Catholicism vs Mormonism

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Question: What is the difference between our faith and the Mormon faith? My mom thinks that being Catholic is very similar to being Mormon especially, in the sense that Mormons don’t have too many black member and dont allow too many black to hold high positions in their church. I know what she believes is false about our faith is very false but, I don’t know how to talk to her without upsetting her. I’m praying the new job she got at a Catholic nursing home will somewhat help her and allow her to see the truth! What really upsets me is how so many people have so many false beliefs and refuse to understand and accept the truth. I am glad I’ve been blessed with the ability to accept the truth and to be so open minded.
My mom thinks that being Catholic is very similar to being Mormon especially, in the sense that Mormons don’t have too many black member and dont allow too many black to hold high positions in their church. I know what she believes is false about our faith is very false but, I don’t know how to talk to her without upsetting her.
I’d introduce her to Cardinals Sarah and Arinze.

The current Archbishop of our nation’s capital and former President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is black:

I’m a Dominican. One of our famous Dominican brothers and a canonized Saint is St. Martin de Porres.

I’d say all of those things are high positions.
My mom thinks that being Catholic is very similar to being Mormon especially, in the sense that Mormons don’t have too many black member and dont allow too many black to hold high positions in their church.
Oh, please.

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Archbishop Lyke, whose Wiki page doesn’t have a picture

Here’s a whole page of a dozen black cardinals:

While it’s true that the Catholic Church in USA suffered from racial prejudice in the 19th century and perhaps into the 20th, those days are long gone and we routinely have black bishops and archbishops here now for years. Archbishop Lyke was always visiting my high school when he was still an auxiliary bishop, and that was way back in the 1970s. I am willing to bet that he might well have gone higher in the church except he died at a relatively young age.

And of course, in Africa, almost everybody is black. They don’t ship in white people to take over leadership roles.

At least you yourself have the good sense to know your mom is sadly mistaken on this.
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Question: What is the difference between our faith and the Mormon faith? My mom thinks that being Catholic is very similar to being Mormon especially, in the sense that Mormons don’t have too many black member and dont allow too many black to hold high positions in their church. I know what she believes is false about our faith is very false but, I don’t know how to talk to her without upsetting her. I’m praying the new job she got at a Catholic nursing home will somewhat help her and allow her to see the truth! What really upsets me is how so many people have so many false beliefs and refuse to understand and accept the truth. I am glad I’ve been blessed with the ability to accept the truth and to be so open minded.
Mormons are NOT Christians.
Clarence Thomas, the US Supreme Court Justice, is African American and a proud Catholic.
Mormons don’t have too many black member
Mormon teaching says that people with dark skin, i.e., Black people and American Indians or their descendants, are cursed by God. I don’t blame Black people for not wanting to be Mormon. But, that said, there have been three African Popes (though, not everyone in Africa is Black), and Catholicism is huge in Africa. I know a priest from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the CHURCH is considered the unifying force there.
Don’t confuse black with African American.
What is the difference between our faith and the Mormon faith?
Ugh. The differences are too many to number.
Mormons don’t have too many black member and dont allow too many black to hold high positions in their church.
Not exactly true. Mormons don’t disallow blacks to hold high positions. There are blacks in the upper ranks of the Mormon church. Africa has a lot of black Mormons with black leaders.
Mormons are NOT Christians.
This is also true. Catholicism is Christian (the original Christian) and Trinitarian. LDS is neither.

Only someone with almost no understanding of Catholicism would think they were even remotely similar. There are literally hundreds of Protestant churches that the Catholic Church considers more “similar” to themselves than Mormonism.
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Question: What is the difference between our faith and the Mormon faith? My mom thinks that being Catholic is very similar to being Mormon. What really upsets me is how so many people have so many false beliefs and refuse to understand and accept the truth. I am glad I’ve been blessed with the ability to accept the truth and to be so open minded.
So, here are some Mormon beliefs: 1.) Jesus and Satan are brothers; 2,) God is a flesh and blood individual in heaven; 3.) God impregnated Mary to create Jesus; 4.) When humans die, they become angels; 5.) Married couples after death are reunited in celestial marriage on a planet where they continue reproduction of thousands or millions of children.

Joseph Smith, the founder pf Mormonism, came from an unorthodox religious background in Palmyra, New York Smith had many religious visions and refused to join any organized religion.

Wikipedia: The Smith family practiced various forms of folk magic such as using divining rods and seer stones to search for buried treasure. Four witnesses reported that the Smiths used divining rods in the Palmyra area, and sometime between Joseph Smith’s eleventh and thirteenth years, he began "following his father’s example in using a divining rod. Magical parchments handed down in the Hyrum Smith family may have belonged to Joseph Sr. Lucy Mack Smith noted in her memoirs that family members were “trying to win the faculty of Abrac, drawing magic circles or sooth saying.” Smith’s reputation among his Palmyra neighbors was that of a “nondescript farm boy” who was “lazy and superstitious,” and townspeople viewed his family as "treasure-seekers, not eager Christians. Thus, Smith was reared in a family that believed in prophecy and visions, was skeptical of organized religion, and was interested in both folk magic and new religious ideas.

In 1823, the angel, Moroni (etymologically related to “moreno” or “dark”) appeared to Joseph Smith and lead him to gold tablets buried in the hillside near his home. Writing on these tablets was incomprehensible, but could be deciphered by reading through a crystal stone (scrying). Between 1823 and 1829 Joseph Smith translated the tablets into English (The Book of Mormon), then the tablets disappeared.

The relationship between Mormonism and Freemasonry began early in the life of Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, as his older brother, Hyrum, and possibly his fatherJoseph Smith _Sr. were Freemasons while the family lived near Palmyra, New York.

Nevertheless, by the 1840s, Smith and several prominent Latter Day Saints had become Freemasons and founded a lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois, in March 1842. Soon after joining Freemasonry, Smith introduced a temple endowment ceremony including a number of symbolic elements that were very similar to those in Freemasonry. Smith remained a Freemason until his death. In modern times, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds no position for or against the compatibility of Masonry with LDS Church doctrine.

Spiritually, Catholicism and Mormonism have little in common.
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Islam is about as close as Mormonism to Catholicism (they actually have an uncanny resemblance too in their origins).

Not sure why race issues are relevant to the truth about God though, in this case. There are plenty of bad people everywhere, but they don’t determine supernatural truth.
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So, here are some Mormon beliefs: 1.) Jesus and Satan are brothers;
That is what they believe.
God is a flesh and blood individual in heaven;
Not true. They do not believe that God has blood. Immortals don’t have blood.
God impregnated Mary to create Jesus
Not a doctrine, but a wide spread belief, particularly among the older members of the church.
When humans die, they become angels;
They don’t teach that.
Married couples after death are reunited in celestial marriage on a planet where they continue reproduction of thousands or millions of children.
They don’t teach that, either. But they do teach that man can become as God is and become gods over their own creations.
Joseph Smith, the founder pf Mormonism, came from an unorthodox religious background in Palmyra, New York Smith had many religious visions and refused to join any organized religion.
Also, not true. Joseph attempted to join the Methodist Church and according to some, he was successful for a short period of time, something like a week.
Writing on these tablets was incomprehensible, but could be deciphered by reading through a crystal stone (scrying)
Incorrect. He deciphered the plates by putting his face into a hat that contained a seer stone that was certainly not crystal, and reading the words as they appeared on the surface of the stone.
Spiritually, Catholicism and Mormonism have little in common.
Very true.
According to Mormons Jesus is only a god and we can all becomes gods too.
According to Mormons Jesus is only a god
Jesus is one of the three Gods that make up the Godhead. The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost are three separate beings in the Godhead. The Father and The Son have bodies of flesh and bone, just like us, but they are immortal and exalted. The Holy Ghost is a spirit, but will eventually receive a body like the rest of us. I’m not sure what you mean by Jesus is ONLY a god.
and we can all becomes gods too
Yes, they believe that man can become as God is.
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Here’s a good website to see just how blacks were treated by the second president of the Mormonite church, Brigham Young. Read what he says (in red). Two minutes of your time will have you reeling.

Brigham Young's Speech on: Slavery, Blacks, and the Priesthood
That almost made my eyes bleed! While they have had “new” revelations that now accept blacks, how any AA could even consider the LDS is beyond me. They must have a much greater ability to forgive than I do.
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