as far as I’m concerned, this doesn’t really dissuade me from thinking there is tautology at work at all - if anything, it increases my concerns. Although reassuringly emphasizing that such testing works to make findings more accurate, it occurs to me that there is likely to be appeal to other sciences only in cases where geology alone fails to successfully fit the general model with regard to the traditional evolutionary theory. As if it were already an established fact. So, the assumption that evolution has occured
does influence the evidence itself which should work to prove whether evolution has occurred
or not.
As for the climate debate, I see the reckless conservatism of science in protecting it’s interests in scientific progressivism as the primary cause of any impending ecological disasters that may or may not occur… that Hitchens blames religion for all this, when my personal lifelong experience is of mainstream science’s endless rebuttals to concerns from marginalised groups like Greenpeace demonstrates to me that the world is no more enlightened now than in the 11th century… BC. That some scientists still cling to the idea that human action does not have such cataclysmic possibilities surprises me not at all.
For a fact? your next but one paragraph virtually refutes this.
I’ve got to say, I also can’t help but be suspicious whenever I hear of a ‘miraculously well preserved fossil’ – there’s a thoroughly entertaining Fortean website somewhere arguing that Dinosaurs are Dragons, partly supported by the find of a Tyranosaurus Rex with blood samples – on examination, this turns out to be rather tissue sample or somesuch, which apparently should not survive for so long a time, which is excused (on what looked like the official website detailing the find) on the basis that such ‘miraculous’ preservations are quite frequently found on fossils of this age! Again, this kind of thing doesn’t quite reassure me regarding the accurate dating of such findings.
That such processes as geological morphology enter the public consciousness only after the declaration of evolution to be proved according to the previously discussed proof of adaptation (which I still think it is rather disingenuous to refer to as proof of evolution), and are found to be essentially tautologically supported by geological data, (itself a science doubtless increasingly influenced by the ideological benefits of subscription to Darwinistic theory ever since the latter was developed based on what has subsequently been admitted to be rather scant evidence) all do nothing but make me rather skeptical regarding the objectivity of the assessment of data as it has been done over, say, the last 150 years……at least….
The evidence is there, but it performs according to the fashion the theory and assumptions applied expect it to. I understand that the core 3 dating techniques don’t even agree with each other… and that ultimately we’re just talking unrefuted theory - not fact. Where ideas are established according to a particular discipline without recognized challenge, and established in the form of an orthodoxy, it takes more than skeptism to dislodge them as the established ‘truth’ - which goes for all of this stuff. Your next statement regarding the detectives seeking a solution with negligable evidence is the best analogy I’ve heard… but an orthodox ‘best guess’ does not constitute a fact in real terms - although apparently so in conventional scientific terms. Even (or, perhaps, especially) if you support it with a bunch of other eagerly supportive ‘best guesses’, in a system of study eager to establish the veracity of it’s method by mutual subdivisional agreement.
It’s just that sometimes it doesn’t so much seem like a few detectives trying to determine the truth of a situation, as a bunch of crims trying to formulate a consistent story!
Even if you stick with the detective analogy, there is simply too little evidence to really be sure you’re not eagerly picking the wrong suspect, where the real culprit may not have left a mark…
Only from the mainstream - and science is not entirely about collecting evidence. It is also about testing of theories, and finding the most likely truth. My fear is that, as it gains political and social power and influence, science is also being far too eager to demand acceptance of ‘proofs’ that simply aren’t really there in order to verify it’s right to the authority some would have it granted as the sole method of interpreting the world. Evolutionary theory would be a key theory in doing that.
Interestingly, I’ve actually seen the ‘random chance’ hypothesis - from bumping memes to humans - including abiogenesis - expounded repeatedly as ‘fact’ by Baldrick, in an advert for a show on the BBC proclaiming the same. They, at least, appear to have decided the entire idea is also apparently ‘a fact’.
Whether there is genuinely sufficient proof or not.