catholicism contradicts the bible?

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, you’re forgetting a word Graven - statues, etc.No graven images of anything in Heaven or on earth. So your statues of Mary, you pictures of Saints, those are all graven images.

adj 1: cut into a desired shape; “graven images”; “sculptured representations” [syn:”]sculpted, sculptured] 2: cut or impressed into a surface; “an incised design”; “engraved invitations” [syn:”]engraved, etched, incised, inscribed]"

vs. what the bible says, “Graven Image.”

**"graven image
An idol or fetish carved in wood or stone."
when God gave the instructions on building the ark he said nothing about worshiping it.
Sure, Christians have fish on their cars, do they worship them?
I see you guys using the word images a lot, you’re forgetting a word Graven - statues, etc. No graven images of anything in Heaven or on earth. So your statues of Mary, you pictures of Saints, those are all graven images.
Yeah and the pictures of your mom and wife there in front of you too right? This is bunk, since the whole iconoclastic heresy wasn’t founded in Catholicism or even Christianity in general but in Islam. That’s right people…it’s Muslim…just like the Talliban in Afghanistan. See this:
pax vobiscum,
Still, the Bible clearly states ““You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” Exodus 20:4”

It doesn’t matter whether we worship them or not, the point is that we shouldn’t be making them at all! We have all kinds of statues of angels, which are in heaven above.

I’m sorry, but it’s things like this that make me want to leave the Catholic Church…
God commanded graven images on the Ark of the covenant,the staff in the dessert(serpent).You are listening to those who do not have the authority to correct.God Bless
““You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” Exodus 20:4”

So wait… God tells us NOT to create idols, and then He turns around and tells TO make idols? I am so confused.
when God gave the instructions on building the ark he said nothing about worshiping it…QUOTE]

You really can’t listen, can you? 😦 Everybody’s been saying over and over; the images are NOT to be worshipped; and we do NOT worship the images!!
catholic-rcia said:
**1) **Why pray repetitive words using the rosary when the bible specifically states:
“And when you are praying, do not use meaningless…” Matthew 6:7

Meaningless is the key here. Is “Holy, Holy God” is this meaningless?, or “Our Father who”

Also; in the book of Revelation, there’s a scene of the angels and saints in heaven bowing down to the throne and singing constantly, “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Vain repetition? I think not… :rolleyes:
kyle8921 said:
"“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” Exodus 20:4"

So wait… God tells us NOT to create idols, and then He turns around and tells TO make idols? I am so confused.

You’re taking it out of context. It says to not make them and then serve them as if they were gods. Think about it with some common sense. If you take a picture of your mom, you have made a likeness of something on the earth. Is that forbidden? No, of course not. All art except for ultra-modern art would be bad. This is simply false.

No one worships statues as if the statue itself were god (like they treated the golden calf). In only one instance do we worship who the statue represents, when it is of Jesus, but we never worship the statue itself.
I think the answer is right in the text itself.

You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth." Exodus 20:4"

Technically, we aren’t making an idol. I think.
I think the answer is right in the text itself.

You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth." Exodus 20:4"

Technically, we aren’t making an idol. I think.
Exactly. I think an idol implies that the thing itself is a god or that it has some sort of powers.
It could also been meant as a polite way of saying, “We’ve heard and responded to these same accusations ad nauseam, so please do the research yourself.” All the OP has to do is make a search of these fora, and he will find all the same tired accusations answered many times over. If one cannot do a search for some reason, the other posters here have been polite enough to point the questioner in the right direction.
These questions are some of the most asked on this board, so I posted links to the relevant Catholic Answers pages…

As someone mentioned above, this may just be Troll thread…maybe, maybe not.

xxpnoisnxx If you are reading these responses, please follow the links I provided. The articles are not very long, and should fully answer your questions.

Pax Vobiscum!
So are the pictures of your family.We do not worship them and hopefully you don’t worship your family album:rolleyes:
What are you saying exactly? It doesn’t really make any sense to me, so please clarify.

Church Militant:
This OP looks to me like nothing more than another anti-Catholic hit and run poster.This whole thread should probably be deleted. :mad:
Church Militant really is a good name for you, although I think “Dictator” would be a bit more suited. You don’t like something, so immediately you cry about it and want it deleted. So how do you deal with things you don’t agree with outside of the keyboard & monitor? I bet I could safely venture to say you’re the reason my other thread got deleted, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Church Militant really is a good name for you, although I think “Dictator” would be a bit more suited.
You are SO ignorant. Church Militant just means the Church on earth. The Church is made up of the Church Militant, the Chruch Suffering (being purged), and the Church Triumphant (in heaven).
Church Militant:
Yeah and the pictures of your mom and wife there in front of you too right? This is bunk, since the whole iconoclastic heresy wasn’t founded in Catholicism or even Christianity in general but in Islam. That’s right people…it’s Muslim…just like the Talliban in Afghanistan. See this:
pax vobiscum,
I don’t pray to pictures… I don’t ask them to pray for me… I never said I did. I pray to Jesus Christ because HE alone is the only mediator - 1 Timothy 2:5
You are SO ignorant. Church Militant just means the Church on earth. The Church is made up of the Church Militant, the Chruch Suffering (being purged), and the Church Triumphant (in heaven).
1 competitive, militant
*showing a fighting disposition without self-seeking; “highly competitive sales representative”; “militant in fighting for better wages for workers”; “his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy” ***2 **belligerent, fighting, militant, war-ridden, warring
*engaged in war; “belligerent (or warring) nations”; “a fighting war” *

From his behavior, I think my definition makes a lot more sense. If the shoe fits, wear it.
I don’t pray to pictures… I don’t ask them to pray for me… I never said I did. I pray to Jesus Christ because HE alone is the only mediator - 1 Timothy 2:5
have you ever asked a friend to pray for you? Uh oh, there’s a mediator. Paul says we should pray for each other and he asks others to pray for him. Jesus is the sole mediator between man and God the Father. Nothing says there can’t be mediators between man and Jesus.
have you ever asked a friend to pray for you? Uh oh, there’s a mediator. Paul says we should pray for each other and he asks others to pray for him. Jesus is the sole mediator between man and God the Father. Nothing says there can’t be mediators between man and Jesus.
big difference between “mediator” and “intercessor.”
Yes, I ask people to pray for me. Other Christians who are my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Other people who are alive in Christ Jesus on this earth.
big difference between “mediator” and “intercessor.”
Mary interceded. At the wedding, Jesus said it wasn’t His time yet, but when Mary asked Him, (ie interceded on behalf of the wedding guests), the plan changed.
I don’t pray to pictures… I don’t ask them to pray for me… I never said I did. I pray to Jesus Christ because HE alone is the only mediator - 1 Timothy 2:5
But they ARE images…and according to the Moslem fundies who inspired iconoclasm those are idolatrous…you can’t have it both ways.

No one here prays TO statues…but I bet you ask your mom and wife to pray for you…
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