Catholic Teaching and Immunization Policy

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Chemo and radiation can’t get to the cause of most cancers because we have absolutely no idea as to how to cut off oncogenes and faulty DNA coding.

We get closer every day, but we’re not there yet.

Homeopathy also treats symptoms. It can’t change genes either. And in many, many cases, no one knows what causes the cancer - it’s called idiopathic, meaning we have no idea where it came from.
I am sorry about your sister,Gab. And for what you have gone through with her.

ATraveller wrote almost everything I was going to write,only just that better than I would have.

We aren’ t pushed,we do not rush to treatment,we pick the doctor ,follow what has to be done,and fight the good fight.

It is against forum rules tho give medical advice. And for a reason,Gab.
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So, we have gone from vaccines being an evil conspiracy to drinking water to cure cancer based on big Pharma being corrupt. Homeopathy is a 6.4 billion dollar industry, with huge profit margins, since dilution makes production costs extremely small. So where is the skepticism that maybe these homeopathic companies might not produce their videos for Youtube, or even send agents to post on boards to undermine the work of real physicians?
Do you eat processed foods? Fresh fish? Take Tylenol, antibiotics, use soap, pump gas, swim in pools, drink Coke, use shampoo, shave, breathe on airplanes, live in a city, fly, go to the beach, eat salads (pesticides, man - organophosphates are FAR more dangerous than a vaccine!)…

Far more chemicals that you can’t pronounce involved in every one of those activities than in a vaccine.

Drug ingredients are given in chemical names. They don’t have common names.

At one point I had this insane idea I wanted to go to pharmacy school (until I worked in one and realized I’d go nuts). I’ve taken three semesters of organic chemistry (I’m apparently a glutton for punishment). Chemical names actually don’t scare me too terribly much, and certainly not at the levels they’re at in vaccines.
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Some children are actually better off without vaccines, but very few. This is the reason for mandatory vaccinations for certain activities. For they sake of those who cannot medically have the vaccine, those that can must be vaccinated to have the constant close contact with other children, the type of contact that in the past has resulted in epidemics.
This is like looking at the ingredients in just about anything. Just because something by itself or in a different context is bad doesn’t mean it always is. And being unfamiliar with the name of something doesn’t make it bad either.

On the seat belt example. I wouldn’t care for being strapped into, say, my work seat. Context. And there is every chance some seatbelts are made of materials I don’t know. But that doesn’t make them bad.
From what I learned, homeopathic treatments uses specific nutrition to boost the body’s immune system and uses methods to de-toxify your body to help fight the cancer, instead of making your body weak with the poison of chemotherapy.
Unabated, there are many cancers that kill your immune system.

Detoxification is another myth.
Hey now!! It’s not bad at all. Did it twice (B.S., Pharm D.). Organic was the 2nd easiest chem class😃
Oh I loved OChem! That and my two religion classes aren’t things I’ll ever regret. It was awesome sitting in my grad level pharmacology nursing course knowing quite a bit about how the drugs REALLY worked. It also came in handy when I was working in oncology with all the chemotherapy.

Pharmacy is great if that’s your bag; I just decided I wanted more direct patient care.
As I mentioned earlier, chemotherapy and radiation does not try to get to the cause of the cancer, instead it simply tries to kill it.
The causes of cancer run the gamut from environmental to genetic. Something gets in and breaks the DNA code and causes cells to rapidly multiply.

That’s what causes cancer.

Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos fibers becoming trapped in the lining of the lungs. The tiny, often microscopic fibers are inhaled, travel to the lungs, and become embedded in the pleura - the very ends of the tiniest airway passages in the lungs. Inflammation ensues. Scarring occurs, and the body attempts to repair the scarring - and as it continues the pattern of scarring and attempting to heal (generally over several decades), cellular changes develop, and cancer is the result.

The cause is the mesothelioma fibers. The cancer is discovered DECADES after the damage is complete.

How are you going to remove those fibers from the lungs? How does that correct the damage already done? That’s the cause - go after the cause, correct?


A normal, healthy adult - no history of working in a chemical factory, nothing remarkable - let’s assume she’s a housewife who’s lived a pretty ordinary life. Three kids, awesome husband. No odd travel, lived in a small town, no chemical plants, no farming nearby. No family history remarkable for cancer. No radiation exposure. She’s never even been on a plane. Never smoked, Never lived around a smoker. She suddenly develops fatigue, night sweats, and a strange assortment of bruises that appear like pale purple lace across her upper arms and back. Her upper thighs, lower back, and hips hurt more than she’s ever experienced before. Weight starts to suddenly just fall off her. And one day she barely taps her arm and ends up with a massive, hard bruise the size of her hand. She goes to the doctor, and two weeks later learns she has acute myelocytic leukemia, AML.

What caused it? What cause do you recommend we go after to explain the source of the sudden chaos her bone marrow has become?

I just described two of my former patients. Both died several years ago. I have many, many more stories…the patient with aplastic anemia - complete sudden death of the bone marrow - with no apparent explanation; the patient with B cell lymphoma who was an ophthalmologist. The 24 year old girl who had metastatic ovarian cancer with no family history whose husband begged us not to tell her she was going to die. The 34 year old woman with Ewing’s Sarcoma. (Know who primarily gets Ewing’s Sarcoma? Prepubescent boys. How did she get it? What was the cause?)

Even in cases when we KNOW the cause - smoking and lung and bladder cancer - we can’t stop the damage to the DNA that has created the cancer the cause left in its wake.

Exactly how do we go after the cause?
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A very favorite oncologist of mine once told me that if we live long enough, someday we will look back and see how barbaric cancer treatment was - but those who live to look back with us will be grateful we took the chance.

We have come a long way. We have a long way to go. We have so many targeted therapies now for so many cancers - stuff that was fairy tales even just 15 years ago. We can treat symptoms of chemotherapy now with better drugs. Did you know that most cancer therapy is now done as outpatient treatment? You know why? People don’t die of dehydration from nausea and vomiting anymore. We can control - and a lot of times completely eliminate - the most feared side effect of nearly every chemo.

Don’t dismiss the progress we’ve made by saying all we do is kill people. I saw far more survive than die.
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Just being a smart alec. :nerd_face:Worked in hospitals/institutions almost entire career and dearly love the staff friendships.
Well, someone had to be, I guess.

And I’m laughing, for the record. 😁😁

Staff relationships in hospitals remind me of military friendships. Sometimes only one of our own really knows what we put up with. 😉

I’m out of likes and your post deserves one. Bummer. 😉
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I’m sometimes reminded of that modern “parable” about the guy in the flood who refuses a boat then a helicopter on the grounds that God will save him. Then he gets to Heaven and asked why God didn’t save him. God answers, “What do you mean. I sent you a boat AND a helicopter!”

Those who are against modern medicine, I think, are much like that. They look for excuses to avoid anything that involves science, because they see science and religion as opposites. How sad it is that people don’t see science as one of the gifts that have been arranged for our betterment in this day and age-- lucky us!
We don’t always get it right, and I know that.

But I’d rather be alive now than 100 years ago.
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