We banned them.
No one is infallible. Doesn’t mean mistakes are excused.
Wanted to add that rate has been skyrocketing since 1980. It hasn’t all been because of statins. It was happening before statins, and liver cancer doesn’t appear overnight, though it can take years to detect. The rate is actually DROPPING in younger adults (meaning not senior citizens).