The Church does not condemn communism per se. If it did, it would have to abolish all the monasteries. But monastic communism is not only godly, it is voluntary.
Other kinds of communism and socialism vary in the coercive power of the government to rob Peter to pay Paul. Tax collection in the ancient Roman empire was socialistic. Whether the taxes ever went where they were supposed to go is arguable. Socialism only works if there is a demand for it, and there is never a demand for it unless there is plenty of poverty. Obviously socialists don’t want to solve the problem of poverty … or they would become irrelevant … and so poverty is never solved.
Capitalism likewise can be exploitative in the sense of charging excessive prices for necessary goods, refusing to pay a fair wage, forcing slave labor, and using the power of the government to create “company” unions. Capitalist greed knows no bounds, and if the capitalists had their way, there would only be the rich and the poor, no middle class. But if the middle class is gouged enough to pay to the poor and the rich, there will be a reckoning for the rich, as the French, American, and Russian Revolutions proved.
A plague on both their houses.
The only antidote to both extremes is Christianity. “Love one another.”
As Christianity fails, so will the economy. Today Christianity is failing, and so is the economy. Thieves everywhere!
But,I’m not saying we should all become communists, but…
We are never truly free,
If we keep ourselves from that which we naturally seek.
A coerced freedom,
Is not freedom at all.
A coerced sacrifice of private property for the poor,
Is not love at all.
We all are naturally drawn to love freely.
How could communism exist without totalitarianism?
How do we define Non-Marxist communism?