Here is an interesting idea:
It has taught on this. It did not teach what you believe, though, rather that the remoteness and lack of material cooperation makes it moral to receive these vaccines. However, one still has the right and obligation to act in accordance to one’s conscience, even if it is not what the Church says, but they have to accept the consequences of such action.. I wish the Vatican/USCCB had put word out for all churches to teach this.
How do you know you haven’t been brainwashed by government propaganda?
And then:Propagnds machines become expert data manipulators and, and all we the public can do is trust them.
Irony can be pretty ironic.I watched all six episodes. Before watching them I was convinced the CDC was trustworthy and that all vaccines were necessary and safe.
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m praying for you.My sister died of cancer.
It generally does get to the cause since cancer in general terms are faulty cells that multiply and can’t shut themselves off nor does the immune system know how to remove those faulty cells.chemotherapy and radiation does not try to get to the cause of the cancer
I was agreeing with you. You’ll notice I mentioned the higher mortality rates and said people would be more likely to die. I actually meant “we” as a speciesBy “we,” you don’t mean the many many millions who died from influenza or various forms of pox, who were maimed in childhood by polio. Those people, turned out, couldn’t live without vaccines.
To me, it’s very simple math-- look at the reduction in deaths due to disease, and look at the deaths caused by immunization. The numbers are many orders of magnitude different. Therefore, we should vaccinate.