If you are willing,I am not a theologean. I don’t know what to say. Sorry. (But don’t have anything to do with those Gnostics. Christianity is Truth.)
And please let me know if you are not,
Maybe I can simplify it…
Let me start with the phrase in red…
…This is like…Since,
Goodness = Existence = Perfect Unity
Given all things being equal,
All people naturally,
Prefer suffering to end imperfection in the body (healing)
Over suffering to end the existence of the body.
All people naturally,
Prefer that the end of the body is to have Goodness, not evil.
A patient who endures painful treatment in order to be healed
An athlete who practices “no pain, no gain” in training for a race
The marine who practices “pain, is weakness leaving the body”
These are similar to of Catholic spirituality.
When Perfect Happiness (God ) is compared to imperfect happiness (everything else)
Perfect Happiness leads us to sacrifice imperfect happiness for Perfect Happiness
Perfect Happiness gives us Perfect Happiness (turns a man into a Perfectly Happy man)
The Way to Perfect Happiness (Jesus) includes sacrifice (the Crucifixion)
And so,
We sacrifice all imperfect happiness,
Not to give ourselves Perfect Happiness,
But to cooperate with Perfect Happiness
Which gives us Perfect Happiness (see above)
Since Perfect Happiness does not force us to be Perfectly Happy. (free will)
Does the phrase in red make sense?