Catholic Teaching and Immunization Policy

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It was 1 in 5,000 in 1975, now it’s 1 in 110. The study said that 25% could be attributed to a change in criteria for diagnoses; what about the rest of the 75%? Now 1 in every 110 births is a child with a brain disorder? Is that just natural or is there something in the environment, something getting into their bodies and causing their brains to be affected?

We cannot pretend that severe vaccine reactions, however rare, do not exist. As Roman Catholics who believe in the inherent dignity and worth of the human person and that each child is made in the image and likeness of God, we have to address this unpleasant side of the vaccine program.
This is documentaries and random information.
There are doctors, pediatricians ,oncologists,to deal with seriously and directly,if concerned…
We cannot do cheap medicine online ,it is dangerous.,…
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Even when a person is diagnosed with cancer by an expert, the rule is to always seek a second opinion. You won’t even watch the documentaries, so you don’t seem interested in hearing a second opinion.

The 6-part documentary was not conspiracy theory; they interview whistleblowers, doctors, scientists, researchers connected to the CDC and people with plenty of credible credentials.

But go ahead, trust whomever you want; it really comes down to trust. You’re not the one that has compiled the data. All you’re doing is reading and learning from the individuals who compiled the data in the first place. Though apparently you don’t trust Big Pharma.

Vaccines are designed to teach the human immune system to fight disease by mimicking a natural infection. In the past people were only getting a few vaccines, whereas today children are getting many more vaccines, with chemicals being injected in newborn babies and where studies have not been made about how all the chemicals from a combination all the different vaccines are effecting the human body on the long-term.

It’s not just brain disorders that have been linked to Vaccines, it spans a whole gamut of things, from allergies to rashes and respiratory problems. Some people have allergies to peanuts; others have allergies to milk, eggs, shellfish, etc. and lots of people have allergies to the chemicals in these vaccines, some of them suffering devastating consequences. What do you think the Vaccine Injury Fund is all about?

Money is a terrible incentive for creating vaccines, especially when they are not testing enough and are spinning the data.

It is interesting how in a criminal case before a jury, both sides have to make the case based on the evidence. The prosecution and the defense look at the same evidence, and somehow come up with the exact opposite arguments. They are not interested in the truth, but rather in winning a case.

Take for example the infamous OJ Simpson trial where the dream team on the defense was paid millions to look at all the evidence and argue away all the facts, including bringing their own experts to testify and poke holes at the evidence. Their goal was to convince the jury that the evidence was not credible or conclusive. The sequestered jury was convinced of his innocence and he was acquitted. Money has the power to distort the facts and besmirch anyone who is simply looking for the truth. Big Pharma is not about healing it’s about making money, and they have legal dream teams on their side.

By the way, the same people that made the documentary on The Truth About Vaccines, also made the documentary The Truth Abut Cancer which was astounding.
The Truth About Cancer isn’t entirely true. There’s no big moneymaking conspiracy. If you knew how cancer actually works, you’d understand that. (I worked oncology for seven years, both solid tumors and bone marrow transplant.) Really - these companies have no time for this sort of thing.

Again - that doesn’t make them blameless, and in my opinion, the Feds need to reel them in more than they do.
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It was 1 in 5,000 in 1975, now it’s 1 in 110. The study said that 25% could be attributed to a change in criteria for diagnoses; what about the rest of the 75%? Now 1 in every 110 births is a child with a brain disorder? Is that just natural or is there something in the environment, something getting into their bodies and causing their brains to be affected?
Yes. A change in criteria. Advancement in neurology. A better understanding of how the brain works. A better understanding of medicine. The exact same way the rest of medicine works. Vaccines didn’t cause that.

Specialists say that the people you and I knew as eccentric as child were most likely on the spectrum.
If they’re so safe, why do they need the US tax payer to assume legal liability for vaccine injuries?
Because the studies are federally funded, that’s why.
As Roman Catholics who believe in the inherent dignity and worth of the human person and that each child is made in the image and likeness of God, we have to address this unpleasant side of the vaccine program.
You’re putting yourself on a slippery slope there. Medications do far more damage on a daily basis than vaccines do. Cars do more damage than vaccines do.
This is documentaries and random information.
What’s been posted isn’t even documentary caliber, though. It isn’t even reputable.
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Because the studies are federally funded, that’s why.
So the taxpayer assumes the risk, but the vaccine manufacturer gets the profit. I don’t see how that is consistent with Catholic Social Justice teaching.
Actually, no - the Feds assume the risk.

You’re paying for the studies, too - I’m assuming you’re aware of that. (“Federally funded” = taxpayer dollars.) We all are, in taxes and in higher drug prices than the rest of the Western world (except the Feds, because Federal medicine is under a one payor system and essentially functions as a socialized system). You can thank the free market for that, and blame international socialized medicine.

I’m not saying that makes it right. But there’s an awful lot about the Federal system that doesn’t fit with Catholic social justice teaching - not to mention elsewhere in the developed world. I still have to file with the IRS today, though.

The kick to that is a huge amount of drug research is carried out in the US, and assisted abroad by US dollars. We’re driving this stuff, so we cannot say we don’t reap benefit.

It’s all twisted, and I 100% agree with that.
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The Truth About Cancer isn’t entirely true. There’s no big moneymaking conspiracy. If you knew how cancer actually works, you’d understand that. (I worked oncology for seven years, both solid tumors and bone marrow transplant.) Really - these companies have no time for this sort of thing.
The documentary on cancer shows how Chemotherapy and Radiation to treat cancer is like treating a tree where the leaves are spotted with disease, and they try to get rid of the disease by cutting out all the spots from the leaves. Chemotherapy weakens the immune systems which is not the best way to treat a diseased body. People are discovering many homeopathic treatments to detoxify and nourish the body, and there are many successful stories.
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You’re putting yourself on a slippery slope there. Medications do far more damage on a daily basis than vaccines do. Cars do more damage than vaccines do.
Are you willing to acknowledge that vaccines can and do cause severe damage in children? Just a yes or no will suffice.

It’s the head-in-the-sand denial that’s killing me here.
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Yep. You don’t hear about how those patients later die horrible deaths, or end up back at the hospitals begging us to correct their mistake before they die.

Do you not think if those methods actually worked, doctors would use them?

Do you know how those “cures” put lives at risk?

I’ve seen it.
Glaxo is a British company.

The Telegraph is also essentially a cousin of papers like the National Enquirer.
You’re putting yourself on a slippery slope there. Medications do far more damage on a daily basis than vaccines do. Cars do more damage than vaccines do.
Are you willing to acknowledge that vaccines can and do cause severe damage in children? Just a yes or no will suffice.

It’s the head-in-the-sand denial that’s killing me here.
You’re accusing me of things I’ve never ascribed to.

Sentinel events happen. Of course they do.

Medications and vehicles do more damage - and go against social teachings of the Church. That was my reference and my point. That’s the slippery slope you’re on with that remark.

Don’t accuse me of having my head in the sand.
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The Telegraph is also essentially a cousin of papers like the National Enquirer.
It was covered in the Buenos Aires Herald, as well, although their site is undergoing maintenance. Nobody is making this up.
Glaxo is a British company.
Fair enough. Did you really think there aren’t any American examples? Peter Thiel Funds ‘Unethical’ Offshore Herpes Vaccine Trial

If you don’t like this source, it’s easy to look up this story elsewhere.
I think there are definitely more a-typical and neurodiverse children now than in the 70s.
But it don’t think it’s from vaccines.

Children survive prematurity at a greater rate than they used to. There’s still a lot we don’t know about early brain development, and we might not be treating these kids appropriately. From ignorance, not malice.

We are able to save and sustain sick kids at a greater rate than before, with unusual syndromes who in past decades would have died before entering school. Again, HCPs are still in a learning curve vis a vis treatment for these kids.

We also can’t discount that children have more screen time than previous decades and maybe this is changing the wiring of their brains. It’s possible that some kids who are on the fringe of the Spectrum aren’t advancing as they should…
All I said was Glaxo is British. They’re not subject to our laws and regulations, unfortunately.

All I said was the Telegraph is unreliable. I don’t know the other paper.

Do you know what a “sentinel event” is? Please look up the definition. It’s not euphemistic. It’s a legal and medical term.

I’ll address the cancer issue when I have more time. There’s a lot more there than I’m willing to type on a phone.
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