Catholic view on utilitarianism

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If the ‘intent’ and the ‘object’ are the same, then why differentiate between them? If they are not the same thing , then perhaps we’re misidentifying them when we claim that they are identical?
That is correct.

The moral object of an act is always more than the mere physicality of the act. The moral object answers the question. “ What is morally happening?”. The intent answers the question, “ Why did the actor act?”.
John Paul II, Enc. Veritatis splendor , 78; cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church , 1751. “In order to be able to grasp the object of an act which specifies that act morally, it is therefore necessary to place oneself in the perspective of the acting person. The object of the act of willing is in fact a freely chosen kind of behavior. To the extent that it is in conformity with the order of reason, it is the cause of the goodness of the will; it perfects us morally, and disposes us to recognize our ultimate end in the perfect good, primordial love. By the object of a given moral act, then, one cannot mean a process or an event of the merely physical order, to be assessed on the basis of its ability to bring about a given state of affairs in the outside world”( Ibid. ). The “physical object” should not be confused with the “moral object” of the action (one and the same physical action may be the object of different moral acts, e.g., cutting with a scalpel may be a surgical operation or a homicide).
It is a violation of the Catholic Answers Forum terms of use - modifying another poster’s words in a quote.
puh-leeze. if, by reading that, one doesn’t recognize “FTFY”, or gets the idea that I’m correcting MAGA’s statement – rather than attempting to make others think he said something he didn’t – then the thin-skinned-ness and 'net-meme tone-deafness around here is growing… :roll_eyes:
I don’t know why you are arguing against the principle of double effect.
Again: I’m not. I’m arguing against the assertion that it fits, in this case.
By removing the fallopian tube the surgeon saved the mother, it was a moral act.

The person by diverting the trolley from one track to another, minimized the death by saving 5 people, it was a moral act.
There’s another dimension to the example that you’re missing, however:
  • if you fail to take the action:
    • tube: both mother and baby die
    • trolley: the five people die, the one lives
  • if you take the action:
    • tube: mother lives, baby dies
    • trolley: the five people live, the one dies
See the difference? In the tube example, you’re saving one who would otherwise have died (at the cost of not saving one who, too, would have died). In the trolley example, you’re merely swapping one set of deaths for another. That’s not an example of the proportionality that double effect calls for. The calculus is not “x lives > y lives” merely because x > y.
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It is a violation of the Catholic Answers Forum terms of use - modifying another poster’s words in a quote.
puh-leeze. if, by reading that, one doesn’t recognize “FTFY”, or gets the idea that I’m correcting MAGA’s statement – rather than attempting to make others think he said something he didn’t – then the thin-skinned-ness and 'net-meme tone-deafness around here is growing… :roll_eyes:
Nevertheless I was cited by the moderators for doing exactly what you did. So take it as a friendly warning.
I don’t know why you are arguing against the principle of double effect.
Again: I’m not. I’m arguing against the assertion that it fits, in this case.
My question was directed not to you but to MAGA-huelye who seemed to be arguing against double effect, but maybe I misunderstood.
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Who is most definitely a potential aggressor that poses a real threat.
This oxymoron shows how muddled your thinking is. Dishonest, ignorant and muddled. Go troll somebody else.
It’s not an oxymoron (tall dwarf etc). The aggression is potential. The threat of aggression (which it poses) is a real threat. Read what I write.

But in any case, I’ve said what I need to say. It stands. I’ve no more time to waste…
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There’s another dimension to the example that you’re missing, however:
  • if you fail to take the action:
    • tube: both mother and baby die
    • trolley: the five people die, the one lives
  • if you take the action:
    • tube: mother lives, baby dies
    • trolley: the five people live, the one dies
Thank you for your post Gorgias.

I know those other dimensions, but unfortunately the space is limited.

Just only one question:
Would you Gorgias divert the trolley from one track to another, for the reason to minimize the number to die.

Thank you for your answer in advance.
My answer to the same question is:
I would divert the trolley from one track to another, for the reason to minimize the number to die.
God bless
What about a woman who needs her womb removed before the baby can survive outside it?

In that case the baby is exactly where he or she is supposed to be.
First, @leafbyniggle’s fundamental misunderstanding of the moral object in the human act misleads him/her to attempt to justify throwing the switch by the double effect, comparing tubal pregnancy to the trolley, and euthanasia to salpingectomy.
I you spent less time declaring other people’s intellectual shortcomings and more time listening to what people are saying your posts would be much less caustic to read.

As for the “misunderstanding,” it is just a disagreement. We both think we “understand.” So if you think the moral object of removing the tube is only to save the life of the mother and remove a diseased tube, then you have to accept that the moral object of diverting the trolley is only to save the life of 5 people by diverting the trolley away from them.
The moral object of the OP’s trolley case is twofold.
No, it is onefold. To divert the trolley from the track that would kill 5 people. Killing the one on the other track is no more the moral object than the killing of the baby because of the sudden lack of nutrients and warmth. They are the same.

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The salpingectomy does not attack the person-body of the child and is similar to moving a terminal patient off extraordinary but ineffective life support to let nature take its course.
Not really. Salpingectomy interrupts nature and replaces it with the very unnatural condition of an excised tube sitting on a cold operating room table. That is not letting nature take its course.
In the case of a cancerous womb, the object of the surgery is to directly remove the diseased tissue and indirectly kill the child. The indirect effect is tolerated, not intended and proportionate to the good effect. The good effect – saving the mother’s life – does not occur through the bad effect – death of the child.
The point of the cancerous womb example was in contrast to your description of the tubal pregnancy in which you made a major point about the baby being in an unnatural place where it could not possibly survive. The fact that you render exactly the same judgement about the cancerous womb shows that this particular factor (the baby being in an unnatural place) was not essential to the moral decision-making. In fact, there is every possibility that if the cancerous womb were left alone, the baby might develop enough to be successfully delivered by C-section, even if the resulting cancer eventually kills the mother. So your excuse that the baby could not survive anyway in a tubal pregnancy is also a red herring. So how do you decide when removal of a cancerous womb is moral? How big does the cancer have to be? Huh?
Finally, a fair comparison to the OP’s trolley case is salpingostomy – the opening of the tube and scooping the embryo out. Like throwing the switch, the moral object of the act is to directly kill the innocent child and indirectly save the mother. Like the trolley, we may never directly kill an innocent person so salpingostomy is immoral.
No, that is not fair. The death of the one man on the track is not the means to save the other 5 like the death of the embryo is the means of saving the mother in salpingostomy.
No, that is not fair. The death of the one man on the track is not the means to save the other 5 like the death of the embryo is the means of saving the mother in salpingostomy.
I disagree there. If there was a way to save the baby the mother would still survive.

Where I struggle is seeing why removing an organ with a baby who cannot survive outside his or her mothers body in it is not a direct attack on the baby.
Where I struggle is seeing why removing an organ with a baby who cannot survive outside his or her mothers body in it is not a direct attack on the baby.
Physically it is a direct attack on the baby but morally it does not count as a direct attack on the baby, because without removing the fallopian tube, both mother and baby would die.

God bless
I don’t know why you are arguing against the principle of double effect. It supports the position that minimizing the harm in this instance is a morally acceptable action, which I gather is your position too.
Because it is unnecessary, dishonest and misleading. One is faced with an ethical dilemma. One is expected to do the “right thing”. How to arrive at a decision? By examining ALL the details, the intent, the available means, and ALL the circumstances. Once all that has been taken into consideration, one puts it through the “machine” of the ethical system, and arrives at the conclusion. It is possible that the ethical system of “A” will arrive at a different solution than the ethical system of “B”, and then we have a disagreement. But unless EVERYTHING is considered, there can be no coherent solution.
Even when all things have been considered, it is still possible for system A and system B to produce different decisions.
The concept of “intrinsically evil” is nonsense. Everything needs to be considered.
The concept of “intrinsically evil” is a valid one. But it is narrower than o_milly will admit. It only applies when the act itself, regardless of context, is evil. And there are such acts. Abortion, properly understood, is one such intrinsic evil. But abortion is not what is done when a diseased tube is removed because the child is not attacked with the intention of killing the child. Letting the trolley hit the one man on the track is not an intrinsic evil.
The “double effect” tries to circumvent the dilemma. Since there is no solution, which would satisfy everyone and everything, we must minimize the harm - and ADMIT it. Yes, it is better that only one should perish, rather than five - ALL things being equal. If there are other circumstances, they must also be considered. If you have only enough serum to save either a Jeffrey Dahmer or an Albert Schweitzer, you PROUDLY save Schweitzer and let Dahmer to die. If - due some weird circumstances, you must kill Dahmer to save Schweitzer, then you do it, and OWN up to it.
The principle of double effect is consistent with what you are describing, which still leaves me scratching my head trying to figure out why you are arguing against something that supports your view.
Even when all things have been considered, it is still possible for system A and system B to produce different decisions.
Yes, of course. But since there is no objective way to measure one ethical system against another one, it remains subjective. There are dozens of ethical systems out there.
Well, then I must admit to having adopted the Catholic ethical system. And it is through the lens of that system that I evaluation moral decisions.
The concept of “intrinsically evil” is a valid one.
I don’t accept it. Everything needs to be considered. No one claim omniscience, so no one can claim that they are aware of EVERY possible scenario.
You do not have to be aware of every possible scenario to conclude - under the assumptions of particular ethical system - that a specific act is intrinsically evil.
The principle of double effect is consistent with what you are describing, which still leaves me scratching my head trying to figure out why you are arguing against something that supports your view.
Because it is an intellectually dishonest way to argue.
OK, fair enough, if you believe that. Thank you for explaining your thinking.
No, that is not fair. The death of the one man on the track is not the means to save the other 5 like the death of the embryo is the means of saving the mother in salpingostomy.
I disagree there. If there was a way to save the baby the mother would still survive.

Where I struggle is seeing why removing an organ with a baby who cannot survive outside his or her mothers body in it is not a direct attack on the baby.
I think the introduction of the concept of “direct” vs “indirect” into this discussion has been to confuse rather than to clarify, because we can’t seem to agree on what “direct” means.

The principle of double effect, which is the main principle upon which these dilemmas rest, does not require the use of that word at all. Here is a typical statement of the principle:
The doctrine consists of four conditions that must be satisfied before an act is morally permissible:
  1. The nature-of-the-act condition. The action, apart from the foreseen evil, must be either morally good or indifferent.
  2. The means-end condition. The bad effect must not be the means by which one achieves the good effect. Good ends do not justify evil means.[3]
  3. The right-intention condition. The intention must be the achieving of only the good effect, with the bad effect being only an unintended side effect. All reasonable measures to avoid or mitigate the bad effect must be taken.
  4. The proportionality condition. There must be a proportionately grave reason for permitting the evil effect.
You see? The words “direct” and “indirect” are unnecessary, and are therefore a confusing factor in the discussion.

So in light of this formulation, what can we say about tubal pregnancy treatment?
  1. The nature of the act, apart for the foreseen evil, is the removal of a diseased tube - morally good.
  2. The means of achieving the good end is the removal of the diseased tube before it ruptures. The death of the baby, though foreseen, does not contribute to this good end, therefore it is not the means of achieving to good end.
  3. The intention is the health of the mother, and all reasonable measures have been taken to save the life of the baby. There just currently aren’t any. Maybe some future technology will allow us to transplant the baby into the womb, but not today.
  4. Proportionality. The good is saving the life of the mother. The evil effect is the death of the baby, who was going to die anyway. At worst, the two are equal, therefore the procedure is allowed.
So that is how you apply double-effect without talking about direct or indirect.

And of course the same four conditions apply to the trolley problem, which is also an example of valid double effect.
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Where I struggle is seeing why removing an organ with a baby who cannot survive outside his or her mothers body in it is not a direct attack on the baby.
The act is directed at the diseased organ, not the baby.

A direct cause acts on the object (cancerous womb) itself.

An indirect cause acts on a third party (excised womb), which then acts on the object (baby’s death).

The surgeon may not direct his scalpel at the baby as that would be a direct attack on the child.

It is true that the excision of the cancerous womb exposes the baby to mortal danger. The moral law prohibits exposing someone (the baby) to mortal danger without grave reason (CCC#2279). The threat to the life of the mother is a grave and proportionate reason.

The mother is not morally obligated to remove her cancerous womb and may morally do so for the sake of the child.
As for the “misunderstanding,” it is just a disagreement.
No, your understanding of the moral object of the human act as being dependent on either the mere physical act or on the intention of the actor is in error. I have given you the authoritative citations but you either do not read or you do not understand what you read. Until you get the fundamentals about the fonts of morality correct, further exchanges will be fruitless.
I don’t think of them as exchanges so much as correcting the record for other readers who might otherwise be misled. So in that sense, I consider it fruitful.

There is no authoritative citation you have given that says that the moral object of diverting the trolley away from five people is the death of the one person on the other track. And I have read them.
Men are four:
He who knows not and knows not he knows not, he is a fool—shun him;
He who knows not and knows he knows not, he is simple—teach him;
He who knows and knows not he knows, he is asleep—wake him;
He who knows and knows he knows, he is wise—follow him!
What you consider to be “authoritative” citation is not necessarily accepted as such. Your remark of “you did not read or do not understand” is deficient. The third one: “you read it, and understood it, but DISAGREE with it” is missing.
Read the thread title. Does the OP ask for your view? No. Nor are you able to disagree with what you do not understand.

Do everyone a favor before your next post and study the Catholic view.

Your remarks are self-conceited, haughty, foppish… etc.
My remarks are direct. Errors in this thread posted as authentic Catholic moral theology ought not be tolerated. The church struggles against such heresies. To wit in this thread are the miss-applications of the double effect principle that promote situation ethics, proportionalism and consequentialism. These are anti-Catholic ethical systems.

Those who post these errors would do well to study the authentic teaching before posting.

Errors of Proportionalism

Spare me your lectures. These barbs from just the first 13 of your 50 + posts. Give us all a break from this know-it all attitude.
Your wording is highly misleading …
You cannot wiggle out …
That is sophism
Which part of “ foreseen, but unintended ” don’t you understand? …
Twisting it again? …
Your “argument” is definitely in BAD FAITH. …
There are some people who start to throw some non-sequitur at you when they run out of arguments. …
Gotta love to see you trying to blow both hot and cold from your mouth. …
The same bad faith argument: …
Whether this confusion is intentional …
Your argument is in bad faith, because you intentionally mischaracterize the “object”
Another bad argument,
simply due to ignorance …
As long as you don’t understand this …
That is the bad faith. …
This question is already presented in bad faith …
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