Catholicism is dying!

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For the ailing Pope John Paul II, whose 26-year papacy has seen a dramatic expansion of the Vatican’s authority worldwide, Catholicism’s waning influence in Europe is a source of deep dismay, Vatican officials say. The pontiff expressed his regret about the constitution to worshipers at last Sunday’s mass in St. Peter’s Square, urging Christians to continue to lobby Brussels, home of the European Commission.

“Taking into account the Christian roots of the European continent remains fundamental for the future development of the union,” he told the pilgrims.

The omission is more than symbolic. Had the reference been included, the Vatican would have been able to challenge Europe-wide legislation that conflicted with its teachings as unconstitutional, said Marco Politi, the Vatican correspondent for Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper.

Instead, the church fears that its teachings will be swept aside, even in countries where it still has influence, by the emerging new European bureaucracy.

“There’s a real feeling that the church is under an attack, an aggression, and that it must defend itself against this wave of de-Christianization,” Politi said.

The Vatican long ago surrendered authority over the largely Protestant nations of Northern Europe, which broke, often bloodily, with Catholicism in centuries past. Gay marriage is legal in Belgium and the Netherlands, and some form of same-sex union is recognized in several other countries. Britain is making huge strides in the field of embryonic stem cell research. Abortion and divorce are readily available in many European nations.

The prospect that such practices could take hold even in Catholic strongholds is being perceived by some powerful church figures as a threat to Christianity’s very existence. In much publicized comments last month, Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, attacked what he called a “new holy inquisition” targeting Catholicism in Europe by groups “motivated predominantly by prejudice toward all that is Christian.”

It’s not just a question of Christianity or even Catholicism, said Archbishop John Foley, head of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.
“There’s this militant secularism, a denial of spirituality, of the destiny of the human person, and it’s a great concern,” he said. “A number of Muslim countries are closer to us on these issues than some of the European countries.”

The Vatican intends to fight back. It is encouraging churches in Spain to protest the government’s legislation. It is constantly exploring new ways to remain relevant to ordinary Catholics. A new Vatican radio program features cardinals discussing soccer. A newly published Vatican-endorsed sex manual called “It’s a Sin Not to Do It” encourages married couples to have more sex.

Politi, a veteran Vatican watcher, suspects it is too late for the Vatican to reverse the tide.

“All they can do is protest. They can’t do more,” he said. “The fact is that the church in Europe represents a minority view. So many countries and most public opinion simply don’t support the stance of the Catholic Church any longer.”
Though this is terrible and there are a great many messed up things going on both in our church & all over the world I still believe that Jesus will continue to keep his promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church. Jesus will not lose, though the battle is still on as far as we are concerned, (that’s the reason we’re called the church militant). We must be His prayer warriors and Do what we know He wants us to do. The Holy Spirit’ll do the rest…just like in our personal lives. 👍
tTt said:
“All they can do is protest. They can’t do more,” he said. “The fact is that the church in
Europe represents a minority view. So many countries and most public opinion simply don’t support the stance of the Catholic Church any longer.”

Well, at least the Church can speak without worry about eroding public support, having so little in the first place. It may even free up the prophetic role of the Church somewhat.
The Catholic Church is the bride of Christ and as such will continue to exist until Christ calls her to be with Him in Paradise, and not a moment before. Whoever thinks that the Catholic Church will “die” doesn’t understand the mystical nature of the Church and who protects it. C’mon people, this IS a Catholic website, know your Church teaching on the subject.
Bob Baran:
Tolerance is a catch-all word today that is misinterpreted constantly. Tolerance is defined as accepting views of others that are inherently good. It does not mean putting up with or accepting what is known to be evil.
Actually, you’ve got that backwards. Tolerance is “indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own.” Tolerance cannot be easily divorced from its primary meaning, which is “capacity to endure pain or hardship.” My admitting I only tolerate something, I also admit that the something is not good.


– Mark L. Chance.
Actually, you’ve got that backwards. Tolerance is “indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one’s own.” Tolerance cannot be easily divorced from its primary meaning, which is “capacity to endure pain or hardship.” My admitting I only tolerate something, I also admit that the something is not good.


– Mark L. Chance.
Technically, tolerance is “indulgence for people with beliefs and practices differing from one’s own”. The original subject of tolerance was people, not their ideas. It has morphed into tolerance for ideas.
They can’t build seminaries fast enough in Africa. The church is growing there like nowhere else. They have to turn people away. Wouldn’t it be ironic, if we would get missionaries from Africa to re-evangelize Europe, after Europe sent so many to evangelize Africa.

Deacon Tony SFO
One can talk about converts won from Protestantism, etc. But on a whole Catholicism and Christianity is fighting for its very survival… especially in Europe. Read this article and you will know exactly what I’m saying… The situation is dire:
I appreciate a healthy concern for the welfare of te Church. There are always things we can do to improve the Church - and that starts with improving ourselves. The Church will stand and last forever. It will never crumble or go away. To think otherwise is to call Jesus a liar when he promised Peter and the Apostles gathered around him that “the hates of hell shall not prevail against it!” I don’t wish to put myself in the pessimistic position of calling Jesus a liar on that score. Do you? I don’t wish him to see me as having so little faith in his promises.

There has NEVER been a time in the history of the Church when there weren’t plenty of naysayers and gloom and doom predicters. They’ve never been right in the entire history of the Church, and they haven’t started being right now, either.\

If you’ll look at Church history, instead of the fact that some things aren’t going the way YOU think they should go for the good of the Church (which is really saying either that God is impotent to protect his Church, or that he isn’t doing a very good job, isn’t it?), you’ll see that the Church has ALWAYS been at her strongest whe she has been facing the worst trials!

So - be of good cheer! The church is not crumbling or dying, nor SHALL she. Our job as faithful followers is to have some faith and to continnue to do what we can to follow.
Michael Medved has been hosting a three hour show on this very subject.
What were his thoughts on it? What was the general response from the audience?? His radio show is heard on many protestant-run Christian stations. Curious as to how the discussion went.
Deacon Tony560:
They can’t build seminaries fast enough in Africa. The church is growing there like nowhere else. They have to turn people away. Wouldn’t it be ironic, if we would get missionaries from Africa to re-evangelize Europe, after Europe sent so many to evangelize Africa.

Deacon Tony SFO
I’ve read several articles indicating that’s exactly what is happening. The great seminary in Ireland (Maynooth) closed - no candidates. This was the seminary which sent to many missionaries to the “colonies”. Now bishops are looking to Africa -
What were his thoughts on it? What was the general response from the audience?? His radio show is heard on many protestant-run Christian stations. Curious as to how the discussion went.
I, for one, am very interested, but I can’t listen as often as I’d like. He is very orthodox in his Jewish practice, but still views Christianity as a good force in the world. I’ve gotten the feeling, though, that he is more sympathetic to protestants than Catholics.
I agree with you and if something is not done,we will be considered a hate group here.
Precisely! I believe that some ACLU lawyers have already equated singing Christmas Carols to a hate crime. It may already be too late.
I believe there are more Catholics now than ever before. Catholicism will never die! We will continue to minister to the whole world, and more will be converted, whether modern culture embraces us, thus opening the door to converts or if modern culture persecutes us, the likely option. Just like the civil-rights movement, our suffering will be vicarious, and will inspire others to pick up their crosses and follow Christ. Catholicism will never die.

It may split again.

But then you’d have:

Church of the Dissenters…

…The Catholic Church

How can it ever die???
I, for one, am very interested, but I can’t listen as often as I’d like. He is very orthodox in his Jewish practice, but still views Christianity as a good force in the world. I’ve gotten the feeling, though, that he is more sympathetic to protestants than Catholics.
Well…a few things:

Medved is a history buff. This is a protestant nation in many respects. He knows this and defends that truth.

Many of his affilates are run on Protestant-held stations, so I could imagine he has to be PC to a degree.

And let’s face it, the pro-life evangelicals are the ones who carry the water politically for the GOP, so it does stand to reason that Medved, a Bush and GOP supporter would sing the praises of conservative protestants.

But I have to say, he doesn’t run a show arguing theology per se. In my experience, he defends the Catholic Church when he can. He’s quoted the Catechism before. He recognizes the Church as imperfect, but most assuredly one that is a force for good, throught the ages, despite her dark times in history (sex abuse, etc).
I agree with you and if something is not done,we will be considered a hate group here.
Agree with Maklavan–some of the hate we feel we bring upon ourselves. Modeling Christ in the world is one thing, sanctimonious self-rightousness is another. There will always be those who misunderstand and for whatever reason, hate Catholics. Let’s not hand them any fuel.
We are journeying through a period of great turmoil, purification and persecution. Once we are through this time, I believe that the faith will flourish like never before.
Deacon Tony560:
They can’t build seminaries fast enough in Africa. The church is growing there like nowhere else. They have to turn people away. Wouldn’t it be ironic, if we would get missionaries from Africa to re-evangelize Europe, after Europe sent so many to evangelize Africa.

Deacon Tony SFO
Deacon Tony we got a Seminarian from Uganda in Baltimore last year. but Im afraid we need more seminarians from Baltimore.
Be strong!! Even if much of America’s population is mostly Potestant, especially in Washington D. C. (hence the Southern accents spoken by most of the goverment officials and senetors, no offence), the Roman Catholice Church WILL perservere, even in persecutuion and martyrdom, from the goverment, our teachers, our bosses, even our family and parents. Be brave:amen:
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