Catholicism vs Mormonism

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Thank you and I’ve been saying the same thing but, then you have some people who are conditioned to think and behave a certain way. My mother is one of those that turns everything into race and I can’t say anything or enlighten her without being called too white or naive or ignorant
Thanks for this! I’ve been fortunate enough to keep studying the faith but, I constantly keep giving up with all this going on. She won’t listen to anything or anyone that contradicts what she believes.
Mormons don’t really believe in grace. At least their concept of grace is really skewed. The Mormon god requires you to earn his grace.
Do you think it raises a red flag when the catholic church has similarities with a cult like Mornonism?
Similarities between Protestants and Mormons:
  • Both use the Bible.
  • Both were founded by men (Martin Luther, John Wesley, John Calvin, Sarah White, John Smyth, etc. for Protestants, Joseph Smith for Mormons).
  • Both reject the authority of the Pope.
  • Both reject the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
  • Both believe the Catholic Church was corrupted at some point and lost its authority/never had it.
Do you think it raises a red flag that Protestant denominations share so much with Mormonism?
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Tread lightly, Benny12, and try to be respectful. Remember what happened about a month ago? I was hoping you could stick around the forum longer this time around.
Now compare Christianity with Mormonism:
That’s rich. You compared a bunch of strawmen and over generalizations of Catholic (and Mormon beliefs) to Mormonism to make them look the same, then made your own of Protestant beliefs to make them look dissimilar. And the old petty implication that Catholics aren’t Christians.

If you’re going to come on a Catholic forum to disagree with Catholic beliefs, you need to deal with actual Catholic beliefs. Otherwise I can also play the game of oversimplifying Protestant beliefs and cherry picking things that make them look similar to Mormons.
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Goddess like figure:
Catholics - Mary has godlike abilities
this is false. It is not a Catholic belief
Do you think it raises a red flag when the catholic church has similarities with a cult like Mornonism?
yes, it does! it proves that the Mormons copied the Catholic Church. (if you are going to copy something it is best to copy the original)
I posted my beliefs ( Christianity) to Mormonism.

What do protestant beliefs have to do with it?
You reject the authority of the Pope, even on a first among equals idea as the Orthodox do. You uphold the Five Solas. You are a Protestant Christian. I am a Catholic Christian.
I never said catholics aren’t christians. Did I not compare the CC teachings to Mormons?
Mormons are not Christians. They diminish the divinity of Christ by believing He is a literal son of God (and that we’re all literal children of God, but Christ is the firstborn). And the fact that you labeled your beliefs as “Christian” but Catholics as something else implies that Catholics are not Christians. There are many Protestants who believe as much about us.
I thought Catholics believe Mary is omniscient like God?
No, Mary is not all-knowing.
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So if Mary is not all knowing, how does she hear the millions of prayers from catholics everyday?
We don’t know exactly how, but regardless, it’s all due to God. When you want a friend to pray for you, you ask them. That’s what we do with Mary and the Saints. That doesn’t require omniscience.
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but I don’t know what those prayers are unless they tell me.
That’s what we do with our prayers. Prayers are a request. We request Mary to pray for us on our behalf to God (“Mary, please ask Our Lord to give me the wisdom necessary to pass my exam”). Is Our Lord not capable of telling her what we’d like her to pray about?
So you agree that Mary is not all knowing, so therefore she cannot hear millions of prayers?
That’s a non sequitur. Mary does not have to be all-knowing to hear prayers.
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I am aware that my friends pray to God but I don’t know what those prayers are unless they tell me.
that’s why we have to tell Mary.

our God is the God of the living not the God of the dead (see Bible)

we are members of the body of Christ (see Bible)

The body can’t be separated from the individual parts (see Bible)

Therefore, although we don’t know how those who are joined to us in the body of Christ but are separated by the death of their earthly body, can hear us but we know that they do because otherwise they and we are no longer part of the same body.

You could take the time to read Catholic teaching on Communion of the Saints
I thought Catholics believe Mary is omniscient like God?
Not quite sure where you get your ideas about Catholicism, but perhaps you want to read up a bit more before you start slinging around untruths.
Mary is a creature like us, but with special privileges. She is nothing and she knows it.
Everything she has comes from the Lord. She is like a pane of glass with no smudges on it, allowing the Light of the Blessed Trinity to shine through.
Can you give me any kind of evidence that Mary hears you when you tell her?
how about the Bible:

In John’s book of Revelations we see the twenty-four elders (who are definitely human and usually thought to be deceased believers) interceding on our behalf, “And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (Revelation 5:8) Incense was used, in the temple worship of God, to represent the prayers of His people rising up to Him in heaven. The imagery would be familiar to a Jew (St John’s intended audience) around the time of St. John’s writing, and serves the same purpose in heaven as it did on earth.
The Bible is clear that we ask one another for prayer.

But the Bible nowhere mentions anyone asking for someone in heaven to pray for us.

Isn’t Jesus the only mediator?
If Jesus is the only mediator, then asking others for prayer is contradictory. That is, if we understand it in the way you are saying it. Heaven is not an eternity of bliss while being ignorant or not caring of the world below. Heaven is so wonderful that we should desire that everyone be there. That desire will certainly not diminish when we’re in Heaven, and so the Saints pray for all of us in Heaven.
Actually I know the CC doesn’t believe that but I asked to lead into her hearing millions and millions of prayers.
we are commanded to pray for one another.

we can ask anyone to pray for one another.

the command to pray for one another doesn’t end with death of the body.

Scripture says those in heaven are offering up the prayers of those who are saints (us)

Therefore by God’s will they hear our prayers and in turn intercede for us.
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