What? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here.Thing is, doesn’t most of the geomorphological evidence in support of evolutionism in the case of anomalous data assume something coming along to ‘shake things up’, despite a lack of evidence for the same?
No, we calculate ages using different methods. The underlying assumption is that half life is actually a half life. Unless that gets proved to be variable, there are several different methods that all agree with a good degree of accuracy and precision.I’m not really saying the calculations are necessarily wrong - it’s simply that they are based on theories and causal assumptions which themselves can’t really be verified, something you point out in an earlier post - all calulations of age are based around the same assumption, based on relativity, aren’t they?
No, not at all. Radioactivity has pretty much nothing to do with electromagnetic radiation.Yes, but the principle is the same, isn’t it?
CDs were tested according to assumptions of general wear and tear, and found to vitually indestructable. Experience finds they are not - anything but.
As I said, this is based on half life… something very very well understood and accepted.But we can’t really test how long it actually takes for things to decay over millions of years, or prove whether the theories for geological ageing and fossilization are true - not for a long time, anyway…
All of them, they’re a series. I haven’t watched them all actually, as I find his videos a little dry.It’s not simply an idiological aversion - it’s the extent to which Dawkins’ reasoning is ludicrously (perhaps literally) twisted according to his particular prejudices. See my earlier arguments on the “Dawkins makes sense” thread.
Yes, but I know a number of metalheads who are quite evangelistically devout followers of Dawkins… This bloke is clearly somewhat partial as well, but there you go, I suppose we all are. Anyway, which ones of these deals with the issues in hand?
Maybe some… The earth was thought to be at maximum a few million years old in Darwins day… and only came to be thought of as billions of years much later. Evolution wasn’t widely accepted until about the 1800’s or so - Darwin’s work was largely rejected and forgotten during that time.I’ve read up on quite a lot of this stuff - I think perhaps you fail to realise it’s the whole assumption and theory and the way that influences satisfaction (or not) with the interpretation of evidence that is my issue. You’ve not really dealt with my core concern at all - specifically, that evolution does feed into geological dating, which is then fed back to ‘prove’ evolution, and that such considerations look to be only applied where the findings are found to contradict the (un)holy scripture of (the incidentally generally unqualified) Darwin…
Lopsided interpretation of history… great video on that here, you’ll like this one.Yes - but, again you’re missing the point! I’ll try and be clearer - you say I shouldn’t comment outside my qualification, then point to someone who does just that - regularly…anyway, I’ve already mentioned this, but I’ll emphasize it again - his arguments don’t make sense. Rational sense. That he’s a bit of a fascist doesn’t help, but his lopsided interpretation of history and possibility makes me hope that he departmentalises his reasoning ability from his fervant dogmas only outside his chosen speciality… but given how daft he is in a lot of his anti-theological arguments, I find it hard to believe!