Catholicism is Christian

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I agree with this post. But I would change “believe” to “trust” since the word believe can be misunderstood for intellectual accent. Intellectual accent does not make one a Christian, but trust (which includes accent) in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. That is it. Catholic is a theological term used to describe the universal nature of the the body of believers.


(Great name by the way! 👍 )
The line that I’ve coloured only goes so far…
Does it not also mean those who hold to the teachings of THE Catholic Church? (Like yours truly…)
The # 1 post is somewhat ambiguous, (Sorry 'bout that.), but the statement is “CATHOLICISM is Christian”, so the idea is perhaps more accurately put this way:

“Agree or disagree: Catholicism is Christian”
(Genius me. Only took me 21 posts to clarify this.)

One thing I would point out about church attendance (Or “pew warming” as some call it) is that it no more makes one a Christian than going swimming makes one a fish or hanging out in a garage makes one a Rolls Royce. As Monsignor Hunt said in his homily tonight at midnight Mass, “Unless we allow Christ to come into our lives and be the light in our darkness then we miss out on all that God has for us” All I and say is: “AMEN!”
I am thankful for being a Catholic Christian,and the only reason people don’t recognize us as Christians is because of rumors and misconceptions.As a convert to Holy Mother Church, I can say now more that ever before,that I have been given the gift of living the fulness of Christianity.God Bless You all and have a Holy Christmas
As a revert to the faith I certainly share your view and could not have expressed it any better. The Lord be with you Lisa!
Many non-Catholics believe that Catholics aren’t Christians. Unfortunately, many uninformed Catholics believe the same thing. 😦
I’ve seen this not a few times. Some Catholics seemingly take an Protestant’s word for it when the latter says that they are “Christian” when asked what denominatiuon they belong to. Such Catholics are blissfully unaware that they are in fact being systematically excluded from the definition of the term “Christian”.

There are only two explanations for this: Ignorance, or Apathy.

Gerry 🙂
Well I don’t know about anybody else but I am both. First a Christian and then a Catholic to be more specific.

Christian just means that you believe in or accept Christ as your saviour.

Then you have different sets of beliefs that seperate Christian in to Catholic and Protestant and then they are seperated even more.

You can not be Christian with out being one of the others and can not be the others with out being christian.

Therefore we are all Christian and all Christians that I have known (mainly protestants) accept this. Hence Christianity = Christians…no matter if they are also Catholic or protestant or the so called non-denominational.
Taken from Dictionary:


the name given by the Greeks or Romans, probably in reproach, to the followers
of Jesus. It was first used at Antioch. The names by which the disciples were
known among themselves were “brethren,” “the faithful,” “elect,” “saints,”
“believers.” But as distinguishing them from the multitude without, the name
“Christian” came into use, and was universally accepted. This name occurs but
three times in the New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Pet. 4:16).

Chris·tian ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kr

  1. *]Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
    *] Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus’s teachings.
    *] Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
    *] Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
    *] Showing a loving concern for others; humane.


    1. *]One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
      *] One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

      cath·o·lic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k, k

      1. *]Of broad or liberal scope; comprehensive: “The 100-odd pages of formulas and constants are surely the most catholic to be found” (Scientific American).
        *]Including or concerning all humankind; universal: “what was of catholic rather than national interest” (J.A. Froude).

        1. *]Catholic

          1. *] Of or involving the Roman Catholic Church.
            *] Of or relating to the universal Christian church.
            *] Of or relating to the ancient undivided Christian church.
            *] Of or relating to those churches that have claimed to be representatives of the ancient undivided church.
Catholic is the early Christian Church, but the one’s that came later are a stripped down version, like protestants and Mormon’s. The Mormons have no objects in their chapels, like a monstrance, Tabernacle, Icons, Cross, crucifix, pictures, or stations of the cross. Also the repetitive prayers, and those previously mentioned items, are to blame for the other Faiths to say catholics are not christian.

The way to be christian is any method, like prayers, to drown out worldlyness, and materialism. Can a catholic be more materialistic, and less christian, if they are cluttered up with a ton of ICONS and crosses??

There are so many variations on this theme to the point it can never be fully answered, untill we cross over into the next life after the death of our mortal bodies.

All the previous things are of my opinion only, and not of others.
Well I don’t know about anybody else but I am both. First a Christian and then a Catholic to be more specific.

Christian just means that you believe in or accept Christ as your saviour.

Then you have different sets of beliefs that seperate Christian in to Catholic and Protestant and then they are seperated even more.

You can not be Christian with out being one of the others and can not be the others with out being christian.

Therefore we are all Christian and all Christians that I have known (mainly protestants) accept this. Hence Christianity = Christians…no matter if they are also Catholic or protestant or the so called non-denominational.
I like this quote, which says it clearly for me.
No Catholic would say that we have to have these ICONS as you call them…They are there to help us concentrate on who we are trying to concentrate on. I have been to a Catholic church that is basically bare and I have been to a protastant church that has more of these ICONS. So although Catholic to tend to have these ICONS more than other denominations or churches. This is also to do with the cost of them and affording them. And also because it is more traditional all together. I don’t think it makes either less Christian.

Have you never been to a Protestant church with these icons? I know that here in England where protestant is the state religion there are definatly loads.
I went to a Christian college for two years. This college was based on the “Christian Church/Church of Christ”. I can give you the inside scoop on where these mistaken beliefs that Catholics are not Christians may start from sometimes. Frist of all, some of my professors were “famous” on campus. They spoke with such conviction and seemed schooled and so insightful on everything. Young 18-20 year olds were awestruck with these men. They would sit in semester long classes and believe ANYTHING these people would tell them. Many of them had an anti-catholic regime in their classrooms. They talked of Cathlics “obsession” with Mary and how they “worshipped” idols and relics. They criticized the crucifix, saying that Catholics apparently don’t realize that Christ was resurrected. One student came to me one time and said, “you know, I feel sorry for Catholics…they just don’t know Jesus.” I am a protestant and have been all my life, but I have been attending mass with my boyfriend. I can tell you that I feel so much more complete at Mass than I ever did at the Christian college or at my own church. I even went to another mass without my boyfriend to make sure that is was the Eucharist I was going for and not him. 🙂 It was the presence of Christ. I just love Jesus. And even among all of these Catholics. hehehe Just for the record, I usually defended CAtholics at my school and eventually left there to pursue other academic challenges. A little advice from one converting protestant. STUDY! Know what you believe and show that to the world. These ideas that Catholics are not Christians need to be dispelled. So, get out there!! Share your faith. Show them the love of JESUS!! I can just see all of them. “What?! Is that JESUS I see in them?? I thought they didn’t know him!!!” hehehe God Bless and Merry Christmas!!!
I think some people use the term ‘Christian’ as a label for being saved. An evangelical might challenge the notion that Catholics are Christians because the evangelical doesn’t believe the Catholic has done what is necessary to be saved (ex. recite the sinner’s prayer with sincerity). My wife was raised baptist and she had it drilled into her head that a Christian is someone who had been ‘born-again’ – of course, according to the baptist definition of being born-again. She was taught that Catholics are not Christians. Thankfully, she is better informed now!!

I would argue that all Catholics are Christian, but not all will receive eternal salvation.

A little advice from one converting protestant. STUDY! Know what you believe and show that to the world. These ideas that Catholics are not Christians need to be dispelled. So, get out there!! Share your faith. Show them the love of JESUS!! I can just see all of them. “What?! Is that JESUS I see in them?? I thought they didn’t know him!!!” hehehe God Bless and Merry Christmas!!!
Kater30…YOU ROCK!
Your honey sounds like a very lucky guy. God bless you both.
I couldn’t’ve said this any better. Thanks and I praise God for people like you who come into the Church. 👍
I think some people use the term ‘Christian’ as a label for being saved. An evangelical might challenge the notion that Catholics are Christians because the evangelical doesn’t believe the Catholic has done what is necessary to be saved (ex. recite the sinner’s prayer with sincerity). My wife was raised baptist and she had it drilled into her head that a Christian is someone who had been ‘born-again’ – of course, according to the baptist definition of being born-again. She was taught that Catholics are not Christians. Thankfully, she is better informed now!!

I would argue that all Catholics are Christian, but not all will receive eternal salvation.

A very good point since we know that not all who are part of the Christian faith will endure to the end and be saved. 🙂
Hello to all,

The Bible IS an instruction book in how to be a Christian, the only one needed. The only Scripture available at the time of the 1st century was what we call the Old Testament - Paul was refering to the Old Testament when he sent Timothy an Epistle that states, “But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, (the Old Testament), which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” - Paul didn’t say anything about needing any other book or teaching - “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, (is God-Breathed), and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for reproof, for correction, for INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, that the man of God may become COMPLETE, THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:14-17) Again - no need for anything other than the Word of the Great God, and faith in Jesus Christ to make one complete. Notice, I twisted nothing, all I did was quote Scripture right out of the Bible. Look in your own Bible and see it for yourself.

As to what makes one a Christian, one must repent from breaking Gods Law. For He will give His Spirit only to those that obey Him, Acts 5:32. The Bible plainly reveals that if one does not have Gods Holy Spirit, then that person is NOT a Christian, Romans 8:9.

I am not trying to be a flame thrower, but I am trying to show, from His Word, what God says about the topic at hand, seeking to prove all things, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to see if they be in accordance with the Word of God, Isaiah 8:20.

To all a good day, Glenamyaglen
I said it elsewhere, and I’ll say it here…

To paraphrase Kronecker…
‘God created Catholicism, all the rest is the work of man.’
Hello to all,

The Bible IS an instruction book in how to be a Christian, the only one needed.(Sola Scriptura) The only Scripture available at the time of the 1st century was what we call the Old Testament - Paul was refering to the Old Testament when he sent Timothy an Epistle that states, “But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, (the Old Testament), which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” - Paul didn’t say anything about needing any other book or teaching -
(Yet the very writings you refer to were added to the OT BY the Church) “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, (is God-Breathed), and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for reproof, for correction, for INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, that the man of God may become COMPLETE, THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:14-17) Again - no need for anything other than the Word of the Great God, and faith in Jesus Christ to make one complete .(Sola Fide) Notice, I twisted nothing, (What is your implication sir?)all I did was quote Scripture right out of the Bible. Look in your own Bible and see it for yourself.

As to what makes one a Christian, one must repent from breaking Gods Law. For He will give His Spirit only to those that obey Him, Acts 5:32. The Bible plainly reveals that if one does not have Gods Holy Spirit, then that person is NOT a Christian,(Pentecostalism) Romans 8:9.

I am not trying to be a flame thrower, but I am trying to show, from His Word, what God says about the topic at hand, seeking to prove all things, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to see if they be in accordance with the Word of God, Isaiah 8:20.
See the following articles before attempting to answer

To all a good day, Glenamyaglen
No…with all due respect…you are attempting to do the very thing that we face here every blessed day. You call yourself an “apostolic christian” yet here in your 5th post to this forum you open your post with a statement of the same old reformer’s doctrines of Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, and Pentcostalism. None of which existed in the early church and none of which is older than 487 years. Pentecostalism is less than 200 years old. Your post is off topic anyway since you do not offer an answer to the question. I could bury you in scripture references that counter your statement but that just draws us farther afield. Again; with all due respect. Thanks but no thanks. Been there, done that, and the tee shirt wasn’t worth the 34 year ride.
Hello Mr Militant,

I apologize for having offended you, I thought the topic was what determines what is a Christian. But for the record, I am not a protestant of any kind. To me catholicism and protestantism are are primarily the same, they both keep most of the same holidays, and sunday, with a couple exceptions, they both believe that one goes to heaven or hell, perhaps slight variations with the catholic purgatory. The answer I gave you was the ***Biblical ***answer, straight from the pages of Scripture. As to the topic, it wasn’t a “question” for me to answer at any rate, it was more of a statement, read it again Einstein, it says simply, “Catholicism is Christian”, no question mark, therefore not a question. But I did give the ***Biblical, ***NOT protestant, answer. God says if one does not have His Spirit, then that person is not a Christian, Romans 8:9.

As far as burying me with Scripture, you would be just giving me more amunition to refute your argument, and I would also note that you haven’t used any Scripture with which to base your argument, therefore your argument, to me, holds absolutely no water whatsoever.

If one seeks to live by Gods Word, he doesn’t need all the other garbledy gook. You can call it sola whatever you want, but thats the bottom line. God doesn’t need ant help from vain men in telling people how they ought to live their lives - period! With all due respect.

Offense is not my objective, Truth is!
Hello Mr Militant,

I apologize for having offended you,

If one seeks to live by Gods Word, he doesn’t need all the other garbledy gook. You can call it sola whatever you want, but thats the bottom line. God doesn’t need ant help from vain men in telling people how they ought to live their lives - period! With all due respect.

Offense is not my objective, Truth is!
Apology accepted, including the Einstein crack…
Take a look at the #1 post…I started this thread and a little later posted a slight clarification.

So you deny any denominations as traditions of men…hmmmm and rely soley on the Bible. What makes your “garbledy gook” any better than any of the rest? Please answer this on the thread about the Bible being self interpretting.
Mr Militant,

Yes, I rely solely upon the Bible, “Every Word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. ***DO NOT ADD TO HIS WORDS ***lest you be found a liar.” Proverbs 30:5-6

Mark 7:7-9
“‘In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the ***COMMANDMENT OF GOD, ***you hold the **tradition of men - **the washing of pitchers and cups, and **many other such things **you do.’ He said to them, ‘All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.’”

As to my garbledy gook it doesn’t pertain to Gods Word - I leave my garbledy gook out of Gods Word lest I be found a liar. Again I rely solely upon the Bible for spiritual knowledge and Truth. God says we are to study His Word to show ourselves apptoved, though I must admit, I dont always do so with meekness and fear as I should. 1 Peter 3:15
So to your question, my garbledy gook is no better than anyone else’s. As to your statement, yes, I consider them, if they are not in accordance with Gods Word, as traditions of men.

Also, I apologize for the Einstein crack, it was not appropriate.
Please understand I am not trying to offend you, though I realize the Truth can be shocking at times, I know you will understand in Gods time.

Sincerely GED
Sigh :rolleyes:

Why are you here with your anti-Catholic rhetoric?
You should consider that by and large you will not find us on the forums of other religions aggressively presenting our beliefs.

If you wish to know what we really believe, though I realize that you think you already do. Read and listen, but please spare us your rhetoric that we’ve all heard before and have answered again & again.
Answers to what you imply and allege are all readily available in the tracts and articles on this home page and in countless fine books and magazines. The very fact that you refer to some of our beliefs in a derogatory manner shows that you have no real understanding of them, though I’m sure that you THINK you do, as well as a lack of respect and compassion for those with different views than yourself.

I leave you with a quote from a very wise bishop of our faith:
“Few people in America hate the Catholic religion, but there are many who hate what they mistakenly believe is the Catholic religion—and if what they hate really were the Catholic religion, Catholics would hate it too.”
Bishop Fulton Sheen
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