Even when a person is diagnosed with cancer by an expert, the rule is to always seek a second opinion. You won’t even watch the documentaries, so you don’t seem interested in hearing a second opinion.
The 6-part documentary was not conspiracy theory; they interview whistleblowers, doctors, scientists, researchers connected to the CDC and people with plenty of credible credentials.
But go ahead, trust whomever you want; it really comes down to trust. You’re not the one that has compiled the data. All you’re doing is reading and learning from the individuals who compiled the data in the first place. Though apparently you don’t trust Big Pharma.
Vaccines are designed to teach the human immune system to fight disease by mimicking a natural infection. In the past people were only getting a few vaccines, whereas today children are getting many more vaccines, with chemicals being injected in newborn babies and where studies have not been made about how all the chemicals from a combination all the different vaccines are effecting the human body on the long-term.
It’s not just brain disorders that have been linked to Vaccines, it spans a whole gamut of things, from allergies to rashes and respiratory problems. Some people have allergies to peanuts; others have allergies to milk, eggs, shellfish, etc. and lots of people have allergies to the chemicals in these vaccines, some of them suffering devastating consequences. What do you think the Vaccine Injury Fund is all about?
Money is a terrible incentive for creating vaccines, especially when they are not testing enough and are spinning the data.
It is interesting how in a criminal case before a jury, both sides have to make the case based on the evidence. The prosecution and the defense look at the same evidence, and somehow come up with the exact opposite arguments. They are not interested in the truth, but rather in winning a case.
Take for example the infamous OJ Simpson trial where the dream team on the defense was paid millions to look at all the evidence and argue away all the facts, including bringing their own experts to testify and poke holes at the evidence. Their goal was to convince the jury that the evidence was not credible or conclusive. The sequestered jury was convinced of his innocence and he was acquitted. Money has the power to distort the facts and besmirch anyone who is simply looking for the truth. Big Pharma is not about healing it’s about making money, and they have legal dream teams on their side.
By the way, the same people that made the documentary on The Truth About Vaccines, also made the documentary The Truth Abut Cancer which was astounding.