"Catholics hate the Bible!". Sorry, I forgot

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The Bible not any other book gives us deep insight in what we need to know about everything concerning GOD, HIS kingdom, what HE loves, what HE hates, what HE expects us to do, how HE wants HIS things to be done and lots more.

So read it. It wont hurt you
So read it. It wont hurt you
So your answer to my question is Yes, you do always assume that you’re the only one who reads the Bible.
That tells us that you don’t learn much from it. Certainly not justice or charity. That’s really too bad. There’s a lot to be learned about both from the Bible, if you cared to.
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Such arrogance but that’s what the title of the thread is saying - people like you.

Your saying that you read the Bible does not make you right. We too read it as well. It’s the third millennium now, Catholics do read their Bible.

Anyway I do not agree with your interpretation of the Rev and Heb passages. It’s not convincing.
While it is absolutely true that Jesus is the great mediator, I wonder if you then disagree with 1Tim 2:1-4 and James 5:16-17 wherein we are entreated to pray for each other?
Respectfully opinion only what does His Spoken Word tell us and through his great prophet?

To many biblical verses on this also, listing only a few>>
Isaiah 38:18 For the grave cannot praise thee and death cannot celebrate thee, hope ceases even in the case of the godly.
Psalm 115:17 it is not the dead that praise God, sheol (grave) cannot thank you. g
Matthew 22:32 God of the living not the dead…
Mark 12:26 God of the living not of the dead…
Luke 20: 38 He is not the God of the dead but of the living…
Psalm 30:9
Psalm 63:4 So I will bless you while I live…
Psalm 25:39
Psalm 115:17 Let the living praise the Lord…
Isaiah 38:18 Only the living praise the Lord the death cannot praise you…
🤔 Then there is the book of Kings, where they prayed for the sins of their soldiers all who were killed ( the dead) in war, asking God to forgive their dead soldiers sins, for they wore and trusted in a medal (idolatry) to save them against their enemies,trusting not in the living God?

🤔 Jesus is speaking to the living in>>>1 Tim 2:1-4 and James 5: 16-17 the brother of the Lord ?

Because we are alive, we can pray for one another on earth and those who have passed can we? 🤔

🙂 Peace
It does not interpret itself. What you are saying actually, “Look, that’s my interpretation.” Otherwise how is that I do not agree with you?

You have to have a reference point or an authority to interpret it. We can only say we see it differently, which is not a proof of anything. Asking us to read the Bible is arrogant. How do you know we don’t? When you take this line, we will be foolishly arguing over the word of God, saying I know the Bible better than you.
While it is absolutely true that Jesus is the great mediator, I wonder if you then disagree with 1Tim 2:1-4 and James 5:16-17 wherein we are entreated to pray for each other?
Respectfully opinion only what does His Spoken Word tell us and through his great prophet?
What opinion? That God asked us to pray for each other? I cited the verses and you cited even more where we are asked to pray for each other. You lost me.
Because we are alive, we can pray for one another on earth and those who have passed can we? 🤔
As to the intercession of the saints I refer you back to my post:
You are indeed correct that those on Earth are also saints!

I wonder then how you would interpret Revelations 5:8 where in the saints in heaven bring the prayers of the saints on earth to God. And Rev 8: 3-4 where in Angels do the same.
Am sorry Reuben
I am sorry too that I have to say those words. Actually I hope we could have some respectful discussion rather than be condescending with each other.

The Bible says always regards others as better than yourself. That way we will have leeway to fall back and to see another’s point of view.
Its not the saints who were offering the prayers, its the angel who had the prayers of the saints on earth and he was offering them to God
You are skirting around Revelations 5:8. It has been mentioned several times:
“When he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the Lamb, each holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭NRSV‬‬
The saints in heaven bring the prayers of the saints on Earth to the Lord.
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Seems kind of odd we’d hate the Bible that our church decided the canonicity of.
It does not have to be convincing. Let it interpret itself
Many agree with this, even the non-Christians, but its a good thing Phillip did not say this to the eunuch.

What opinion? That God asked us to pray for each other? I cited the verses and you cited even more where we are asked to pray for each other. You lost me.

Respectfully sorry mrsdizzyd, cannot answer your questions, I have to stay on topic, topic is >>Catholics hate the Bible!
And one does …not>> believe Catholics hate the bible.
Peace 🙂
Revelation also has a Woman crowned in heaven Rev 12 Also King of Kings is a title over earthly kings and Lord’s. Not describing a King in heaven but a most high king. What about Our Father in heaven? hmmm
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