Catholicism and Communism (Socialism?)

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If the accumulation and exploitation of resources is as such that it causes great poverty and sickness to offended nations, then a great crime is being committed against humanity and God.

If this is as such the case, then Moral Law compels us to act.

I believe in a Just-War and a Just-Revolution.
Can you be explicit and give us examples of where these things are happening?
The great Archie Roosevelt exposed Karl Marx’s anti-semitism in publishing extracts from his thesis…“on the Jewish question” the language used was so bad eventually the partner in world crime.Adolph used many sentences word for word to validate his slaughter of 6 million Jews. Pope PiusX11 was very anti-communist…his condemnation of the gulag and on the Hungarian revolution in 1956…his appeal to the world on Cardinal Mindzenty’s imprisonment also helped to seal his fate…hence the horrible smear against that great Pope and the Church was to bear rotten fruit in the play…The Deputy…which I picketed against on opening nite years ago…happy days of ones youth! When one is anti-communist one receives the full onslaught of heat from the jaws of hell!..
What else has worked this long?
If by “worked” you mean “living a half-life due to centuries of convolution and suppression whilst suggesting the death of countless peoples in some way or another or otherwise forcing inactivity of said peoples” then yes, you win.
No less a man than Father Pablo Straub just denounced the evils of communism/socialism, or whatever you care to call it.

You can try to justify something that’s inherently evil. You can even apply the laughable tactic of blaming Reagan (what’s the matter—isn’t blaming Bush good enough for you?) These tactics will always fail.
If by “worked” you mean “living a half-life due to centuries of convolution and suppression whilst suggesting the death of countless peoples in some way or another or otherwise forcing inactivity of said peoples” then yes, you win.
Who is the Church convoluting and suppressing and killing now?
No less a man than Father Pablo Straub just denounced the evils of communism/socialism, or whatever you care to call it.

You can try to justify something that’s inherently evil. You can even apply the laughable tactic of blaming Reagan (what’s the matter—isn’t blaming Bush good enough for you?) These tactics will always fail.
I don’t like communism either. I believe I stated that it bothered me that alot of good paying working-class jobs have left this country since Reagan. By stating that I don’t like that means that I like good paying working class jobs which should tell you I’m not communist or socialist because I like PAY for my work. The whole manufacturing base of the northeast flew overseas under Reagan. I don’t know if it was totally his fault because I don’t know who was the majority in the house and senate back then but dirty deals went down back then and it almost seems to me that the use and abuse of credit was also on the rise since then meaning things must have changed in that regard also back then. I remember one sickening comment he made." Since when are Americans afraid to compete?" How in the world did he expect U.S. workers to compete against the wages being paid in Japan, Korea, China, India, Mexico? How could he take their votes and do that to them? The cost of living here is so much more than those other countries yet he let so many U.S. jobs go all for one little saying and one big smile from an actor. And our economy continues to pay today.IMHO. I don’t find anything laughable about it. And I’ll probably never view Reagan as a hero.EVER.
Who is the Church convoluting and suppressing and killing now?
My point is that it has done these things up until modern times (though it is still suppressing*), so it has only worked, at most, for a relatively small amount of time. Some dynasties have worked longer than the Church’s “working” period.
  • They’re suppressing Notre Dame’s right to issue awards as it sees fit, for starters. There are many other examples, but I don’t wish to get too far in ethical territory on this thread.
  • They’re suppressing Notre Dame’s right to issue awards as it sees fit, for starters. There are many other examples, but I don’t wish to get too far in ethical territory on this thread.
Gee, I thought the big complaint was the bishops weren’t stopping Notre Dame from betraying the faith. Besides, where does such a right exist, anyway?
Gee, I thought the big complaint was the bishops weren’t stopping Notre Dame from betraying the faith. Besides, where does such a right exist, anyway?
The spiritual leaders of the Church (bishops included) are at least partially responsible for Christian opinions, including the belief that their own inaction and Obama’s ceremony is a problem.

Rights don’t exist, they are simply prevalent emotional statements enforced by the consent of the majority of society. And the general right to express yourself in an innocuous manner is promoted by the Constitution, the Constitution being supported by the majority of Americans.
There is human failure on all sides.

The intention of this thread was to compare,

The principles of Catholicism
The principles of Communism or Socialism.


Comparing Catholics
Communists or Socialists.
Hi one and all,

The general theme of Volume III of Will and Ariel Durant’s eleven volume History of Civilization, entitled Caesar and Christ implies an answer to why Christ appeared in our history when He did by juxtaposing the ethical principles by which each approached the problems of humanity. The answer is summed up in this one succinct and beautiful quote that I find defines the base principles upon which Socialism and Catholicism are in opposition:

“He (Christ) resembled Caesar only in taking his stand with the lower class, and in the quality of mercy; otherwise what a world of outlook, character, and interests separated them! Caesar hoped to reform men by changing institutions and laws; Christ wished to remake institutions and laws by changing men. (pg 562)

And while I have Durant on hand, I digress from the OP to offer another quote that I find handy in defending the revelatory nature of the Gospels:

“That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an ethic, and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels. After two centuries of Higher Criticism, the outlines of the life, character, and teaching of Christ, remain reasonably clear, and constitute the most fascinating feature in the history of Western man. (pg 557)

The spiritual leaders of the Church (bishops included) are at least partially responsible for Christian opinions, including the belief that their own inaction and Obama’s ceremony is a problem.
Rights don’t exist, they are simply prevalent emotional statements enforced by the consent of the majority of society. And the general right to express yourself in an innocuous manner is promoted by the Constitution, the Constitution being supported by the majority of Americans.
Free speech is one of the most misunderstood rights in the Constitution. The Constitution guarantees that the government will not abridge your speech based on viewpoint, but even then there are limits [consider just the types of forums that limit speech on public property]. Your boss, on the other hand, can tell you what you can and cannot say in the capacity of your employment. IOW, in this case, the president of Notre Dame has no right to misrepresent Catholic teaching by lending legitimacy to a hostile idea by giving it a platform. Besides, the Church holds that error has no rights.
“He (Christ) resembled Caesar only in taking his stand with the lower class, and in the quality of mercy; otherwise what a world of outlook, character, and interests separated them! Caesar hoped to reform men by changing institutions and laws; Christ wished to remake institutions and laws by changing men. (pg 562)

“That a few simple men should in one generation have invented so powerful and appealing a personality, so lofty an ethic, and so inspiring a vision of human brotherhood, would be a miracle far more incredible than any recorded in the Gospels. After two centuries of Higher Criticism, the outlines of the life, character, and teaching of Christ, remain reasonably clear, and constitute the most fascinating feature in the history of Western man. (pg 557)
There is another interesting comparison: Christ and Confucius. Confucius was admired by the Chinese court, and he tried and tried to get a government appointment so he could teach his ideas, but for some reason the emperor never gave him one. He returned to his home village and started a small school where he began teaching. Today, he, like Christ, is known throughout the world. If he had gotten his government appointment, probably nothing would be remembered of him.
I don’t like communism either. I believe I stated that it bothered me that alot of good paying working-class jobs have left this country since Reagan. By stating that I don’t like that means that I like good paying working class jobs which should tell you I’m not communist or socialist because I like PAY for my work. The whole manufacturing base of the northeast flew overseas under Reagan. I don’t know if it was totally his fault because I don’t know who was the majority in the house and senate back then but dirty deals went down back then and it almost seems to me that the use and abuse of credit was also on the rise since then meaning things must have changed in that regard also back then. I remember one sickening comment he made." Since when are Americans afraid to compete?" How in the world did he expect U.S. workers to compete against the wages being paid in Japan, Korea, China, India, Mexico? How could he take their votes and do that to them? The cost of living here is so much more than those other countries yet he let so many U.S. jobs go all for one little saying and one big smile from an actor. And our economy continues to pay today.IMHO. I don’t find anything laughable about it. And I’ll probably never view Reagan as a hero.EVER.
Too bad.

He really WAS a hero, and if you know of his early life, dealing with an alcoholic father, you will know he also deeply lived the Christian virtue of forgiveness.
Let’s not get into politics in this thread. If you wish to discuss that topic please start a thread or join an existing one in the Politics 2009 forum. Thank you all.
Labor unions are allowed under Catholicism. They are not under Communism because the Party claims to represent the worker. Does anyone know if unions are allowed under socialism?
Labor unions are allowed under Catholicism. They are not under Communism because the Party claims to represent the worker. Does anyone know if unions are allowed under socialism?
Only official State unions, not independent ones.
Labor unions are allowed under Catholicism. They are not under Communism because the Party claims to represent the worker. Does anyone know if unions are allowed under socialism?
The unions are not just allowed they are to be “encouraged” according to Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical on capital and labor. But they are not encouraged in this day and age because of the wrongs of orginized crime’s infiltration, which Pope Leo also warned to watch out for. If that encyclical were followed I feel that we wouldn’t have alot of the strife we have today. The unions are the to be the watchdog for the working class and if organized crime was kept out and greed was kept in check you probably would not have alot of people looking towards communism or socialism. The unions could actually prevent that type of thinking and work hand-in-hand with capitalism.
I don’t like communism either. I believe I stated that it bothered me that alot of good paying working-class jobs have left this country since Reagan. By stating that I don’t like that means that I like good paying working class jobs which should tell you I’m not communist or socialist because I like PAY for my work. The whole manufacturing base of the northeast flew overseas under Reagan. I don’t know if it was totally his fault because I don’t know who was the majority in the house and senate back then but dirty deals went down back then and it almost seems to me that the use and abuse of credit was also on the rise since then meaning things must have changed in that regard also back then. I remember one sickening comment he made." Since when are Americans afraid to compete?" How in the world did he expect U.S. workers to compete against the wages being paid in Japan, Korea, China, India, Mexico? How could he take their votes and do that to them? The cost of living here is so much more than those other countries yet he let so many U.S. jobs go all for one little saying and one big smile from an actor. And our economy continues to pay today.IMHO. I don’t find anything laughable about it. And I’ll probably never view Reagan as a hero.EVER.
To begin, no one president is to blame for our current disaster. Every president since 1865 shares in some sense the blame for the decline in our economic well being and security.

Now the problem we are experiencing now is not that we do not have enough good paying jobs, but rather that the money we have now does not buy what it once did.
Think about it:

The minimum wage in California is $8.00 an hour. If our money was worth the same as in 1910, this would equate to roughly $160 an hour in buying power! That would be over $300,000 a year! But, due to inflation, that $8 now only has a buying power of $.40. Our money is worth a 20th of what it once was. Who is to blame for this?

The government-contrived Federal Reserve. They print money like it is going out of style, to the point where, like any commodity, it declines in value the more you have of it. Think, if you had a Babe Ruth baseball card, it would be worth a mint. I you had a million of them, it would be nothing. Same with money. All presidents that continue to support the Fed share in the blame for this decline.

Loss of jobs? Consider this: As a business owner I paid Federal Income tax, State Income tax, State Sales tax, Unapportioned Property tax, Property Tax, County POS tax, Federal, State, and local gasoline tax, Social Security tax, Unemployment tax, Disability tax, Employment Training tax, Medicare tax, Medical tax, Local sales tax, the list goes on. None of this existed in 1910, and the Founding Fathers revolted over less!

Add to this the federal debt. The debt, which once took up 46% of GDP, under President Obama is now larger than every expenditure made in the United States for an entire year. It eats up the value our money and also squeezes credit, as the government increases the debt load on people.

Then add the regulations our business must follow: OSHA, union laws, environmental laws, Wagner Act, Taft-Hartley Act, minimum wage, County Health, County Weights and Measures, etc. This adds a signifigant overhead to all businesses, which passes costs on to the consumer.

THEN add artificially high value of real property, caused in parts by Fannie Mae, Feddie Mac, Federal Housing Authority, Federal Reserve with interest rates, Dept. of Housing & Urban Development, Community Reinvestment Act, Fair Housing Act, and investment bankers, which adds more overhead as business must pay rent on increasingly inflated property values.

AND THEN, add the cost of health care, fantastically inflated by Medicare, Medicaid, Prescription Drug Plan Act, Food & Drug Administration, Dept. of Health & Human Services, Pure Food & Drug Act, and mandatory care laws, which require health care providers to treat those who cannot pay. They therefore increase prices on insurance companies, who must pass on the cost to consumers, who get higher rates. Since Medicare and other government entities generally pay below market, health care providers again increase rate on the insured, further increase prices for you and your employer.

AND FURTHER, add all the incentives to go overseas. NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, Federal Overseas Investment Corporation, Peace Corps, and military all promote overseas investment by domestic companies, where that can be subsidized or given tax breaks to move out of country. Add to this moving to a country with less taxes, regulations, and a hard working populace, you see it becomes almost absurd to continue to do business in the US, when you can do so much better somewhere else.

Free market capitalism? When you find it let me know, because I cannot find it in the U.S. The economic system we have most resembles the fascist one. With all the damage government intervention is doing currently, can you therefore imagine how it would be under communism?!?:eek:
The unions are not just allowed they are to be “encouraged” according to Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical on capital and labor. But they are not encouraged in this day and age because of the wrongs of orginized crime’s infiltration, which Pope Leo also warned to watch out for. If that encyclical were followed I feel that we wouldn’t have alot of the strife we have today. The unions are the to be the watchdog for the working class and if organized crime was kept out and greed was kept in check you probably would not have alot of people looking towards communism or socialism. The unions could actually prevent that type of thinking and work hand-in-hand with capitalism.
That’s all well and good, but it doesn’t address my question.
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