Catholic Dude:
The truth is the Bible is the hardest book to read of all time. How many people in history have read the whole Bible before? I would guess most who have were/are in religious life.
Reading the
Bible is
easy! Compared with James Joyce’s
Ulysses, it’s a walk in the park! The Russian formalists’ works are far harder, and as for Henry James, well, let’s just say that a man who can string
one sentence for
a page and a half ought to have a serious talk with his editor.
I have read the Protestant-canon
Bible through, Genesis to Revelation, twice, and have read various individual books of it I know not how many times. I have also read various Buddhist sutras, some of the
Mahabharata, the
Dao de Jing, the Confucian Classics, and am currently forcing my way through the
Qu’ran. I would describe the
Bible as the second-easiest of those texts to read, after the
Dao de Jing, and the
Qu’ran as by far the hardest, because of its endless repetitiveness and its singularly declamatory style.
The mentality of just me and my Bible was never in the game plan of Sacred Scripture. It was mostly to be read at sacred gatherings (eg Mass, synagogue) read out loud with leaders guiding the people through it.
The problem with making generalisations about such a text is that it is not a homogeneous unit. The
Bible is a collection of books, including letters, historical records, prophecies, love poetry, songs and proverbs. Some parts in the New Testament certainly were meant for public dissemination, while others (e.g., Luke’s Gospel account and the
Acts of the Apostles, and the letters to Titus, Timothy and Philemon), were actually addressed to individuals. As for the OT, certain parts were often deemed unfit for public consumption, most notably the
Song of Songs.
The thing that usually happens nowdays is protestants come at catholics with a few verses in mind and make the catholics look bad, but the truth is most of those protestants havnt even read the Bible, or did so with a strong bias so that they missed or ignored key passages.
While I will not disagree with your comment about bias (because we are
all biased), you
severely underestimate Protestant reading habits. Because the
Bible is the
only text for the Protestants, they read it
a lot. In all of the Protestant churches which I have attended, not having read
all of the
Bible at least once was a source of individual shame. While no one would actually condemn you for the failure, the act of reading God’s Word is valorised to such an extent that not reading it almost becomes a sin.
As some have said some protestants who accuse catholics of “blindly” following the Church’s interpretation at the same time those protestants look ONLY to commentaries by people like Calvin without second thought of his agenda or basic reasoning skills of his “interpretations”.
Absolutely true, although it tends to be Selwyn Hughes, James Dobson, Philip Yancey and Rick Warren who are read. Most Protestants only have a vague idea about who Calvin was.