I am sorry, human being, but unless you can give me evidence that an unchecked free market has ever actually existed anywhere, than your defense of unions is ill-founded. Certainly, unions have an important role like the old guilds had, which is the point Pope Leo XIII was making. However, it was not a carte blanche endorsement of some of the ridiculous and despicable uneconomically sound demands and arguments unions often make. The list is endless, but think most of us are familiar. Perhaps if unions resembled the spirit and intent of the guilds, they would be more respectable. Until such time, their ad hominem condemnations of what accounts to the mythical purple unicorn we call unregulated capitalism that has not existed at least in this country in well over 200 years, if ever, their arguments are irrelevant and only add to the problems we have four-fold.This is where I got my info that unions are to be supported by catholics and are not socialism. It is proof that the market is not perfect. I don’t know all of the facts of history,but I believe what was happening in the time of the encyclical was the beginings of some communist or socialist gov’ts. The unions(guilds were disbanded a few years prior. The market left to it’s own devices results in mass unfair treatment of laboreres. The rules were removed. The work rights gone. All wages left to the dog-eat-dog freemarket. The encyclical needed to be written to teach people(the workers and the business owners) how to treat each other because left to human nature and almighty dollar we fail on our own.(and I can see this happening today) The Church’s guidance is necaessary for the dignity of the worker. I don’t know all of the facts nor do I have time to seek them but I believe if the unions aren’t supported instead of being demonized we could be staring socialists revolts and communist revolts (meaning physical revolts) in the U.S. real soon.And no…I do not favor or desire this. I am an american, not a socialist,nor a communist.It seems that if you favor unions you are automatically considered unamerican or socialist but it is just the propagnda fed us for years and years now. Many union families fought wars for America. The Pope favored unions in that letter from the chair of Peter. Our capitalist system often times ovelooks things like that and automatically condems. It also states that the unions should have been watchful as to not be corrupted, but this has failed miserably at times.But it does not mean turn our backs on the working people. The unions insure a better chance for working people to have a better life for their families than the unchecked freemarket system. I don’t doubt that uneducated working families still make up the majority of the U.S. population. Supporting unions does not support socialim. It supports Americans and by so doing prevents the unchecked freemarket system from abusing workers,therefore preventing bloody revolutions in the streets. If the UAW ,which is one of the stronger remaing unions, weakens or falls, I feel we are even closer to socialist revolutions than by paying higher taxes for them to continue to exist. What I am trying to say is that if you fight and degrade the unions you put yourself even closer to violent social revolutions than if you support them.Even if it costs alot of tax money,it’s probably better for america and the world. The unions need alot of work but better they be fixed than disbanded or we will land right back to where we were when the encyclical was written. If you weaken the UAW, you weaken all unions, and you take all the workers of the world one step closer to feeling hopeless which may in turn lead to revolts.God Bless.