Catholic View on Evolution

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Stephen Jay Gould said that if evolution could be rewound things would have turned out differently. Right? Different variables, different results.

Correct… if you applied differences then evolution would likely come out differently… but that doesn’t mean it comes out in impossible ways, and it depends on how far you roll back since evolution typically just adds to what came before. So if you rolled back 100,000 years we might evolve mostly the same way but just be more hairy and more hunched over or something, we wouldn’t just grow wings or something ridiculous.
There truly is some dogmatism in science, but not nearly as much as in politics or religion in my opinion. Scientists are just people after all. Analytical evidence and peer review help to keep science more in check.

You are correct that the fossil record is not as numerous as we’d like, but it’s hardly lacking in evidence that supports current theory.

Dating mechanisms are actually quite reliable if you understand their limitations. Also, remember that some of them are within a few million years of accuracy, which sounds like a lot, but when it’s dated as 300 million years old, a few millions years give or take is not that big a deal.

Bacteria actually evolve, we’ve seen that in a lab. Adaptation is simply a word for evolving to meet new environmental changes, so you’re separation of the words is not really useful.

I agree that evolution can be spiritual. Evolution just means changing after all.

“inorganic ammino acids transforming into organic ammino acids” is not evolution. That would have been abiogenesis. Confusing the two means you need to do a little more research on the topic. Basic summary is that abiogenesis is the theory of how life started, evolution is how life changed once it was already going.
“just means changing”? It’s not that simple. Fish to men? That’s not just simple change, that’s very complex change. And the nonsense that parts just floating around could suddenly attach themselves to another organism to perform a new, useful function. How would the cell, for example, add the code of the new part to its DNA in order to reproduce it?

Abiogenesis is just a fiction at this point and it has everything to do with evolution. “how life changed once it was already going”? By the self-starting, self-operating, directionless engine of evolution? And where did the new information come from to make novel organs? Let’s just make it a ‘given’ that things went like this? Based on what?

Take an ant colony that has no ants that communicate by chemical secretion.
Then one ant develops a chemical secretion sac but no chemical secretion release mechanism. What is evolution selecting?
Then, let’s say, the ant develops a chemical secretion organ that releases the chemical from the sac. What is evolution selecting?
The other ants who detect the chemical secretion cannot decipher it. What is evolution selecting?

Correct… if you applied differences then evolution would likely come out differently… but that doesn’t mean it comes out in impossible ways, and it depends on how far you roll back since evolution typically just adds to what came before. So if you rolled back 100,000 years we might evolve mostly the same way but just be more hairy and more hunched over or something, we wouldn’t just grow wings or something ridiculous.
There’s no way to know that. None. The duck billed platypus is rather ridiculous. Did the Koala just happen to look up at a eucalyptus tree and think, You know, that will be my source of food and water?
I did a little research and I think we can prove quite easily that mainstream evolution does not support the evidence of intelligent design in nature at all. Evolution is defined as a blind, undirected process built mainly on randomness. There is no plan or purpose for evolution – this contradicts the claim that “everything is designed” and that there is design to be found in nature.

We can see this in current biology textbooks:

“[E]volution works without either plan or purpose — Evolution is random and undirected.”
(Biology, by Kenneth R. Miller & Joseph S. Levine (1st ed., Prentice Hall, 1991), pg. 658; (3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1995), pg. 658; (4th ed., Prentice Hall, 1998), pg. 658; emphasis in original.)

Humans represent just one tiny, largely fortuitous, and late-arising twig on the enormously arborescent bush of life.”
(Stephen J Gould quoted in Biology, by Peter H Raven & George B Johnson (5th ed., McGraw Hill, 1999), pg 15; (6th ed., McGraw Hill, 2000), pg. 16.)

“By coupling **undirected, purposeless **variation to the **blind, uncaring **process of natural selection, Darwin made theological or spiritual explanations of the life processes superfluous.”
(Evolutionary Biology, by Douglas J. Futuyma (3rd ed., Sinauer Associates Inc., 1998), p. 5.)

“Darwin knew that accepting his theory required believing in philosophical materialism, the conviction that **matter is the stuff of all existence **and that all mental and spiritual phenomena are its by-products. Darwinian evolution was not only purposeless but also heartless–a process in which the rigors of nature ruthlessly eliminate the unfit. Suddenly, humanity was reduced to just one more species in a world that cared nothing for us. The great human mind was no more than a mass of evolving neurons. Worst of all, there was no divine plan to guide us.”
(Biology: Discovering Life by Joseph S. Levine & Kenneth R. Miller (1st ed., D.C. Heath and Co., 1992), pg. 152; (2nd ed… D.C. Heath and Co., 1994), p. 161; emphases in original.)

“Adopting this view of the world means accepting not only the processes of evolution, but also the view that the living world is constantly evolving, and that evolutionary change occurs without any goals.’ The idea that **evolution is not directed **towards a final goal state has been more difficult for many people to accept than the process of evolution itself.”
(Life: The Science of Biology by William K. Purves, David Sadava, Gordon H. Orians, & H. Craig Keller, (6th ed., Sinauer; W.H. Freeman and Co., 2001), pg. 3.)

“The ‘blind’ watchmaker is natural selection. **Natural selection is totally blind **to the future. “**Humans are fundamentally not exceptional **because we came from the same evolutionary source as every other species. It is natural selection of selfish genes that has given us our bodies and brains “Natural selection is a bewilderingly simple idea. And yet what it explains is the whole of life, the diversity of life, the apparent design of life.”
(Richard Dawkins quoted in *Biology *by Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reese. & Lawrence G. Mitchell (5th ed., Addison Wesley Longman, 1999), pgs. 412-413.)

“Of course, no species has 'chosen’ a strategy. Rather, its ancestors ‘little by little, generation after generation’ merely wandered into a successful way of life through the action of random evolutionary forces. Once pointed in a certain direction, a line of evolution survives only if the cosmic dice continues to roll in its favor. “[J]ust by chance, a wonderful diversity of life has developed during the billions of years in which organisms have been evolving on earth.
(Biology by Burton S. Guttman (1st ed., McGraw Hill, 1999), pgs. 36-37.)

“It is difficult to avoid the speculation that Darwin, as has been the case with others, found the implications of his theory difficult to confront. “The real difficulty in accepting Darwins theory has always been that it seems to diminish our significance. Earlier, astronomy had made it clear that the earth is not the center of the solar universe, or even of our own solar system. Now the new biology asked us to accept the proposition that, like all other organisms, we too are the products of a random process that, as far as science can show, we are not created for any special purpose or as part of any universal design.”
(Invitation to Biology, by Helena Curtis & N. Sue Barnes(3rd ed., Worth, 1981), pgs. 474-475.)
“just means changing”? It’s not that simple. Fish to men? That’s not just simple change, that’s very complex change. And the nonsense that parts just floating around could suddenly attach themselves to another organism to perform a new, useful function. How would the cell, for example, add the code of the new part to its DNA in order to reproduce it?

Abiogenesis is just a fiction at this point and it has everything to do with evolution. “how life changed once it was already going”? By the self-starting, self-operating, directionless engine of evolution? And where did the new information come from to make novel organs? Let’s just make it a ‘given’ that things went like this? Based on what?

Take an ant colony that has no ants that communicate by chemical secretion.
Then one ant develops a chemical secretion sac but no chemical secretion release mechanism. What is evolution selecting?
Then, let’s say, the ant develops a chemical secretion organ that releases the chemical from the sac. What is evolution selecting?
The other ants who detect the chemical secretion cannot decipher it. What is evolution selecting?

Well… fish didn’t exist then. It was a common ancestor, but yes. Small changes don’t change much… but small changes over 3 billion years is a lot. Few people understand how big of a time period that really is. How do cells add new parts to DNA? That’s easy… we can actually do that in the lab. This is not a biology lesson though, I’m not going into that.

Abiogenesis and evolution are linked, but you cannot confuse the two. Doing so is like talking about building a car and then driving it and calling it the same thing. Abiogensis is indeed a theory, we don’t really know how it would have happened. Most atheists I hope would admit that. There is a decent video on abiogenesis theory here… . WARNING: it is a bit condescending at the beginning if you believe in creationism… but a good watch for the abiogenesis information.

Your ant examples of evolution are strawmen.
There’s no way to know that. None. The duck billed platypus is rather ridiculous. Did the Koala just happen to look up at a eucalyptus tree and think, You know, that will be my source of food and water?

The duck billed platypus is a very interesting creature indeed… but hardly an exception to taxonomy. I imagine you don’t actually know much about it.

Your other comment is ridiculous, stop being silly.
There truly is some dogmatism in science, but not nearly as much as in politics or religion in my opinion. Scientists are just people after all. Analytical evidence and peer review help to keep science more in check.
Maybe to some degree, but if they’re all singing from the same hymnbook, they’re hardly going to be as critical as they might be.

Religion and politics are supposed to be more dogmatic, religion in particular. They deal more honestly with themselves as being faith or idiology. I find that science does not.
You are correct that the fossil record is not as numerous as we’d like, but it’s hardly lacking in evidence that supports current theory.
It may support the current theory, but then I’m sure it could support any number of theories, including Creationism. Or scientology, for that matter! It’s all in the interpretation, as far as I can see.
Dating mechanisms are actually quite reliable if you understand their limitations. Also, remember that some of them are within a few million years of accuracy, which sounds like a lot, but when it’s dated as 300 million years old, a few millions years give or take is not that big a deal.
We have no real way of verifying such datings! Come to that, I’m skeptical that we can really say we know with any degree of knowledge even whether the Earth is as old as it’s thought to be!
Bacteria actually evolve, we’ve seen that in a lab. Adaptation is simply a word for evolving to meet new environmental changes, so you’re separation of the words is not really useful.
Again, I suppose we’re hitting a point of linguistic vagarity and implication. I’m seperating the 2 concepts on the basis that 1) is that life changes and develops and 2) that this proves a certain chain of events from a superbasic lifeform to numerous lifeforms, including some extremely complex ones. Maybe my rejection of 2) doesn’t neccesitate my rejection of 1), and contrariwise, my acceptance of 1) does not neccesitate my acceptance of 2). However, I’m fairly sure that the concept of 1) was certainly originally referred to as adaptation (or maybe adaption?) predating the more ambitious theory of 2) evolution, so I suspect there’s a certain unhelpful changing of conceptualising going on elsewhere along the way. It would be like saying if you are a Theist, you are a Catholic!
I agree that evolution can be spiritual. Evolution just means changing after all.

“inorganic ammino acids transforming into organic ammino acids” is not evolution. That would have been abiogenesis. Confusing the two means you need to do a little more research on the topic. Basic summary is that abiogenesis is the theory of how life started, evolution is how life changed once it was already going.
Well, what is it that’s being considered fact? I thought it was the whole process from abiogenesis to human (etc.)! Although I suspect there is some deliberate obfuscation along the way, whereby the confirmation of the earlier more basic theory is encouraged to imply that the entire hypothesised Darwinistic evolutionary process as a whole has been proven… a rather extremely unhelpful ambiguity indeed.
Maybe to some degree, but if they’re all singing from the same hymnbook, they’re hardly going to be as critical as they might be.

Religion and politics are supposed to be more dogmatic, religion in particular. They deal more honestly with themselves as being faith or idiology. I find that science does not.

It may support the current theory, but then I’m sure it could support any number of theories, including Creationism. Or scientology, for that matter! It’s all in the interpretation, as far as I can see.

We have no real way of verifying such datings! Come to that, I’m skeptical that we can really say we know with any degree of knowledge even whether the Earth is as old as it’s thought to be!

Again, I suppose we’re hitting a point of linguistic vagarity and implication. I’m seperating the 2 concepts on the basis that 1) is that life changes and develops and 2) that this proves a certain chain of events from a superbasic lifeform to numerous lifeforms, including some extremely complex ones. Maybe my rejection of 2) doesn’t neccesitate my rejection of 1), and contrariwise, my acceptance of 1) does not neccesitate my acceptance of 2). However, I’m fairly sure that the concept of 1) was certainly originally referred to as adaptation (or maybe adaption?) predating the more ambitious theory of 2) evolution, so I suspect there’s a certain unhelpful changing of conceptualising going on elsewhere along the way. It would be like saying if you are a Theist, you are a Catholic!

Well, what is it that’s being considered fact? I thought it was the whole process from abiogenesis to human (etc.)! Although I suspect there is some deliberate obfuscation along the way, whereby the confirmation of the earlier more basic theory is encouraged to imply that the entire hypothesised Darwinistic evolutionary process as a whole has been proven… a rather extremely unhelpful ambiguity indeed.
There’s a reason they all “sing from the some hymn book”. Because all the evidence points to that conclusion. Reproducable evidence. And besides, in many cases they don’t all sing from the same book. Just look at the climate debate going on right now.

No, the fossil record does not support creationism. Period. Uncle is a palaeontologist, I know this for a fact.

Of course we can verify such datings… you think scientists just make stuff up? How silly to dismiss it because you think it’s something we can’t do when you don’t even seem to understand how it’s done.

It sounds like you want to see bacteria evolve into a multi-cellular organism. Well, we don’t live long enough. Think of it like a crime scene… we see the results and there are clues, from that we can try to figure out what happened. We can’t go back and view the crime though, and we won’t live even a fraction of the time needed to see the crime happen again.

Evolution is fact. We see this and can reproduce this (dog breeds). Abiogenesis and humans evolving from simple life forms is theory, because we can’t reproduce it in a lab. However, keep in mind that science is mostly not about proving things, but collecting evidence. Currently, all the evidence (and I do mean all of it) seems to point to evolution from a simple species. Abiogenesis is more speculation at this point.
Breeding dogs or horses has nothing to do with small changes over time. It does not turn the resulting organism into something other than a dog. It remains a dog. There was no random mutation involved. And if the two dogs produce a variant dog it was because they could already do so.

There’s a reason they all “sing from the some hymn book”. Because all the evidence points to that conclusion. Reproducable evidence. And besides, in many cases they don’t all sing from the same book. Just look at the climate debate going on right now.
This doesn’t really allay my concerns. The evidence, as usual only points to the conclusion when the theory is investigated in a rather single minded fashion.

Looking at this explanation, for example (under “circularity?”):

as far as I’m concerned, this doesn’t really dissuade me from thinking there is tautology at work at all - if anything, it increases my concerns. Although reassuringly emphasizing that such testing works to make findings more accurate, it occurs to me that there is likely to be appeal to other sciences only in cases where geology alone fails to successfully fit the general model with regard to the traditional evolutionary theory. As if it were already an established fact. So, the assumption that evolution has occured does influence the evidence itself which should work to prove whether evolution has occurred or not.

As for the climate debate, I see the reckless conservatism of science in protecting it’s interests in scientific progressivism as the primary cause of any impending ecological disasters that may or may not occur… that Hitchens blames religion for all this, when my personal lifelong experience is of mainstream science’s endless rebuttals to concerns from marginalised groups like Greenpeace demonstrates to me that the world is no more enlightened now than in the 11th century… BC. That some scientists still cling to the idea that human action does not have such cataclysmic possibilities surprises me not at all.
No, the fossil record does not support creationism. Period. Uncle is a palaeontologist, I know this for a fact.
For a fact? your next but one paragraph virtually refutes this.

I’ve got to say, I also can’t help but be suspicious whenever I hear of a ‘miraculously well preserved fossil’ – there’s a thoroughly entertaining Fortean website somewhere arguing that Dinosaurs are Dragons, partly supported by the find of a Tyranosaurus Rex with blood samples – on examination, this turns out to be rather tissue sample or somesuch, which apparently should not survive for so long a time, which is excused (on what looked like the official website detailing the find) on the basis that such ‘miraculous’ preservations are quite frequently found on fossils of this age! Again, this kind of thing doesn’t quite reassure me regarding the accurate dating of such findings.

That such processes as geological morphology enter the public consciousness only after the declaration of evolution to be proved according to the previously discussed proof of adaptation (which I still think it is rather disingenuous to refer to as proof of evolution), and are found to be essentially tautologically supported by geological data, (itself a science doubtless increasingly influenced by the ideological benefits of subscription to Darwinistic theory ever since the latter was developed based on what has subsequently been admitted to be rather scant evidence) all do nothing but make me rather skeptical regarding the objectivity of the assessment of data as it has been done over, say, the last 150 years……at least….
Of course we can verify such datings… you think scientists just make stuff up? How silly to dismiss it because you think it’s something we can’t do when you don’t even seem to understand how it’s done.
The evidence is there, but it performs according to the fashion the theory and assumptions applied expect it to. I understand that the core 3 dating techniques don’t even agree with each other… and that ultimately we’re just talking unrefuted theory - not fact. Where ideas are established according to a particular discipline without recognized challenge, and established in the form of an orthodoxy, it takes more than skeptism to dislodge them as the established ‘truth’ - which goes for all of this stuff. Your next statement regarding the detectives seeking a solution with negligable evidence is the best analogy I’ve heard… but an orthodox ‘best guess’ does not constitute a fact in real terms - although apparently so in conventional scientific terms. Even (or, perhaps, especially) if you support it with a bunch of other eagerly supportive ‘best guesses’, in a system of study eager to establish the veracity of it’s method by mutual subdivisional agreement.
It sounds like you want to see bacteria evolve into a multi-cellular organism. Well, we don’t live long enough. Think of it like a crime scene… we see the results and there are clues, from that we can try to figure out what happened. We can’t go back and view the crime though, and we won’t live even a fraction of the time needed to see the crime happen again.
It’s just that sometimes it doesn’t so much seem like a few detectives trying to determine the truth of a situation, as a bunch of crims trying to formulate a consistent story!

Even if you stick with the detective analogy, there is simply too little evidence to really be sure you’re not eagerly picking the wrong suspect, where the real culprit may not have left a mark…
Evolution is fact. We see this and can reproduce this (dog breeds). Abiogenesis and humans evolving from simple life forms is theory, because we can’t reproduce it in a lab. However, keep in mind that science is mostly not about proving things, but collecting evidence. Currently, all the evidence (and I do mean all of it) seems to point to evolution from a simple species. Abiogenesis is more speculation at this point.
Only from the mainstream - and science is not entirely about collecting evidence. It is also about testing of theories, and finding the most likely truth. My fear is that, as it gains political and social power and influence, science is also being far too eager to demand acceptance of ‘proofs’ that simply aren’t really there in order to verify it’s right to the authority some would have it granted as the sole method of interpreting the world. Evolutionary theory would be a key theory in doing that.

Interestingly, I’ve actually seen the ‘random chance’ hypothesis - from bumping memes to humans - including abiogenesis - expounded repeatedly as ‘fact’ by Baldrick, in an advert for a show on the BBC proclaiming the same. They, at least, appear to have decided the entire idea is also apparently ‘a fact’.

Whether there is genuinely sufficient proof or not.:rolleyes:
as far as I’m concerned, this doesn’t really dissuade me from thinking there is tautology at work at all - if anything, it increases my concerns. Although reassuringly emphasizing that such testing works to make findings more accurate, it occurs to me that there is likely to be appeal to other sciences only in cases where geology alone fails to successfully fit the general model with regard to the traditional evolutionary theory. As if it were already an established fact. So, the assumption that evolution has occured does influence the evidence itself which should work to prove whether evolution has occurred or not.

As for the climate debate, I see the reckless conservatism of science in protecting it’s interests in scientific progressivism as the primary cause of any impending ecological disasters that may or may not occur… that Hitchens blames religion for all this, when my personal lifelong experience is of mainstream science’s endless rebuttals to concerns from marginalised groups like Greenpeace demonstrates to me that the world is no more enlightened now than in the 11th century… BC. That some scientists still cling to the idea that human action does not have such cataclysmic possibilities surprises me not at all.

For a fact? your next but one paragraph virtually refutes this.

I’ve got to say, I also can’t help but be suspicious whenever I hear of a ‘miraculously well preserved fossil’ – there’s a thoroughly entertaining Fortean website somewhere arguing that Dinosaurs are Dragons, partly supported by the find of a Tyranosaurus Rex with blood samples – on examination, this turns out to be rather tissue sample or somesuch, which apparently should not survive for so long a time, which is excused (on what looked like the official website detailing the find) on the basis that such ‘miraculous’ preservations are quite frequently found on fossils of this age! Again, this kind of thing doesn’t quite reassure me regarding the accurate dating of such findings.

That such processes as geological morphology enter the public consciousness only after the declaration of evolution to be proved according to the previously discussed proof of adaptation (which I still think it is rather disingenuous to refer to as proof of evolution), and are found to be essentially tautologically supported by geological data, (itself a science doubtless increasingly influenced by the ideological benefits of subscription to Darwinistic theory ever since the latter was developed based on what has subsequently been admitted to be rather scant evidence) all do nothing but make me rather skeptical regarding the objectivity of the assessment of data as it has been done over, say, the last 150 years……at least….

The evidence is there, but it performs according to the fashion the theory and assumptions applied expect it to. I understand that the core 3 dating techniques don’t even agree with each other… and that ultimately we’re just talking unrefuted theory - not fact. Where ideas are established according to a particular discipline without recognized challenge, and established in the form of an orthodoxy, it takes more than skeptism to dislodge them as the established ‘truth’ - which goes for all of this stuff. Your next statement regarding the detectives seeking a solution with negligable evidence is the best analogy I’ve heard… but an orthodox ‘best guess’ does not constitute a fact in real terms - although apparently so in conventional scientific terms. Even (or, perhaps, especially) if you support it with a bunch of other eagerly supportive ‘best guesses’, in a system of study eager to establish the veracity of it’s method by mutual subdivisional agreement.

It’s just that sometimes it doesn’t so much seem like a few detectives trying to determine the truth of a situation, as a bunch of crims trying to formulate a consistent story!

Even if you stick with the detective analogy, there is simply too little evidence to really be sure you’re not eagerly picking the wrong suspect, where the real culprit may not have left a mark…

Only from the mainstream - and science is not entirely about collecting evidence. It is also about testing of theories, and finding the most likely truth. My fear is that, as it gains political and social power and influence, science is also being far too eager to demand acceptance of ‘proofs’ that simply aren’t really there in order to verify it’s right to the authority some would have it granted as the sole method of interpreting the world. Evolutionary theory would be a key theory in doing that.

Interestingly, I’ve actually seen the ‘random chance’ hypothesis - from bumping memes to humans - including abiogenesis - expounded repeatedly as ‘fact’ by Baldrick, in an advert for a show on the BBC proclaiming the same. They, at least, appear to have decided the entire idea is also apparently ‘a fact’.

Whether there is genuinely sufficient proof or not.:rolleyes:
You’re concerned about the validity of the science. Fine, that’s quite healthy. Go study geology and do the studies yourself if you’re that concerned over it. Now, realistically I know that’s probably unrealistic, but my point is that unless you’re willing to study and prove them wrong, you really don’t have much of a leg to stand on. When the vast majority of scientists says X is true, you’d be wise to accept it even if you still have a few reservations about it. I’m curious, how many medications do you take without concern over what your doctors actually know?

Yes, it’s fact. There are actually very very few “miraculously well preserved fossils”… Almost every single skeleton you see in a museum is a cast re-make/re-construction of what was actually found, and typically uses multiple fragmented skeletons to get a picture of the entire animal. If you’re concerned that mistakes were made there, remember that a wrongly put together 300 million year old animal is still 300 million years old, and peer review often catches any mistakes.

Dating techniques often don’t agree… but not agreeing is not the same as contradicting. If they’re all off by 10 million years, but they date it back to around 300 million years, that’s pretty dang good actually. Most dating (and science in generally really) has a bit of uncertainty, but it’s a small percent which is not the same as being unreliable.

I’m not going through all the evidence. If you actually want that, you should read Dawkins’ new book - it is specifically written for people that were never exposed to or don’t understand the evidence for evolution. A quick video summary of it is here:
To Mystic Banana,

Your concerns about evolution are well founded. Yes, soft tissue was found in a T-Rex bone supposedly millions of years old. One commentator just brushed it off as if he expected it to be there. Yes, yes, Well, let’s just all move along now.

The politics of evolution pervade this forum and all Christian forums. The goal is to give science the title of new belief system for all mankind. There is no other reason for expending the time and energy devoted here and elsewhere to recruit new ‘believers’ to the cause. Here is a perfect example:

Thos who do not believe are the villains - the army of unreason that will swallow up this country and prevent it from becoming the secular paradise on earth that the scientific atheists are looking forward to. “Religion? God? Pfft. Anyone who disagrees with us is bad, and worse! Science will rule. Keep your religion in your buildings and out of “our” government.”

That was why I had to stop saying the following in school in the 1960s:

“One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

They’ve worked so long to get God out of schools, God out of public buildings, God out of Christmas music played on loudspeakers in front of stores.

To Mystic Banana,

Your concerns about evolution are well founded. Yes, soft tissue was found in a T-Rex bone supposedly millions of years old. One commentator just brushed it off as if he expected it to be there. Yes, yes, Well, let’s just all move along now.

The politics of evolution pervade this forum and all Christian forums. The goal is to give science the title of new belief system for all mankind. There is no other reason for expending the time and energy devoted here and elsewhere to recruit new ‘believers’ to the cause. Here is a perfect example:

Thos who do not believe are the villains - the army of unreason that will swallow up this country and prevent it from becoming the secular paradise on earth that the scientific atheists are looking forward to. “Religion? God? Pfft. Anyone who disagrees with us is bad, and worse! Science will rule. Keep your religion in your buildings and out of “our” government.”

That was why I had to stop saying the following in school in the 1960s:

“One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

They’ve worked so long to get God out of schools, God out of public buildings, God out of Christmas music played on loudspeakers in front of stores.

First, it was not “soft tissue” and they aren’t “bones”. It was some organic material (some proteins were extracted, proteins are actually very robust), and the bone was solid rock - the definition of a fossil.

Second, the “under God” was put in the oath in 1954, so stop acting like it was always there.
You’re concerned about the validity of the science. Fine, that’s quite healthy. Go study geology and do the studies yourself if you’re that concerned over it. Now, realistically I know that’s probably unrealistic, but my point is that unless you’re willing to study and prove them wrong, you really don’t have much of a leg to stand on. When the vast majority of scientists says X is true, you’d be wise to accept it even if you still have a few reservations about it. I’m curious, how many medications do you take without concern over what your doctors actually know?

Yes, it’s fact. There are actually very very few “miraculously well preserved fossils”… Almost every single skeleton you see in a museum is a cast re-make/re-construction of what was actually found, and typically uses multiple fragmented skeletons to get a picture of the entire animal. If you’re concerned that mistakes were made there, remember that a wrongly put together 300 million year old animal is still 300 million years old, and peer review often catches any mistakes.

Dating techniques often don’t agree… but not agreeing is not the same as contradicting. If they’re all off by 10 million years, but they date it back to around 300 million years, that’s pretty dang good actually. Most dating (and science in generally really) has a bit of uncertainty, but it’s a small percent which is not the same as being unreliable.

I’m not going through all the evidence. If you actually want that, you should read Dawkins’ new book - it is specifically written for people that were never exposed to or don’t understand the evidence for evolution. A quick video summary of it is here:
As I understand it, carbon dating is seen as more reliable for very recent stuff, chemical testing for middle stuff, and radiometric testing for very old stuff. Thing is, since the whole age of the Earth is essentially hypothetical and is essentially, yet again, unverifiable, the relative age of everything could be calculated entirely differently at the drop of a new theory… anyway, what you say does nothing to refute my concerns over the reassurances in the decidedly pro-evolutionary article in question.

Recalculated the size of the Universe recently, didn’t they? And decided it was contracting rather than expanding? Science makes mistakes. Big ones. Regularly. With discipline wide consensus supporting them… the most amazing thing is how often radical changes in orthodox opinion is always declared without a hint of concern over the tremendous degree of certainty the previous position was often held with…

The vast majority of scientists believed the world was growing colder, not warmer, not so many years ago, and that environmental concerns were the wailing paranoias of nutty extremists… like any discipline, I don’t think majority consensus is any guarantee of reliability in science. We’d have been wiser to have been far more skeptical of them long ago…

Wasn’t it radiometric testing that led to the declaration that CDs would turn out to be vitually indestructable?

Dawkins is for me the archetypical self-deluded, dogmatic scientist. Given his amazing track record in delivering laughable proofs for the nonexistence of God, I can’t really take him seriously as a reliably objective scientist. Have you got a video from some biologist who is less of a self-deluded fascist? Davros, perhaps?

Incidentally, I can’t help but note the irony in you demanding I give up arguing evolution for lack of a Geology degree, then referring me to a scientist who spends most of his time dreaming up nonsensical arguments outside his speciality which I, with my half a degree in philosophy, bit in psychology, and subsiduary qualifications in history, sociology etc. can’t help but see a series of gaping holes in…😉
First, it was not “soft tissue” and they aren’t “bones”. It was some organic material (some proteins were extracted, proteins are actually very robust), and the bone was solid rock - the definition of a fossil.

Second, the “under God” was put in the oath in 1954, so stop acting like it was always there.
Sorry for butting in Ed…

Liquidpele, this doesn’t void the core descrepancy. That if a large number of other fossils have such matter attached, but that this is infernally unlikely, this puts the age of such fossils under more question than they’re conventionally allowed to be. It’s also known that fossilization doesn’t actually neccesarily require exteme age to occur.

Ed, this is the tip of the iceburg… the one that gets me every time is the one about the apparently human footprints in a riverbed being assumed to be those of ‘a dinosaur slipping in the mud’ - I advise you both to go and read Charles Fort. He’d be laughing his cake off at that one!:rotfl:
As I understand it, carbon dating is seen as more reliable for very recent stuff, chemical testing for middle stuff, and radiometric testing for very old stuff. Thing is, since the whole age of the Earth is essentially hypothetical and is essentially, yet again, unverifiable, the relative age of everything could be calculated entirely differently at the drop of a new theory… anyway, what you say does nothing to refute my concerns over the reassurances in the decidedly pro-evolutionary article in question.

Recalculated the size of the Universe recently, didn’t they? And decided it was contracting rather than expanding? Science makes mistakes. Big ones. Regularly. With discipline wide consensus supporting them… the most amazing thing is how often radical changes in orthodox opinion is always declared without a hint of concern over the tremendous degree of certainty the previous position was often held with…

The vast majority of scientists believed the world was growing colder, not warmer, not so many years ago, and that environmental concerns were the wailing paranoias of nutty extremists… like any discipline, I don’t think majority consensus is any guarantee of reliability in science. We’d have been wiser to have been far more skeptical of them long ago…

Wasn’t it radiometric testing that led to the declaration that CDs would turn out to be vitually indestructable?

Dawkins is for me the archetypical self-deluded, dogmatic scientist. Given his amazing track record in delivering laughable proofs for the nonexistence of God, I can’t really take him seriously as a reliably objective scientist. Have you got a video from some biologist who is less of a self-deluded fascist? Davros, perhaps?

Incidentally, I can’t help but note the irony in you demanding I give up arguing evolution for lack of a Geology degree, then referring me to a scientist who spends most of his time dreaming up nonsensical arguments outside his speciality which I, with my half a degree in philosophy, bit in psychology, and subsiduary qualifications in history, sociology etc. can’t help but see a series of gaping holes in…😉
The age of the Earth is a lot more scientific and widely re-tested than I think you realize. You can view some specific details of how it’s done here:

You are of course correct that something might come along and shake things up, but given the large amount of evidence for this particular thing, it’s pretty unlikely at this point.

They might have recalculated the size of the universe… but that’s cosmology. Cosmologists change things constantly because they’re working on pure observation and thus have far far less data to work with. The big bang theory for instance, is built upon pretty much just 2 observations: red shifts of galaxies and microwave background radiation. They still think it’s expanding… there just happened to be a guy recently that got some press because he said it was really contracting but looked to be expanding because time itself was slowing.

The important think to remember here is that paradigm shifting points in science doesn’t usually mean everything changes. New theories still have to account for all the older evidence unless it specifically shows why that evidence is not valid (which is rarely done). You seem to think that at any moment new evidence might come along to contradict the age of the Earth… that may be so, but any new theories would have to explain why all the older evidence is wrong… again, very unlikely at this point.

Consensus is probably not the major factor you’ll want to base your beliefs on, I’ll agree with that one 😉

The fact that you just brought up CD’s and radiometry is a bit concerning… you realize the term can mean different things right? As in radioactive material vs electromagnetic radiation?

You don’t like Dawkins… I figured you’d reject the book on that basis, but I thought I’d offer anyway. Confirmation bias it is then. Well, if you want a video series instead of a book, here you go - from a very intelligent guy that looks like he belongs at a metallica concert.

My recommendation for the geology degree was in relation to the age of the earth, not evolution. Your distaste for Dawkins is duly noted, but just because I might think the pope is a bad guy doesn’t make it so. I wonder if you’ve ever actually taken the time to listen to his arguments or if you’ve simply looked for reasons to dislike him?

Edit - replying to your other post…

You’re assuming that some surviving organic molecules in a fossil somehow means it’s young.

I’m not familiar with the tracks you claim are mis-interpreted but I wouldn’t doubt it. Many fossils are re-examined and re-categorized over time due to mistakes or simply amateurish scientists. The categorization of current species is especially prone to that sort of thing. There are a couple great chapters about such things in the book “As short history of nearly everything” - recommended if you have time, it’s a bit thick but a good read.
Sorry for butting in Ed…

Liquidpele, this doesn’t void the core descrepancy. That if a large number of other fossils have such matter attached, but that this is infernally unlikely, this puts the age of such fossils under more question than they’re conventionally allowed to be. It’s also known that fossilization doesn’t actually neccesarily require exteme age to occur.

Ed, this is the tip of the iceburg… the one that gets me every time is the one about the apparently human footprints in a riverbed being assumed to be those of ‘a dinosaur slipping in the mud’ - I advise you both to go and read Charles Fort. He’d be laughing his cake off at that one!:rotfl:
You’re assuming that some surviving organic molecules in a fossil somehow means it’s young.

I’m not familiar with the tracks you claim are mis-interpreted but I wouldn’t doubt it. Many fossils are re-examined and re-categorized over time due to mistakes or simply amateurish scientists. The categorization of current species is especially prone to that sort of thing. There are a couple great chapters about such things in the book “As short history of nearly everything” - recommended if you have time, it’s a bit thick but a good read.
Sorry for butting in Ed…

Liquidpele, this doesn’t void the core descrepancy. That if a large number of other fossils have such matter attached, but that this is infernally unlikely, this puts the age of such fossils under more question than they’re conventionally allowed to be. It’s also known that fossilization doesn’t actually neccesarily require exteme age to occur.

Ed, this is the tip of the iceburg… the one that gets me every time is the one about the apparently human footprints in a riverbed being assumed to be those of ‘a dinosaur slipping in the mud’ - I advise you both to go and read Charles Fort. He’d be laughing his cake off at that one!:rotfl:
I have the complete works of Charles Fort. Currently, the overarching concern here is to get a majority concensus for mindless, unguided, no God involved evolution, then they’ll go on to step two.

Here’s something from the Smithsonian magazine about what they call bone:

I have the complete works of Charles Fort. Currently, the overarching concern here is to get a majority concensus for mindless, unguided, no God involved evolution, then they’ll go on to step two.

Here’s something from the Smithsonian magazine about what they call bone:

Quoting your own link, I think this sums it up.
Meanwhile, Schweitzer’s research has been hijacked by “young earth” creationists, who insist that dinosaur soft tissue couldn’t possibly survive millions of years. They claim her discoveries support their belief, based on their interpretation of Genesis, that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Of course, it’s not unusual for a paleontologist to differ with creationists. But when creationists misrepresent Schweitzer’s data, she takes it personally.
I suggest you take off your rose colored glasses and realize that the data cannot be hijacked. It is what it is. Evolution, as advertised, is looking less and less credible. When a significant anomoly is found, it can survive any explanation, any doubt, to reemerge unchanged and always true.

The age of the Earth is a lot more scientific and widely re-tested than I think you realize. You can view some specific details of how it’s done here:

You are of course correct that something might come along and shake things up, but given the large amount of evidence for this particular thing, it’s pretty unlikely at this point
Thing is, doesn’t most of the geomorphological evidence in support of evolutionism in the case of anomalous data assume something coming along to ‘shake things up’, despite a lack of evidence for the same?

I’m not really saying the calculations are necessarily wrong - it’s simply that they are based on theories and causal assumptions which themselves can’t really be verified, something you point out in an earlier post - all calulations of age are based around the same assumption, based on relativity, aren’t they?
They might have recalculated the size of the universe… but that’s cosmology. Cosmologists change things constantly because they’re working on pure observation and thus have far far less data to work with. The big bang theory for instance, is built upon pretty much just 2 observations: red shifts of galaxies and microwave background radiation. They still think it’s expanding… there just happened to be a guy recently that got some press because he said it was really contracting but looked to be expanding because time itself was slowing.

The important think to remember here is that paradigm shifting points in science doesn’t usually mean everything changes. New theories still have to account for all the older evidence unless it specifically shows why that evidence is not valid (which is rarely done). You seem to think that at any moment new evidence might come along to contradict the age of the Earth… that may be so, but any new theories would have to explain why all the older evidence is wrong… again, very unlikely at this point.
The old evidence, as ed points out, remains the same. It is only the theories and interpretations, beliefs, and assumptions which are applied to them which change. The point I am trying to make to you is that in the face of something where the evidence cannot really be assessed in a real case fashion, the theories cannot be reliably tested. This goes for both evolutionism and creationism (whether ‘young Earth’ based or not)
Consensus is probably not the major factor you’ll want to base your beliefs on, I’ll agree with that one 😉

The fact that you just brought up CD’s and radiometry is a bit concerning… you realize the term can mean different things right? As in radioactive material vs electromagnetic radiation?
Yes, but the principle is the same, isn’t it?

CDs were tested according to assumptions of general wear and tear, and found to vitually indestructable. Experience finds they are not - anything but.

But we can’t really test how long it actually takes for things to decay over millions of years, or prove whether the theories for geological ageing and fossilization are true - not for a long time, anyway…
You don’t like Dawkins… I figured you’d reject the book on that basis, but I thought I’d offer anyway. Confirmation bias it is then. Well, if you want a video series instead of a book, here you go - from a very intelligent guy that looks like he belongs at a metallica concert.
It’s not simply an idiological aversion - it’s the extent to which Dawkins’ reasoning is ludicrously (perhaps literally) twisted according to his particular prejudices. See my earlier arguments on the “Dawkins makes sense” thread.

Yes, but I know a number of metalheads who are quite evangelistically devout followers of Dawkins… This bloke is clearly somewhat partial as well, but there you go, I suppose we all are. Anyway, which ones of these deals with the issues in hand?

I’ve read up on quite a lot of this stuff - I think perhaps you fail to realise it’s the whole assumption and theory and the way that influences satisfaction (or not) with the interpretation of evidence that is my issue. You’ve not really dealt with my core concern at all - specifically, that evolution does feed into geological dating, which is then fed back to ‘prove’ evolution, and that such considerations look to be only applied where the findings are found to contradict the (un)holy scripture of (the incidentally generally unqualified) Darwin…

And this is one of the primary sites defending the impartiality of Geology that I’m looking at… which fails to really allay any of the criticisms used by the creationist bunch…
My recommendation for the geology degree was in relation to the age of the earth, not evolution. Your distaste for Dawkins is duly noted, but just because I might think the pope is a bad guy doesn’t make it so. I wonder if you’ve ever actually taken the time to listen to his arguments or if you’ve simply looked for reasons to dislike him?
Yes - but, again you’re missing the point! I’ll try and be clearer - you say I shouldn’t comment outside my qualification, then point to someone who does just that - regularly…anyway, I’ve already mentioned this, but I’ll emphasize it again - his arguments don’t make sense. Rational sense. That he’s a bit of a fascist doesn’t help, but his lopsided interpretation of history and possibility makes me hope that he departmentalises his reasoning ability from his fervant dogmas only outside his chosen speciality… but given how daft he is in a lot of his anti-theological arguments, I find it hard to believe!
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