Catholic Teaching and Immunization Policy

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There is a special court for for vaccine injuries. Vaccine manufacturers are immune from liability by federal statute and injury claims can only be brought before a special court. The very existence of such a court tells you that yes, people do get injured from vaccines. You can get statistics, but the injuries are believed to be underreported because there is often disagreement on whether the vaccine caused the injury, so the injury goes unreported.
Not one soul here has said injury doesn’t occur.

Not a one.

If you run vaccine companies out of business, who will produce vaccines?
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Sure, in certain forms of it. Compounds containing Mercury can and are nontoxic.
So it was removed because of what quacks were saying? I understand it’s still in the flu vaccine. As for the MMR yes, three at once. Our pediatrician had reservations about that.
I was just answering the question about “Do you know the mortality/morbidity rate for current vaccines, or is this conjecture?” (amazing grace) No emotion or running out of business intended in my post.

Most flu vax is not multi dose. It is not in every flu vaccine.

MMR has been that way for ages. It did not cause autism. It NEVER contained thimoseral, either, so it’s amusing that so many blamed it for the autism rate but it never had the offending ingredient in it. I’m not sure why the vaccine was eventually combined, though I have heard it’s to avoid three separate jabs. You’d still get them all at once, just three different stabs (said a person who remembers when they weren’t combined).

I can’t understand why folks think (this isn’t pointed at you) the CDC and everyone else has time or cash to cover up for Big Pharma. As underfunded as the CDC typically is, I’m sure they have other bigger concerns.
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I was just answering the question about “Do you know the mortality/morbidity rate for current vaccines, or is this conjecture?” (amazing grace) No emotion or running out of business intended in my post.
But that isn’t how you answered. You said there’s a separate court and that they’re immune from liability. There are reasons for that. You didn’t answer the question as best I can tell.
I answered whether it is conjecture. Injuries exist and are litigated in the vaccine court.
So why not say “the rates are shown by” or something similar? Saying there’s a separate area for complaints doesn’t answer whether it’s conjecture or not. Showing where the rates are published would be answering the questions.

They’re published by the Health Resources and Services Administration, and are searchable online as public record.
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I am sorry my answer disappointed you. Thank you for your information.
Well, again, it comes down to who one trusts. Other issues such as Man Made Global Warming has scientists and researchers on both sides of the issue also, but anyone that goes against the official government narrative are demonized and dismissed as quacks by the mainstream media and government-connected data. But again, go ahead and inject all the genetically modified chemicals you want. I have reservations, to say the least.
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Vaccines aren’t any more “genetically modified” than the food you put on your table last night. You know how recombinant DNA works, right?

The food is probably more so. Like I said, unless you’re divining food and everything else in your life out of nothing, you’re exposed to far more chemicals on a daily basis than you’ve ever encountered in vaccines. From organophosphate fertilizers and defoliants to the sizing sprayed on most new clothing, you’re bombarded with DNA-breaking chemicals every day of your life.

Be sure you don’t pump your own gas today. Benzene fumes are highly toxic.
Be sure you don’t pump your own gas today. Benzene fumes are highly toxic.
And be sure you read all the tiny print in all those booklets that come with every prescription, and know full well that the barrage of side-effects listed can do untold harm. The long-term effect on the body is unknown. Now they are pulling back on all the praises the statin drugs were given a few years ago. Apparently death by heart disease has gone down, but death by liver cancer has gone up.
I already addressed those inserts. And it’s always been known that studies aren’t comprehensive in nature.

Drugs aren’t the only thing processed by the CYP450 pathway in the liver like statins are.

Know what else goes through there? Herbal supplements. And a host of other organic molecules. (Hello, organophosphates…)

Guess what else has increased in the last 40 years? Herbal supplement use.

Guess what interacts with most herbals, that most laypeople don’t bother to check? Statins.

No that doesn’t lessen the impact of the statin on the situation. That’s not what I’m saying in the least. Not every person with a statin complication is popping supplements that they’re not telling their doc about. But my point is there’s always more going on than just one thing.

Again, you’re placing emphasis on one thing.

Vioxx was touted as safe. Once it hit wide use, we realized it’s not. We banned it.

DES, thalidomide, and a host of other drugs were touted as safe. We found out they weren’t. We banned them.

No one is infallible. Doesn’t mean mistakes are excused.

Wanted to add that rate has been skyrocketing since 1980. It hasn’t all been because of statins. It was happening before statins, and liver cancer doesn’t appear overnight, though it can take years to detect. The rate is actually DROPPING in younger adults (meaning not senior citizens).
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It’s a case against mandates. Even when a sizable body of foremost experts disagree with a rationale, you’re supposed to comply or lose your job. I would never stop you from getting a flu shot for work of your own accord. Jonas Salk would have filed a philosophical exemption against Sabin’s vaccine. Choice is a good thing.
From a libertarian point of view, or simply an American point of view, I think you may be right. However, Catholic moral theology reminds us that we have a responsibility to society. And again I point out, that mandatory vaccines are mandatory for taking part in groups for which that vaccination is intended to protect, such as schools and day care.
And be sure you read all the tiny print in all those booklets that come with every prescription, and know full well that the barrage of side-effects listed can do untold harm.
Did you read the part above about how studies are done? The only reason there is not much more fine print on every bottle of vitamin, supplement, or other holistic, alternative medicine is because they have no oversight, kind of like snake oil salesmen in the old west. Even the most natural and organic of all foods would have similar warnings if they were as complete as prescriptions drug warnings are.
It must drive you nuts as an adult and send shivers that people would take advantage of your parent’s gullibility. I mean you love your parents but you wish that your parents would have had the sense to immunize you.

Now there are certain vaccines that are for STDs that are questionable if you don’t engage in promiscuous sexual contact. That said, if your partner did engage in this and than had a change of heart, your vaccine could still protect you. And don’t get me started on the measles/mumps/rubella vaccines as these are lifesavers as well. I definitely think it should be a crime to be anti-vaccine despite having the freedom of speech right to believe nonsense. I don’t think even a religious exemption is really tolerable excuse when it comes to vaccine as it is more of a fringe religion / religion of the day rather than something that was truly spoken by God. The one area where an exception might be reasonable is if someone is immuno-compromised or if we learn that a certain vaccine increases a certain risk factor that someone already has the risk for that particular disease.
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Guess what else has increased in the last 40 years? Herbal supplement use.
Guess what interacts with most herbals, that most laypeople don’t bother to check? Statins.
So I guess the moral of the story is the less chemicals one pumps into the body the better. .
Wanted to add that rate has been skyrocketing since 1980. It hasn’t all been because of statins. It was happening before statins, and liver cancer doesn’t appear overnight, though it can take years to detect.
Yes years to detect. Do realize that to save money, many of the ingredients used by pharmaceutical companies are imported from factories overseas places like India and China. One need read all the news reports of the deplorable conditions of these factories, not to mention reports of data falsification. Reports uncovered that about 80% of data in Chinese clinical trials have been fabricated. All one needs to do is search for news reports of data falsification and pharmaceutical companies and you will be flabbergasted. These companies ae not charities or non-profit organizations. It’s big business.

Regarding vaccines, if you watched the 6 full episodes of The Truth About Vaccines, I think you would be whistling a different tune…
Regarding vaccines, if you watched the 6 full episodes of The Truth About Vaccines, I think you would be whistling a different tune…
No, I would not. Because I can draw the line between real and not real. Between good information and bad information. That’s precisely why I don’t waste my time watching all six episodes. It’s not worth my time. I’ve heard it all before.
So I guess the moral of the story is the less chemicals one pumps into the body the better. .
Then stop eating, and stop breathing, and don’t drink the water. Amazing how you don’t think those activities are an issue. Don’t take Tylenol, or anything else for that matter.
Do realize that to save money, many of the ingredients used by pharmaceutical companies are imported from factories overseas places like India and China…These companies ae not charities or non-profit organizations. It’s big business.
Never said Big Pharma wasn’t big business, did I?

And you need to fact check your ingredient sources, how they’re used, and what we do with them.

Why I’ve even typed the last part I have no idea - because it won’t fit with what you think anyway.
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