Catholicism vs Mormonism

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So you are saying that God changed his mind?
The Old Testament says that you should not worship anyone but Yahweh. It does not explicitly mention Jesus or the Son. That does not mean God changed his mind later. The sequence of verses in the Mormon book is similar.
This talk by Bruce R McConkie has been rejected by many Mormons.
I’ll take the words of a Mormon prophet as more authoritative than some run-of-the-mill Mormon blogger.
You can believe what you want, it is everyone’s right. But unless you can find a Mormon to come here and say that they don’t worship Jesus, I am afraid I can’t.
The Mormon religion is full of contradictions, though.
Most religions have contradictions. My religion (Hinduism) has even more seeming contradictions than the Mormons. Catholicism with the Magisterium has done a good job of keeping things consistent. But consistency and logic, do not make everything correct.

Mormons has gotten some things correct that others have not. I too believe that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate beings.

When the Christ returns we will find out the truth about many things. Most religions will be surprised to find out what they got wrong.
Hindus believe in the second coming of Christ?
Hindus believe that an Avatar appears in the world periodically every few thousand years. Some Hindus believe (as I do) that Jesus was the last Avatar. You can call the next appearance the ‘Second Coming’, but to Hindus it will be the Nth Coming.

Challenge #1: How can Mormons believe that God the Father has a body when the Bible says God is pure spirit?

My earlier response to this question.

In addition, I would note that nowhere does the Bible assert that God is composed of an immaterial spirit essence. First, written after Christ was resurrected with an immortal body, Hebrews 1:3 (GNT) states: He reflects the brightness of God’s glory and is the exact likeness of God’s own being

Also, since Christ has an immortal physical body we can assume the same of God the Father.

Regarding the meaning of John 4:24 God is spirit, we can find several other verses where a being referred to as “spirit” is someone with a physical body.

John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that [meaning a person who chooses to follows Christ] which is born of the Spirit, is spirit.

1 Cor 15:45 The first man Adam was made into a living soul; the last Adam [Christ] into a quickening spirit.

1 Cor 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord, is one spirit.

Challenge #2: How can Mormons believe in a plurality of gods when the Bible teaches there is only one God?

My earlier response to this question.
Could you please provide examples of the full doctrine of the Trinity being believed in the First Century?
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is One- Deuteronomy 6:4
From the Jewish Study Bible…

Many modern readers regard the Shema as an assertion of monotheism, a view that is anachronistic. In the context of ancient Israelite religion, it served as a public proclamation of exclusive loyalty to YHWH as the sole Lord of Israel . . . the v. makes not a quantitative argument (about the number of deities) but a qualitative one, about the nature of the relationship between God and Israel. Almost certainly, the original force of the v., as the medieval Jewish exegetes [noted], was to demand that Israel show exclusive loyalty to our God , YHWH–but not thereby to deny the existence of other gods. In this way, it assumes the same perspective as the first commandment of the Decalogue, which, by prohibiting the worship of other gods, presupposes their existence. ( The Jewish Study Bible [2d ed.; New York: Oxford University Press, 2014], 361)
Their religion was founded by a drug addict who was into the occult.
This statement is just plain mean.
I’m pretty sure the Church has not been in dialogue with the Mormons!
Yes, McConkie is the one who says ‘we do not worship Jesus.’ Or ‘we don’t pray to Jesus.’ Either way, it’s not the same Jesus we believe in, worship, and pray to.
Yes, McConkie is the one who says ‘we do not worship Jesus.’ Or ‘we don’t pray to Jesus.’ Either way, it’s not the same Jesus we believe in, worship, and pray to.
What does that mean? That seems a strange thing to say. I thought there was only one Jesus.

How is your Jesus different than McConkie’s? Is the Jesus you worship the same as the one Catholics worship?
Catholics, and all true Christians, believe in one God…for all possible planets, universes, etc. , that have human life. Jesus, as a member of the trinity, three persons, one God, sacrificed himself on the cross for everyone.

Mormons believe in a plurality of gods, each one having worked his way to godhood, having started as a man. Each god/man, has been given his own planet to rule and populate. Also, they don’t believe in the trinity. So, Jesus is a ‘god’ in his own right, separate from the father and the holy spirit.

Since this leaves many questions, I’ll leave it as is for now. I don’t know if other planets have a fall, need a savior. It may be written somewhere in Mormon writings. But the Christian god is the only God. Mormons often try and get around this with ‘we worship one god.’ That is true, but, as they do not believe in One omnipresent, creator god, the one Christian’s recognize, how can whoever they call Jesus be the same one?
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Catholics, and all true Christians, believe in one God…for all possible planets, universes, etc. , that have human life. Jesus, as a member of the trinity, three persons, one God, sacrificed himself on the cross for everyone.

Mormons believe in a plurality of gods, each one having worked his way to godhood, having started as a man. Each god/man, has been given his own planet to rule and populate. Also, they don’t believe in the trinity. So, Jesus is a ‘god’ in his own right, separate from the father and the holy spirit.
OK, I get it. What you mean is that your beliefs about Jesus are different from what Catholics or ‘true’ Christians believe (interesting that you consider yourself a ‘false’ Christian). That would be like saying the Trump that I believe in is a different Trump from the one his followers believe in - but isn’t there actually just one Trump?

Anyway, I am also, like most Hindus, a polytheist. I too believe each planet has its own God and that Jesus is a ‘god’ local to this planet and the Father, Jesus spoke about, is the God of this planet. I too believe that the Christ is a separate person from the Father. You somehow seem a bit sheepish about such a belief or you don’t actually think it is true? After the Christ Returns (quite soon) he will explain (probably after a few years) how this is in fact true.
Let me say it more simply:
Jesus has always existed.
He is part of the trinity;
He came to earth to reconcile man to God, who could not please him, because of the Fall

Just because Mormons take some alleged being, call him ‘Jesus’ and place make him a little like the real Jesus, that died on the cross, it doesn’t make it true.

I’m not going to debate you. These debates just take forever, and never solve anything. I just thought I’d answer your question, while trying to show some respect for your beliefs. But when something is false, it’s false. The Bible says that ‘already, many false Christs have gone out into the world’. And the Bible was finished by 120 A.D.
Just because Mormons take some alleged being, call him ‘Jesus’ and place make him a little like the real Jesus, that died on the cross, it doesn’t make it true.
Sounds like you are not a Mormon. Sorry, my mistake.
Reading FairMormon just gives me a headache. They are experts at spinning and dancing.
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