catholicism contradicts the bible?

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Then link them to your OWN comments or pass over them. It is extremely difficult for people to persue a topic with a ghost writer or unavailable poster. Especially, if you are attempting to “argue” support for your own point of view. If the questions have been asked to death, the threads sure are long with posters who are tired of the repetition.
If the person is looking for answers, the links to the answers should be sufficient. If the person is looking for an arguement or even a debate, there are, as you say, plenty of people who will oblige him.
Links and referrals outside of your own comments, do not show a personal understanding of the topic. It shows that you can pull outside sources in to argue for you. It does not say anything about your credibility of knowledge in arguing a point of view. Such discourse involves one poster communicating with a person who cannot answer for his comments nor can he give insight into the background and intent of his comments. How do you know the accuracy of comments made by a poster if you have not examined the information for yourself? In addition, how can you critique another person’s opinions or questions, when you feel you cannot put your own views into approprriate or adequate words?
It’s been how long now since the original poster trolled by and left without a trace? Was the poster really interested in answers or was he just trying to bait us and waste our time? If he is interested in an answer, he can follow the links. If he isn’t, why should we bother answering him?

I haven’t been a forum member for that long, but even my eyes glaze over at reading the same questions and same answers over and over again, all to no real purpose.

If an offered link answers the question, on what basis can you argue that the one offering the link does “not show a personal understanding of the topic?” If you don,t understand the topic, you can’t offer a suitable link.

Is our “credibility” somehow greater if we answer impromptu than if we cite an expert source?

If the original poster wants or needs further insights, he can stick around and ask for them rather than just indulging in drive-by baiting.

Since there have been links of info posted, i would like you to look into this link as well and give me your thoughts.

I’m not here to make enemies or win some kind of battle…i’d just like to get a catholic’s perspective and insight as to some of the things the bible teaches and how catholicism “might” contradict it. GOD BLESS
Welcome to the board! 👋 Please be aware that many non-Catholics come here to bait us and cause trouble, which is why many here were cautious to your post. But it sounds like your serious about learning what the Church really teaches and I hope you stick around. If your interested, there are many good books that explain our Faith very well. (Anybody know of any good suggestions?)
I mean this in a polite way. Posting links can be seen as an escape from having to answer the questions yourself in an attempt to cover up what you yourself cannot answer. If you know the answer, you should be able to type a concise and informative response at the very least. JMO
Posting links means this: read up before jumping to unfounded conclusions about another person’s faith. People are not entitled to their opinions; they are entitled to their **informed **opinions. The original poster asked questions. It is contingent now upon that original poster to demonstrate good faith by reading the information available on those questions – by going to the links. When good faith has been demonstrated about sharing information, then a discussion can take place. Without the parties informing themselves a discussion cannot take place.
Also; in the book of Revelation, there’s a scene of the angels and saints in heaven bowing down to the throne and singing constantly, “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Vain repetition? I think not… :rolleyes:
Not repetition, God is three in one. Also, the command of not praying vain repetition is to people, not angels.
You’re taking it out of context. It says to not make them and then serve them as if they were gods.
Actually, he is not taking it out of context. v4 says not to make them, and that is what it means.

v5 says you shall not worship them or serve them. That refers to the idols and gods of foreigners. That is why God required the Israelites to destroy the idols etc of those they conquered.

God made everyone to worship. If it is not Him, we will find something to worship, thus the the command “you shall not make…”
Since there have been links of info posted, i would like you to look into this link as well and give me your thoughts.

I’m not here to make enemies or win some kind of battle…i’d just like to get a catholic’s perspective and insight as to some of the things the bible teaches and how catholicism “might” contradict it. GOD BLESS
Howdy friend,

I am not sure what your intentions are hear BUT…it seems you are trying to put a few notches in your “Bible belt”. I want you to first understand that the questions you posed in your origanal post have been brought up thousands of times so they are not shocking or new revelations. May of the folks here are gifted in the areas of theolgy and morals and are excellent at crafting their “own cohesive arguements”. I would hope that you would not come at this discussion with any secret agenda’s ( I’m here to learn and observe catholic teaching) when secretly you would like to get some more marks in your Bible belt. I might suggest before you start slinging web sites that you “carefully” read what others here have said on response to your questions posed in your first post up top. They have politely taken the time to address the issues you presented to please be curtious and respond to what they have to say. This will lead to healthy ecumenical dialouge and we might all learn something. With that said, welcome and I hope your conversation is fruitful and done in love. God bless!
can you answer some of these questions for me. they are a few things the catholic faith practice that contradicts what the bible teaches. I’ll post more if I can think of other things.

1) Why pray repetitive words using the rosary when the bible specifically states:
“And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.” Matthew 6:7

**2)**The Pope taught that Mary is the mediator between God and man. Catholics also engage in more praising of Mary than Jesus Christ himself and actually pray to her to have their prayers answered. The Rosary most often ends with a “Hail, Holy Queen” prayer to Mary, not God. The bible says otherwise:

“For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” 1 Timothy 2:5

3) why worship images when it violates the 2nd commandment?

“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” Exodus 20:4

4)Can babies be baptized since they do not first believe?

The bible says
"He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. Mark 16:16 "As they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?” And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” Acts 8:36-37

5)Can babies be baptized since they do not first repent?

“Brethren, what must we do?” Peter said to them, "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:37-38
I found the website our friend copied his first post from anyone is interested:

Here is an example of their glorious theolgy:

FACT: Roman Catholics are taught the virgin Mary never had sex after Jesus was born and that Jesus had no brothers and sisters.
Actually, he is not taking it out of context. v4 says not to make them, and that is what it means.

v5 says you shall not worship them or serve them. That refers to the idols and gods of foreigners. That is why God required the Israelites to destroy the idols etc of those they conquered.

God made everyone to worship. If it is not Him, we will find something to worship, thus the the command “you shall not make…”
Actually he IS taking his intrepretation out of context, since it says not to make them to worship them. I’ve been all over this before: See this whole thread.

What you are preaching is a Moslem heresy injected long ago into Christianity by some misguided persons. People who espouse this idea would make good Talliban since that is one of the things that their radical fundie Islamic laws forbade and one of the ones that the Afghans say they miss the least.
Pax vobiscum,
can you answer some of these questions for me. they are a few things the catholic faith practice that contradicts what the bible teaches.
Let’s start at the beginning. It is the Catholic Church which infallibly declared, under the Authority given by Jesus Christ, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, what Sacred Scripture of the New Testament was. It is the Catholic Church which delivered, undefiled, the New Testament down the mellenia to you. Your false “doctrines of men” (sola scriptura and sola fide) didn’t even exist until the 16th century and are based on the erroneous interpretation 16 centuries after Jesus Christ build His Church.
I sometimes wonder about posts like this. I mean nothing against the topic creator, however from things I have seen in the past here, I have noticed a new member will come in and ask various questions, then they will seem to dissapear, at least they won’t post int hat same topic. Then you have another person who has a significant number of posts here swoop by and seem to side with the newbie “hit and run” poster.

I wonder if it isn’t just an old member of this forum who does not wish to get his good account suspended so he /she created a new account and baits people with the dummy then uses his good account to swoop in and “defend” the newbie.
Still, the Bible clearly states ““You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.” Exodus 20:4”

It doesn’t matter whether we worship them or not, the point is that we shouldn’t be making them at all!
First of all, it does matter if we worship them, that whole section of Exodus had to do with idol worship. It is stated explicitly in Exodus 20:5. The proof of your error is that right in Exodus God told Moses to make a graven image of a snake. You are picking scripture to prove a point instead of reading scripture to become enlightened by it.

Also consider this: How about the christian fish symbol on the back of the pastors car, that is a graven. How about the angels on the mercy seat of the arc of the covenant, isn’t that a graven image?

Seek the Truth and you shall find it, Seek to justify your own personal misinterpretations and you will only suceed in misguiding yourself.

May the peace of Christ be with you.
"This OP looks to me like nothing more than another anti-Catholic hit and run poster.This whole thread should probably be deleted."
Often, I would agree with that, Mili. But the orginal post led to a topic that I have thought about but never seen addressed until I ran across this relatively old thread. So I’ll jump in. The topic would be, “Why even bother with the baiters?” I guess because this is a discussion/debate board at times rather than a (sincere) question and answer forum.
It has also led to a sub-topic that was on my mind…posting links. It made me think about it more and brought me to a conclusion I am satisfied with. (see right below)

"Links and referrals outside of your own comments, do not show a personal understanding of the topic…“Referring someone to read something can be viewed as a lack of knowledge on the part of the person answering the question.”
"Posting links can be seen as an escape from having to answer the questions yourself in an attempt to cover up what you yourself cannot answer. If you know the answer, you should be able to type a concise and informative response at the very least. "

That works both ways, Cathy, and some here have stated it better than I. Your three comments pre-supposes that we don’t know the answers. I mean, what obstensibly is the purpose here: to ANSWER the question or prove (to possibly deaf ears) that we are well-versed believers? If the purpose is proof, then the originator should frame the post that way. I’m OK with that. I’m not OK with dishonesty.
I think the orginator has an obligation to spend as much energy on a subject as those who reply. A simple search would have answered those original questions. Now, after that, if that poster wants to come in and pick up where the web page or whatever left off (debate or ask for elaboration, more precision) then bring it! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Particularly on the more contentitious and “theologically challenging” subjects. The ones where both sides have reasonable positions in my mind.

"Seek the Truth and you shall find it, Seek to justify your own personal misinterpretations and you will only suceed in misguiding yourself."
Love that.

"That’s over 40 posts and the original guy has yet to re-post."
Well, I guess that settles the sincerity question.

"for his steadfast love endures for ever, etc.,etc.,etc."
Awesome, thank you.

To give you the benefit of the doubt, that you are really asking in the search for knowledge, let me tell you that I was once protestant and thought the same things about Catholics. I got my impressions from movies and other stereo-typical depictions of the Catholic faith. I quoted the same bible verses that you are quoting when arguing my “point.” I met my husband who is Catholic, and agreed to attend mass with him now and then, so he promised to attend my Baptist church with me. My goal was to convert him because I was very knowledgible in my faith and felt he was weaker than I.

I was uncomfortable at first in the Catholic Church. The statues and ritual was unfamiliar to me. It arose many questions in me, and my husband (boyfriend at the time) couldn’t really anwser them because he was poorly caticized (sp?). I turned on a Catholic talk radio station and started listening in the mornings on my way to work, maybe 20-30 min. a day. I enjoyed the discussions, so I started listening in the afternoons too. I was learning so much about the Church, and what I was learning was very impressive to me. Soon I was listening to Catholic radio several hours a day, even at home, and attending mass full time with my boyfriend. I bought the Caticism of the Catholic Church, and started looking up the answers to questions I had. I soon joined a local RCIA class that teaches those who are interested in the Catholic faith. The Catholic Faith is so rich and full that it could not possible be explained to you in a short (or long) post. I encourage anyone who is exploring and questioning, even if you have no intention to convert, to learn. LEARN LEARN LEARN. Ignorance is a disease, and proper knowledge is the only cure. Don’t spread the disease, spread the cure.
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