Catholic Teaching and Immunization Policy

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Could you post reliable sources, please?

That is not.

Do some research into how chemotherapy works.
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. I wish the Vatican/USCCB had put word out for all churches to teach this.
It has taught on this. It did not teach what you believe, though, rather that the remoteness and lack of material cooperation makes it moral to receive these vaccines. However, one still has the right and obligation to act in accordance to one’s conscience, even if it is not what the Church says, but they have to accept the consequences of such action.
yes, it’s when one gets both sides of the story that one can make an informed decision.
Are you fully aware of what you are saying?
Have you ever been in those shoes?_
Do you realize that right now there may be a person waiting for the result of a biopsy that has to read such a " professional " description of chemo and radiation and moreover “suggesting” alternative treatment?
I am sorry,but this is irresponsible…Unbelievably irresponsible.
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Wow. I know Pup has covered this and with more expertise than I. But there is absolutely no evidence that vaccines cause autism. None. There are multiple studies showing that there is no link.

The rise is largely due to a change in diagnosis.

And homeropathy is bunk. It’s faith healing but without the faith. The thing is alternative medicine that works quickly just becomes medicine.
My sister died of cancer. The doctors pressured her to go through chemotherapy for a rare form of cancer and the last 2 month of her life were terrible. She became extremely weak with the therapy and she had no concept of time or day. Chemotherapy poisons the body to try to get rid of cancer cells. It attacks rapidly dividing cells in the body, which affects your hair, nails, skin, digestive system, and blood and it’s a process that makes you very weak and sick and can cause permanent damage to many organs including the brain. From what I learned, homeopathic treatments uses specific nutrition to boost the body’s immune system and uses methods to de-toxify your body to help fight the cancer, instead of making your body weak with the poison of chemotherapy. As I mentioned earlier, chemotherapy and radiation does not try to get to the cause of the cancer, instead it simply tries to kill it. I have heard some doctors use the analogy of a diseased tree, where all the leaves are spotted with the disease, and chemotherapy simply tries to cut out the diseased spots.
“Detoxify” is nonsense stuff outside of literal poisons or if your kidneys aren’t working. I’m sorry for what happened but homeopathy wouldn’t have helped.

A lot of homeopathy relies on the idea that diluting something in water will make it stronger due to the water remembering it and amplifying it. Not even kidding. You can look it up.
My sister died of cancer.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m praying for you.
chemotherapy and radiation does not try to get to the cause of the cancer
It generally does get to the cause since cancer in general terms are faulty cells that multiply and can’t shut themselves off nor does the immune system know how to remove those faulty cells.
The fact is cancer isn’t an easy disease to treat. There is vast number of types of cancers and they all behave and respond to treatment differently. Researchers are working very hard to find ways to make treatments more selective so the side effects are minimized but it’s not easy. The human body is complex, full of complex biochemical reactions that interact with each other.
Homeopathic treatments aren’t effective. It doesn’t pass scientific rigour. The rationale behind them don’t address how cancer cells behave.
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I’m familiar with the term, thank you. Medical jargon is fitting for charts and insurance coding but not a discussion centered around ethics, theology, suffering, and human rights.

Medical terms are also euphemistic by nature. Pain = “discomfort,” killing = “termination” or “removing of feeding tube,” death = “passing,” “expiring,” etc. and oops-sorry = “nosocomial” or “iatrogenic,” lol!

Euphemism distances us from suffering. But I’m trying to hammer home that when it comes to major vaccine-induced reactions, we need to face the suffering head-on.
Before rushing into to get surgery or chemotherapy and radiation, I would try homeopathy first.
Contrary to popular belief, kids can actually live without vaccines.

My twin brother and I were put on vaccines pretty much right out of the womb, and our health only got worse because of them, so we’ve stopped that.

My brother and I both have low white blood cell counts thanks to them.
People can live without them. I mean we existed before them. The infant mortality rate was just way, way higher. It’s like how you can live without seat belts. You’re just more likely to die is all. Though with neglecting vaccines you also get to endanger those around you.
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By “we,” you don’t mean the many many millions who died from influenza or various forms of pox, who were maimed in childhood by polio. Those people, turned out, couldn’t live without vaccines.

To me, it’s very simple math-- look at the reduction in deaths due to disease, and look at the deaths caused by immunization. The numbers are many orders of magnitude different. Therefore, we should vaccinate.
By “we,” you don’t mean the many many millions who died from influenza or various forms of pox, who were maimed in childhood by polio. Those people, turned out, couldn’t live without vaccines.

To me, it’s very simple math-- look at the reduction in deaths due to disease, and look at the deaths caused by immunization. The numbers are many orders of magnitude different. Therefore, we should vaccinate.
I was agreeing with you. You’ll notice I mentioned the higher mortality rates and said people would be more likely to die. I actually meant “we” as a species 😊
It’s completely appropriate for me to use correct terminology because that’s what it is - a sentinel event. It’s completely at home in this discussion because it’s correct language. And I’m in the business of distributing accurate information.

It is not a euphemism any more than “fracture” is one for “broken leg”.

As I said, far more medications cause death and severe reaction than vaccines. I’m guessing the thalidomide, DES, and Vioxx victims might agree with me. There are many, many others.

No need to browbeat my profession. Or me, actually.
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Most of us started receiving vaccines at 2 months of age in the US.

I’m not familiar with bone marrow suppression (or myelosuppression, the medical term) and vaccines. I’m no hematologist, though. I’ll have to do some digging on that.
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