Catholicism is dying!

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I spend a lot of time with Catholics down here who speak with Texas accents, and lot of time with Catholics in the Carolinas who speak with southern accents. I think previous poster is indulging in “profiling”.

the US, Canada and Western Europe are not the whole world, Catholicism is growing in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and recovering from communist persecution in Eastern Europe. It is strongest where it is persecuted, or emerging from a condition of persecution. Our next pope may be African, how glorious that will be, to have an African pope before the United States elects an African-American president.
I am absolutely convinced that Catholicism will not “die” until the world ends. Our Lord established his Church to serve a purpose. He said that the gates of hell would never prevail against it.It’s absurd to think that that His Church would not endure until the end of the world.
Hmm, i was posting a reply to Tonys repsonse. As an Apologetics forum. Id say the Church is just having a reduction in attendance but still has a good heartbeat.
Nah, thats not possible…the Truth cannot die. Attempts can be made to supress it but never to abolish it. I mean if Christianity is not true then everything is a lie, the world has no meaning and we are but an accident in some random planet of the universe.

This is not possible and we know that God has given us his word and just like with Abraham he never fails to provide to the faithfull.

Now it is true that Christianity is enduring thru a very grim stage, yeah what with all the gay mariagge controversy, creation/evolution controversy, the raise of secularism, the raise of islam, the end times spouted by the fundamentalist, the horrible use and portrayal of the religion by politicans with their own agendas, the banning of christian symbols, the bad examples set up by so called “christians”, yes…Christianity is suffering a **** load of damage both from within and from without and it won’t last too long until some erosion starts showing…and in fact it is showing already.

Now if we don’t stand up and contain for the Truth, for our religion and stand up and defend it, then what hope will there be for us? Or rather what about those whose faith will be shaked and who will lose their faith because of the things that are happening? What about those who have never heard the Gospel? Are we to leave them out?

I think that now more than ever we need to preach the Gospel, to set up the example of what a Christian is and like paul said we need to be: pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

Because if we don’t do it now it will probably be to late when we finally feel the need to do so…if it ever comes that is.
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