How does one distinguish between
Catholicism and Gnosticism?
Catholicism and Gnosticism?
Catholicism asserts that Christ is a real human being (true man) and gnosticism does not.How does one distinguish between
Catholicism and Gnosticism?
This must also go along with the gnostic idea that all matter is the seat of evil, not created by God.Catholicism asserts that Christ is a real human being (true man) and gnosticism does not.
That’s a big one.
God bless,
Gnosticism is a fairly large set of tendencies, and it’s possible to be a faithful Catholic and also be a Gnostic.How does one distinguish between Catholicism and Gnosticism?
Gnosticism is a fairly large set of tendencies, and it’s possible to be a faithful Catholic and also be a Gnostic.
Most of the time when one hears about Gnosticism, however, it is the version that includes these claims (among others):
*]There is one, wholly Unknowable God, the Monad
*]There is a great chain of beings emanating from God
*]The Old Testament god of the Jews is often identified as an evil emanation far down that chain named the Demiurge
*]The Demiurge created the material universe, which is evil like him.
*]Salvation is by knowledge of esoteric truths.
*]Holiness is found in rejecting our nature.
All of those are contrary to Catholicism, which instead teaches these claims:
*]There is one God, the Most Holy Trinity, knowable (though not completely) by faith and reason.
*]God created freely; nothing just emanated from him.
*]The Old Testament god of the Jews is the same as the Most Holy Trinity, and he is all-good.
*]God created the material universe, and it is good.
*]Salvation is by grace and works of faith.
*]Holiness is found in perfecting our nature.
Uh, it’s an esoteric religion. You can’t derive it from principles, and it doesn’t have dogmatic claims that can be stacked one against another to find contradictions.“Tendencies” sounds rather fluid.
How is Gnosticism not self-contradictory?
In other words,
What are the principles of Gnosticism, which govern these “tendencies?”
So,Gnosticism taches that the human race is lost.
To be saved one must seek internally for the true self. If the true self is found one will have found the original image we were created in and so will also have found God.
Catholicism teaches that the human race is lost.
To be saved the human race required that the lost image of human perfection be revealed. It no longer existed on earth in man. Only God could reveal to man what was lost.
Gnosticism claims God is found internally when the lost self is found. Man finds God
Catholicism teaches that God became man and made Himself visible . God finds man.
God reveals man to himself =Catholicism
Man reveals himself as God= Gnosticism
Weaknesses turned to strength for gnostics is a process of integrating the shadow into the light. The things about us that we prefered to hide for whatever reason manifest in acts that seem to obstruct conscious activities.So,
Catholicism = exoteric = God reveals Himself to Man
Gnosticism = esoteric = Man reveals himself to himself (as God)
How would you define “the human race is lost?”
I heard a Freemason teach Gnosticism to a young child once.
She used the examples of,
“Dumbo the Flying Elephant”
“Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
She said the key to realizing one’s divinity
Was to accept that our weaknesses are actually our strengths
Because then,
We move from ridicule to praise
We move from powerlessness to powerful
How do we distinguish this from Catholicism?
It’s a multifaceted condition to say the least. We have lost human perfection. That preternatural grace that enabled us to know it’s purpose and act towards that end. Human life that completes it’s reason for being created. We have lost that and in it’s place experience a sense of brokeness, a sense that something is missing, something just aint right.How would you define “the human race is lost?”
So,Weaknesses turned to strength for gnostics is a process of integrating the shadow into the light. The things about us that we prefered to hide for whatever reason manifest in acts that seem to obstruct conscious activities.
Hence I might say; I would be better at such and such but I tend to such and such. I am trying harder to suppress this weakness…etc.
By accepting rather than suppressing the tendency, whatever it is, becomes a new tool to apply to unknown tasks in ways not thought of previously bringing out talents unrealized before.
Christian weakness as a part of the christians offering of the self to God become opportunity for God to demonstrate that His hand is operative. The humble origins of the Apostles is an example. Mere tradesmen of the ordinary sort confound the sophisticated and learned of the time. Their weakness become a means for God to demonstrate divine strength because ordinary men don’t just become top notch theologians with irrestible arguments overnight.
If we have lost our human perfection,It’s a multifaceted condition to say the least. We have lost human perfection. That preternatural grace that enabled us to know it’s purpose and act towards that end. Human life that completes it’s reason for being created. We have lost that and in it’s place experience a sense of brokeness, a sense that something is missing, something just aint right.
Fundamentally it is a state of being that once lost could not be recreated through the memory of it or in efforts to imitate what we remembered. In fact it becomes a matter of faith to believe it was experienced at all being subject to a fallen memory.
There is no difference between how
Gnostics define weakness,
Catholics define weakness?
So what Catholicism would consider a sinful action,No difference in definition but since they have distinct value systems they diifer in what is considered weak.
It’s a multifaceted condition to say the least. We have lost human perfection. That preternatural grace that enabled us to know it’s purpose and act towards that end. Human life that completes it’s reason for being created. We have lost that and in it’s place experience a sense of brokeness, a sense that something is missing, something just aint right.
Fundamentally it is a state of being that once lost could not be recreated through the memory of it or in efforts to imitate what we remembered. In fact it becomes a matter of faith to believe it was experienced at all being subject to a fallen memory.
So,Freedom is intrinsic to human perfection. So, human perfection isn’t perfect if it can’t be freely abandoned.
So what Catholicism would consider a sinful action,
Could what a Gnostism would consider a strength?
I’ve talked to a couple of people who said their deepest desire was to have their immortal soul destroyed. They wished to not exist. Both were at one time very devoted to God yet expected more from God in some way. At the time they both believed in God had a firm grasp on catholic theology yet hated God passionately.Outside of logic, we know that…
All people naturally seek Existence in principle, as their end,
All people naturally avoid non-existence in principle, as their end
(unless they are confused,
illogic avoids Existence
illogic embraces non-existence)
I was perplexed at first but came to the conclusion that they were like spitefull lovers rejecting God in order to relieve the rejected feeling they experience from not having their expectations met.