“For some people no explanation is neccessary, for others no explanation will suffice.”
You are purposely trying to convince yourself that the Catholic Church’s teachings are wrong, even though it is pretty evident that, deep down in your heart, you know the Church is God’s one & true Church.
You’re just looking for any excuse to try and justify what you know wasn’t the right decision (leaving RCIA)
Being compassionate doesn’t mean letting people do whatever they want.
Marriage and sex have a purpose and meaning as instituted by God and proclaimed by His Church.
We can’t change that.
Sex is a phyical expression of the marriage vows and it is the way by which God grants the gift of children.
If someone is completely and permanently unable to ever to physically engage in sex, then they simply can’t do what is required of a married person to do.
It’s not a case of being cruel or denying them something they have a right to.
Married people have certain duties and obligations towards one another (such as having sex), and if it is known before-hand, that a certain person can not, and will never (despite any medical help avaliable), ever ever ever be able to sustain an erection and have sex…well, then they are simply unable to do what a married person is required to do.
and so there marriage won’t be valid.
**A diocesean bishop does have the right to overrule this…according to canon law…
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday; may God be merciful to you, grant you the gift of a loving humble heart to accept his Truth.
and I hope you have a beautiful day!