Catholicism vs Mormonism

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Then there has to be a reference of us asking those in heaven to pray for us
You mean a Scriptural reference. There does not necessarily have to be a direct reference that says something along the lines of “And so Paul prayed to St. ____ asking for ____”. The idea that everything must be found in the Bible is, ironically, an idea not based in Scripture.
Read the passage again.

The golden bowls full of incense are the prayers of the saints; incense represents the prayers of the people rising up to the Lord in heaven.

Have you ever asked a friend for prayers? Many Christians do. Catholics believe that those in heaven can pray for us just as those on earth do. We are family!
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However you did admit you really don’t know how correct?
I don’t know how the Saints hear the prayers. That does not mean praying to the Saints is false.

Do you admit that not everything has to be found in Scripture for it to be Christian teaching?
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God is infinite and He can allow whatever He wills. He makes it possible for the saints in heaven to hear our prayers.
I believe what the Church teaches me because she was given the authority to teach.

Also, because prayers are answered. The saints glorify God that way, because He is the one that sanctified them.
Then there has to be a reference of us asking those in heaven to pray for us
Sincere question here, do you understand the history of the Bible and how it came about? That may help clear up some of the confusion on why everything doesn’t, or can’t even for that matter, be spelled out in the Bible
Then why not be open to any ritual, any behavior, any ceremony, any teaching, or anything else that isn’t strictly forbidden by Scripture?
That’s why we have the Church.

The Bible was never meant to be the final authority. The Church was. The Church is the pillar of truth, not the Bible. Christ established the Church and promised that the gates of Hell would not prevail against it. To allow error to be held as truth would be Hell prevailing against the Church. Christ protects His Church from error. Also, it was the Church that declared what books made up the canon of the Bible, not the Bible itself. If the Bible is supposed to be the final and main authority, why doesn’t it say so?
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Then why not be open to any ritual, any behavior, any ceremony, any teaching, or anything else that isn’t strictly forbidden by Scripture?
Thats where the Church comes in. We have scripture and Tradition. Jesus didn’t just hand us the Bible on his way to heaven. You need Sacred Scripture and the Church to guide.
16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be THOROUGHLY equipped for every good work.

To be “thoroughly” equipped, means that it has all that we need.
  1. That does not say it is the only thing we need. It does not set itself as the main authority. Just that it’s useful and important.
  2. If it has all that we need, where in it does it describe what makes a given book Scripture or not?
  3. Why then does Scripture describe the Church as the pillar and bulwark of truth and not the Bible? From 1 Timothy 3:15:
“3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”
What do Jesus and the apostles use to defend their teachings?

How many times do they use “it is written”
They’re talking to Jews who were expecting the Messiah as foretold by the Prophets. Of course they’re going to use Scripture, since, as you mentioned and Catholics agreed with, it is profitable and useful. Any good Jew would be familiar with it, so it is very useful to refer to. But they are not bound to use only it. They in fact preached the Gospel orally, and it too was passed down orally for generations. And that is Sacred Tradition. It is what the Apostles have passed down to us.
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I have stop trying but, no matter what I do she still brings up occasionally. Thanks for the advice, but I’ve got my priest and the help f my religious sisters.
17 so that the servant of God may be THOROUGHLY equipped for every good work.
Yes, scripture is useful but nothing here says it is the ONLY way to be equipped for every good work. Scripture also says to hold to the traditions taught by the Apostles. We call that Sacred Tradition and not all of it was written down because it was being practiced and didn’t need to be written down.

Scripture also says you need an authoritative interpreter. As the Egyptian said to Phillip.

Jesus chose men, he taught those men, then he sent them out to teach. He didn’t tell them to write a book and hand it out like a Self Help Book. He gave us a Church and the Church is the authoritative interpreter of scripture, both written and oral.

If the Catholic Church is wrong in what she teaches then everyone is wrong and there is no way to know the Truth.
the use the Old Testament, particularly the Septuagint. None of the Apostles or Jesus quotes anything from the New Testament
Ok why do you believe that? What evidence or truth did you receive to believe God makes it possible?
God makes it possible because it is in the Bible in Revelation and in 2 Maccabees. In Revelation the Saints in heaven are offering up the prayers of the Saints on Earth in the form of bowls of smoke.
Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (Revelation 5:8)
This is scriptural evidence that we can pray to the saints in heaven and they present our prayers to God. Basically they join their prayers to ours.

We know they are praying for us because it says so in 2 Maccabees 14Onias then said of him, “This is a man[*] who loves his fellow Jews and fervently prays for the people and the holy city—the prophet of God, Jeremiah.”

Jeremiah had been dead for many years. This vision of him anticipates our belief that the saints in heaven intercede for us. Once again, this belief rests upon the foundation of the belief in the resurrection of the dead.

To summarize, the Second Book of Maccabees lays the groundwork for three doctrines concerning the afterlife: intercession by the saints in heaven, the efficacy of prayer for the dead and the resurrection of the dead.
My mom thinks that being Catholic is very similar to being Mormon especially, in the sense that Mormons don’t have too many black member and dont allow too many black to hold high positions in their church
St. Moses the Black… saint in Catholic and Orthodox churches.

St Martin de Porres… patron saint of race relations

St. Josephine Bakhita

Saint Kizito of Uganda

St Benedict the Moor

Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo

the church is more diverse than you think…

St Alphonsa of India… of the SyroMalabar Church

St Andrew Kim of Korea

St Charbel of Lebanon

St. Lorenzo Ruiz of the Philippines

Blessed Devasahayam Pillai of India.

Bishops and priests of the Ethiopian Catholic Church
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Bishops of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN)
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What is the difference between our faith and the Mormon faith?
I’m not gonna get into any theology for now. But I’ll get into geography. the Mormon Church is mainly based in the US state of Utah. So it’s purely based in the United States, and mainly in Utah.

The Catholic Church is the union of the Western Latin Church and 23 Eastern Catholic churches. It’s diverse and based in all over the world… North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Europe.
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