Do you think that there is a major difference between that which has minimal culpabitity and that which you consider to be a sin?
Yes. You’re getting your Venn diagrams confused, it seems.
All sins have culpability. This isn’t an “intersection of sets” relation.
To be honest, I could care less if something is classed as a sin as long as there is no culpability.
I didn’t say “no culpability”; that’s a notion you just introduced.
However, not all grave sins are mortal sins. Some are venial, based on subjective considerations.
But if you say it is better that five die rather than one then I don’t think that that is a realistic position to hold.
I say that the person who caused the situation to occur in which five innocents were killed, has committed a grave sin. I also say that the person who caused the situation to occur in which one innocent was killed, has committed a grave sin. It’s not up to me to determine whether the grave sin was venial or mortal.
But since you neglected my direct question, namely: “Who would get the life saving medication, Jeffrey Dahmer or Mother Teresa”?
No, I didn’t. But, if you feel the need to hear an answer explicitly, here it is: both Dahmer and Mother Teresa are human beings and therefore, are worthy of life saving medication. The
particular decision in a
particular set of circumstances does not depend on whether I think one of them is virtuous or vicious.
You get no respect, because you are DISHONEST.
Right back at ya, brother…
It would be rational, if you could PROVE God’s existence.
Let’s not go down that route. You’d have to assert what counts as “proof” and why it’s a reasonable assertion… and you’d lose that one.
My direct question was simple, and connected to a basic ethical dilemma, what do you do, when there is a shortage of life-saving resources? Who will get the one dosage of life saving medication, a despicable criminal, or a good, decent person? That is the question that you keep on avoiding. And that is DISHONEST.
And here’s
your “dishonesty” in the discussion: you’re asking for a particular answer, for a particular situation, without describing the particular circumstances. Pot, meet kettle.